Northwest Wildflowers

Wildflower Destinations > Southern Oregon/Siskiyous

Wimer Road

Curry County, Oregon & Del Norte County, California

Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest & Six Rivers National Forest

Fees: none

Activity: drive

Elevation: 840'-3095'

Current status (as of 3/26/25): early blooms

Notes: This scenic detour west of U.S. 199 includes Oregon Mountain Botanical Area and Whiskey Creek Fen on the Oregon Side, and Patrick Creek (and optionally Shelly Creek) on the California side. The route covers a lot of elevation, and therefore a lot of seasons. The lowest parts near Whiskey Creek start blooming in early April, and the higher elevations along the border may still be blooming well into June. You can find California pitcher plants (Darlingtonia) along the roadside all year round. (NOTE: "Wimer Road" continues further west all the way to the North Fork Smith River, but it gets very rough. Go down County Road 316 or 315 if you don't have a jeep.)

Peak wildflower bloom along Wimer Road is typically from early April through May into the end of June, but there may be some flowers blooming from mid-March until mid-July.*

Typical year:

Featured plants: Cypripedium californicum, Darlingtonia californica, Erythronium citrinum, Iris bracteata, Lilium bolanderi, Triteleia bridgesii, Viola hallii

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* The dates given on this Web site for each location's blooming season are only estimates and can vary from year to year. Weather conditions in the winter and spring can shift these dates by up to a month, especially in the mountains. For the latest updates, check the Oregon Wildflowers or PortlandHikers Facebook groups, or browse the most recent postings to iNaturalist or Instagram.