Northwest Wildflowers

Coast & Coast Range Willamette Valley Puget Sound Olym.Pen. NorthCascades Cen.Cascades SouthCascades Central WA EasternWashington Western Cascades High Cascades E. Gorge W.G. CentralOregon BlueMountains Southeastern Oregon SW OR& Siskiyous Northern California Coast & Coast Range Olympic Peninsula Willamette Valley & Puget Sound North Cascades Central Cascades South Cascades Central Washington Eastern Washington Western Gorge Eastern Gorge Western Cascades Oregon Cascades Central Oregon Blue Mountains Southeastern Oregon Southern Oregon/Siskiyous Northern California Coast & Coast Range Olympic Peninsula Willamette Valley & Puget Sound North Cascades Central Cascades South Cascades Central Washington Eastern Washington Western Gorge Eastern Gorge Western Cascades Oregon Cascades Central Oregon Blue Mountains Southeastern Oregon Southern Oregon/Siskiyous Northern California

Wildflower Destinations in the Pacific Northwest

Region: Coast & Coast Range

The Olympic Coast of Washington down through the Oregon Coast to Humboldt Bay, California

not bloomingAngora Peak

Clatsop County, Oregon

North Coast Land Conservancy

Elevation: 500'-2682'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom on Angora Peak is typically from early May through the end of June, but there may be some flowers blooming from mid-April until mid-July.*

Photo albums: 2018

not bloomingBlacklock Point

Curry County, Oregon

Floras Lake State Park

Elevation: 15'-200'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Blacklock Point is typically from early April through mid-June, but there may be some flowers blooming from early March until early July.*

Photo albums: 2021

not bloomingCape Blanco

Curry County, Oregon

Cape Blanco State Park

Elevation: 10'-220'   Activity: walking

Peak wildflower bloom at Cape Blanco is typically from early April through mid-June, but there may be some flowers blooming from early March until early July.*

Photo albums: 2021

not bloomingCape Ferrelo

Curry County, Oregon

Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor

Elevation: 10'-295'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Cape Ferrelo is typically from early April through mid-June, but there may be some flowers blooming from early March until early July.*

Photo albums: 2021

not bloomingCape Lookout

Tillamook County, Oregon

Cape Lookout State Park

Elevation: 380'-850'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Cape Lookout is typically from mid-April through the end of June, but there may be some flowers blooming from late March until late July.*


not bloomingCape Perpetua

Lincoln County, Oregon

Siuslaw National Forest

Elevation: 10'-800'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Cape Perpetua is typically from mid-April through the end of June, but there may be some flowers blooming from late March until late July.*

Photo albums: 2020, 2017

not bloomingCascade Head

Tillamook County, Oregon

Nature Conservancy & USFS

Elevation: 15'-1272'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Cascade Head is typically from early May through early July, but there may be some flowers blooming from early April until early August.*

Photo albums: 2019, 2008

not bloomingElk & Kings Mountain

Tillamook County, Oregon

Tillamook State Forest

Elevation: 870'-3206'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Elk & Kings Mountain is typically from early May through the end of June, but there may be some flowers blooming from mid-April until mid-July.*

Photo albums: 2020, 2014

not bloomingGod's Thumb

Lincoln County, Oregon

Siuslaw National Forest

Elevation: 234'-605'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at God's Thumb is typically from early May through early July, but there may be some flowers blooming from late April until late July.*

Photo albums: 2019

not bloomingHeceta Head/Hobbit Beach

Lane County, Oregon

Washburne Memorial State Park

Elevation: 10'-522'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Heceta Head/Hobbit Beach is typically from mid-April through the end of June, but there may be some flowers blooming from late March until late July.*


not bloomingHunter Creek Bog

Curry County, Oregon

Bureau of Land Management

Elevation: 1650'-1660'   Activity: walking

Peak wildflower bloom at Hunter Creek Bog is typically from mid-April through mid-June, but there may be some flowers blooming from mid-March until mid-July.*

Photo albums: 2021

not bloomingIndian Sands

Curry County, Oregon

Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor

Elevation: 100'-370'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Indian Sands is typically from early April through mid-June, but there may be some flowers blooming from early March until early July.*

Photo albums: 2021

not bloomingJedediah Smith Redwoods State Park

Del Norte County, California

Redwood National Park & California State Parks

Elevation: 100'-532'   Activity: driving + hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park is typically from early May through mid-June, but there may be some flowers blooming from mid-April until the end of June.*

Photo albums: 2023

not bloomingMarys Peak

Benton County, Oregon

Siuslaw National Forest

Elevation: 3465'-4097'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom on Marys Peak is typically from mid-May through the end of June, but there may be some flowers blooming from late April until late July.*

Photo albums: 2017

not bloomingMount Hebo

Tillamook County, Oregon

Siuslaw National Forest

Elevation: 2800'-3176'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Mt. Hebo is typically from early May through early July, but there may be some flowers blooming from late April until late July.*

Photo albums: 2021

not bloomingMyers Creek Beach

Curry County, Oregon

Pistol River State Park

Elevation: 10'-50'   Activity: walking

Peak wildflower bloom at Myers Creek Beach is typically from early April through mid-June, but there may be some flowers blooming from early March until early July.*


not bloomingNeahkahnie Mountain

Clatsop County, Oregon

Oswald West State Park

Elevation: 410'-1631'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom on Neahkahnie Mountain is typically from late April through early July, but there may be some flowers blooming from mid-April until mid-July.*

Photo albums: 2011, 2007

not bloomingNew River

Coos County, Oregon

Bureau of Land Management

Elevation: 15'-50'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at the New River is typically from early April through late June, but there may be some flowers blooming from mid-March until mid-July.*


not bloomingOtter Point/Bailey Beach

Curry County, Oregon

Otter Point State Recreation Site

Elevation: 20'-110'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Otter Point/Bailey Beach is typically from early April through mid-June, but there may be some flowers blooming from early March until early July.*


early bloomsPoint St. George

Del Norte County, California

Tolowa Dunes State Park

Elevation: 10'-60'   Activity: walking

Peak wildflower bloom at Point St. George is typically from mid-March through mid-June, but there may be some flowers blooming from early March until the end of June.*

Photo albums: 2021

not bloomingSaddle Mountain

Clatsop County, Oregon

Saddle Mountain State Natural Area

Elevation: 1650'-3266'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom on Saddle Mountain is typically from mid-May through mid-July, but there may be some flowers blooming from early May until the end of July.*

Photo albums: 2024, 2021, 2019, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2013, 2011, 2006, 2005

not bloomingSweet Creek Falls

Lane County, Oregon

Siuslaw National Forest

Elevation: 154'-450'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Sweet Creek Falls is typically from early April through early June, but there may be some flowers blooming from mid-March until the end of June.*


not bloomingVulcan Lake

Curry County, Oregon

Rogue River-Siskiyou National Forest

Elevation: 3730'-4200'   Activity: hiking

Peak wildflower bloom at Vulcan Lake is typically from early June through the end of July, but there may be some flowers blooming from mid-May until mid-August.*


* The dates given on this Web site for each location's blooming season are only estimates and can vary from year to year. Weather conditions in the winter and spring can shift these dates by up to a month, especially in the mountains. For the latest updates, check the Oregon Wildflowers or PortlandHikers Facebook groups, or browse the most recent postings to iNaturalist or Instagram.