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Rogue River stonecrop

Habit Plants perennial, tufted, glabrous proximally, glandular-pubescent distally.

vertical, branched, glandular, bearing dense terminal rosettes.

Flowering shoots

recurved when young; simple, 13–30 cm, glandular pubescent;

stem leaves oblong-oblanceolate, bases not spurred.


rosette leaves ascending, oblong-spatulate, laminar, 14–40 × 9–32 mm, green, bases not spurred;

tips widely rounded to obtuse or notched;

surfaces with papillose-crenulate appendage, glaucous when young;

basal leaves much wider than thick;

proximal leaves glabrous;

distal leaves glandular-hairy.


cymes with 20–30 flowers; (2)3-branched, glandular;

branches not forked.



sepals erect; ovate or lanceolate, 4–8.5 × 3–4.5 mm, 40% as long as petals, green;

tips obtuse to acute, glandular-pubescent;

petals erect, connate basally, oblong-lanceolate, 12–16 mm, yellow;

tips aristate, glandular-pubescent;

filaments greenish yellow;

anthers yellow.


somewhat divergent when mature, fused basally, brown.



Sedum acre

Sedum moranii

[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
[BONAP county map]

Steep serpentine slopes and rock outcrops. Flowering May–Jul. 100–300 m. Sisk. Native. Endemic to Oregon.

Sedum moranii is distinctive with its usually three-branched inflorescence and densely glandular sepals, petals, and inflorescence. This species is extremely rare, known only from a short stretch of the Rogue River.

Source Flora of Oregon, volume 2, page 603
Barbara Wilson, Richard Brainerd, Nick Otting
Sibling taxa
S. album, S. debile, S. divergens, S. lanceolatum, S. laxum, S. leibergii, S. moranii, S. oblanceolatum, S. oreganum, S. oregonense, S. radiatum, S. spathulifolium, S. stenopetalum, S. thartii
S. acre, S. album, S. debile, S. divergens, S. lanceolatum, S. laxum, S. leibergii, S. oblanceolatum, S. oreganum, S. oregonense, S. radiatum, S. spathulifolium, S. stenopetalum, S. thartii
Synonyms Gormania glandulifera, Sedum glanduliferum
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