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anoectangium moss, summer beardless moss, summer-moss


commonly distant and exposing the stem; short-lanceolate to ligulate, (0.4–)1–1.5(–1.8) mm;

apex narrowly to broadly acute, apiculus short-triangular;

margins 1-stratose;

costa percurrent in distal leaves, ending in a clear, sharp cell.

Sexual condition



0.5–1 mm, exceeding the theca in length, ovoid, inclined.


asexual reproduction absent.

Anoectangium aestivum

Habitat Forming deep green cushions on calcareous and noncalcareous rock, sandstone walls, rock ledges, exposed moist crevices, wet areas
Elevation 10-3300 m [30-10800 ft]
from FNA
AK; AZ; CO; WA; BC; Mexico; Central America; South America; Greenland; West Indies; Eurasia; Africa; Atlantic Islands; Pacific Islands (Hawaii, New Zealand); Australia
[WildflowerSearch map]

Plants of Anoectangium aestivum often exhibit a comal tuft, and have leaves with multifid or occasionally 2-fid papillae, these dense and obscuring the cell lumens. Specimens from Massachusetts identified as this species are Hymenostylium recurvirostrum. Sporophytes are rare in the flora area. Arizona specimens with blunt leaves have been named A. euchloron, representing a morphologically somewhat intergrading, wide-ranging tropical variant.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 27, p. 522.
Parent taxa Pottiaceae > subfam. Barbuloideae > Anoectangium
Sibling taxa
A. handelii, A. stracheyanum
Synonyms Gymnostomum aestivum, A. compactum, A. euchloron
Name authority (Hedwig) Mitten: J. Linn. Soc., Bot. 12. 175. (1869)
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