black vetch, giant vetch, spring vetch, tiny vetch
w North America; s South America (Argentina, Chile)
Varieties 2 (1 in the flora). Variety nigricans is known from Pacific coastal areas of southern South America. (Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.) |
FNA vol. 11. |
Fabaceae > subfam. Faboideae > Vicia |
V. acutifolia, V. americana, V. benghalensis, V. caroliniana, V. cracca, V. disperma, V. faba, V. floridana, V. grandiflora, V. hassei, V. hirsuta, V. lathyroides, V. leucophaea, V. ludoviciana, V. lutea, V. minutiflora, V. narbonensis, V. ocalensis, V. pannonica, V. pulchella, V. sativa, V. sepium, V. tetrasperma, V. villosa |
Hooker & Arnott: Bot. Beechey Voy., 20. (1830) |