Northwest Wildflowers

Wildflower Destinations > Coast & Coast Range
Douglas' iris

Cape Ferrelo

Curry County, Oregon

Samuel H. Boardman State Scenic Corridor

Fees: none

Activity: hiking

Elevation: 10'-295'

Current status (as of 3/31/25): early blooms

Peak wildflower bloom at Cape Ferrelo is typically from early April through May into mid-June, but there may be some flowers blooming from early March until early July.*

Typical year:

Featured plants: Empetrum nigrum

map of Cape Ferrelo

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* The dates given on this Web site for each location's blooming season are only estimates and can vary from year to year. Weather conditions in the winter and spring can shift these dates by up to a month, especially in the mountains. For the latest updates, check the Oregon Wildflowers or PortlandHikers Facebook groups, or browse the most recent postings to iNaturalist or Instagram.