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fourwing saltbush, hoary saltbush, shadscale, wingscale

Habit Dioecious, rounded, freely branched shrub 4-20 dm. tall, the branches stout, terete, at first whitish-scurfy, the outer layer later peeling off.

Leaves numerous, alternate, from elliptic to linear, sessile, 2-5 cm. long and 2-8 mm. wide, entire, grayish-scurfy.


Staminate flowers tawny, glomerate in numerous spikes that form large, leafy panicles, the perianth cleft to the base into 5 scurfy segments; pistillate flowers few to many in open to congested, leafy to naked spikes and panicles; each flower subtended by 2 bracts, which are completely fused, enclosing the fruit, and enlarging to 5-15 mm.


Utricle enclosed by the fused bracts, which have 4 wings lengthwise, the wings broader and longer than the body of the bract, sharply toothed and strongly net-veined.

Atriplex obovata

Atriplex canescens

Flowering time June-August
Habitat Sand or gravel slopes and sagebrush flats, saline or not.
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Occurring east of the Cascades crest in Washington; Washington to California, east to the Great Plains.
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Origin Native
Conservation status Review Group 1 in Washington (WANHP)
Sibling taxa
A. argentea, A. canescens, A. dioica, A. gardneri, A. gmelinii, A. heterosperma, A. hortensis, A. littoralis, A. longipes, A. oblongifolia, A. patula, A. prostrata, A. rosea, A. semibaccata, A. truncata
A. argentea, A. dioica, A. gardneri, A. gmelinii, A. heterosperma, A. hortensis, A. littoralis, A. longipes, A. oblongifolia, A. patula, A. prostrata, A. rosea, A. semibaccata, A. truncata
Subordinate taxa
A. canescens var. canescens
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