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hillside arnica, orange arnica

Habit Plants 1–5 dm; rhizomatous.

simple, densely glandular-puberulent, setulose distally.

Basal leaves

well developed;

petioles winged.

Cauline leaves

1–3 pairs; much reduced distally;

blades oblanceolate or lance-elliptic to linear, 2.5–8 cm;

proximal bases woolly-tufted;

margins entire;

veins parallel from bases;

tips acute;

surfaces minutely stipitate-glandular, often gland-dotted, sessile.


densely glandular-puberulent.


hemispheric, 10–16 mm.

Ray florets


rays 12–30 mm, orange-yellow.

Disc florets


corollas 7–10 mm, yellow, with glandular and non-glandular trichomes.


elliptic-oblong to broadly lanceolate;

tips acute or obtuse;

surfaces densely stipitate-glandular, setulose.


columnar-fusiform, 4–7 mm, gray or blackish, densely hirsute;

pappus bristles 5–7 mm, white or straw-colored, barbellate.




=38, 57.

Arnica dealbata

Arnica fulgens

[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Moist meadows, open woodlands. Flowering Jun–Aug. 1600–2800 m. BR, BW, Casc, ECas. CA, NV, ID, WA; north to British Columbia, northeast to Manitoba, east to SD, southeast to NM. Native.

The disc corolla pubescence traits differing between Arnica fulgens and A. sororia may be difficult to see except under high magnification.

Source Flora of Oregon, volume 2, page 184
Kenton Chambers
Sibling taxa
A. cernua, A. chamissonis, A. cordifolia, A. discoidea, A. diversifolia, A. fulgens, A. gracilis, A. lanceolata, A. latifolia, A. longifolia, A. mollis, A. nevadensis, A. parryi, A. rydbergii, A. sororia, A. spathulata, A. viscosa
A. cernua, A. chamissonis, A. cordifolia, A. discoidea, A. diversifolia, A. gracilis, A. lanceolata, A. latifolia, A. longifolia, A. mollis, A. nevadensis, A. parryi, A. rydbergii, A. sororia, A. spathulata, A. viscosa
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