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Richard's yelloweyed grass

yellow-eyed-grass family

Habit Herbs, annual, rarely biennial, cespitose or solitary, 10–100 cm. Herbs, perennial or annual, mostly heliophytes of acidic wetlands, rarely aquatic.



erect or ascending in narrow fans, 5–60 cm;

sheaths straw-colored, light green, or brown, smooth;

blade green, linear, flattened, 2–5(–15) mm wide, smooth, margins smooth or papillate.

alternate, 2-ranked (occasionally many-ranked);

base equitant, sheathing or open, sometimes with ligule or auricles at junction;

blade mostly linear or filiform, flat to variously thickened and/or sulcate [lingulate], margins entire to papillate or scabrous;

venation parallel.


scape sheaths exceeded by principal leaves;

scapes linear, terete, distally oval, (0.5–)1–1.5(–2) mm wide, smooth, 1–2-ribbed, ribs papillate;

spikes ovoid to ellipsoid or cylindro-lanceoloid, 7–15(–25) mm, apex acute;

fertile bracts 5–7 mm, margins entire, apex rounded.


scape sheaths proximally tubular, distally open, bladed;

scapes erect, linear to filiform, not bracteate [bracteate];

spikes single [cluster, rarely panicle of spikes], conelike;

bracts chaffy.


lateral sepals included, slightly curved, 5–7 mm, keel scarious, lacerate, thin;

petals unfolding in morning, blade obtriangular, 3 mm;

staminodes bearded.

bisexual, radially [bilaterally] symmetric;

sepals [2–]3, unequal [equal], outer 2 (lateral sepals) nearly opposite, connivent to variously connate, clasping mature capsule, inner sepal membranous (occasionally similar to others or absent), abcissing as flower opens;

petals 3, equal [unequal], distinct [connate];

stamens 3;

staminodes (0–)3, 2-brachiate, free [adnate to perianth or absent];

anthers 4-sporangiate, 2-locular at anthesis;

pollen monosulcate or inaperturate;

ovaries y superior, 1[–3]-locular;

ovules anatropous;

styles 1, distally 3-branched [simple];

stigmas 3 [1, 3-lobed, capitate, or funnelform].


capsular, mostly loculicidal.


translucent, ellipsoid, 0.4–0.5 mm, faintly ribbed.

[1–6–]15–90 or more, mostly under 2[–4] mm, mostly ridged or lined.


= 18.

Xyris jupicai


Phenology Flowering summer–fall (all year south).
Habitat Moist sands, sandy peats of savannas, flatwoods, swales, shores, ditches, and roadsides, particularly in disturbed situations
Elevation 0–350 m (0–1100 ft)
from FNA
AL; AR; DE; FL; GA; LA; MD; MS; NC; NJ; OK; SC; TN; TX; VA; Mexico; Central America; South America; West Indies
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Tropical and subtropical regions
[BONAP county map]

The widest-ranging of all New World Xyrids and the most ample ecologically, Xyris jupicai is a frequent invader of disturbed or fallow open wetlands within its extensive range. In the southeastern United States it frequently shares habitat with two other species of its complex, namely X. difformis var. difformis and X. laxifolia. It differs from both in its lack of red pigmentation, from X. difformis by its more erect leaves and narrower, less prominently ribbed scapes, and from X. laxifolia by its narrower leaves and scapes, shorter, narrower, paler spikes, and translucent (rather than mealy), shorter seeds. Nonetheless, some difficult "calls" arise since all three flower at the same time and occasional chance hybrids do form.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

All North American Xyris increase by axillary buds, and thus the solitary habit is rare, often a result of poor or droughty habitat. A few can be termed annual or short-lived perennials (i.e., X. brevifolia, X. flabelliformis, X. jupicai). Of these only S. jupicai tends to die to the base at the end of a growing season.

In North American Xyris, leaf arrangement is distichous (2-ranked) and equitant (much as it is in Iris), the sheath margins converging at the junction of sheath and blade to form one edge of the leaf blade, with the midzone (or keel) of the sheath making up the other edge (a "unifacial" blade). A few species show some trends toward a spiral arrangement, typically displayed by a bulbous habit (X. caroliniana, X. platylepis, X. scabrifolia, X. tennesseensis, XS. torta). In these species, the leaf sheath is abruptly dilated at the base, imparting a swollen, bulblike aspect to the plant base.

While all All North American Xyris have unifacial leaf blades, some neotropical species do not. In those the latter the sheath margins do not completely converge when passing into the blade, and the blade may have a deep, narrow or broad groove or sulcus adaxially. A tendency toward this is shown in X. baldwiniana and X. isoetifolia.

The staminode in nearly all Xyris is much like a petal, being long-clawed at the base. The staminodial blade is typically 2-lobed, each lobe with a margin of long, moniliform hairs, each hair a chain of tiny cells connected much like a string of beads. Species-by-species taxonomic evaluations of those hairs, particularly SEM studies, have yet to be done. Of the species treated herein, only X. baldwiniana lacks bearded staminodes.

The keys and descriptions below are constructed from study of mature, preferably fruiting specimens. Bracts and sepals tend to grow substantially after flowering, and the measurements of lateral sepals are based on sepals that subtend ripe fruit.

North American Xyris have no nectaries, and the pollen reward is relatively scanty. A few bees and flies are occasional visitors. Usually pollination of these species appears to be by wind or by pollen-feeding insects.

Genera 5, species ca. 300 (1 genus, 21 species in the flora).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 22. FNA vol. 22, p. 154. Author: Robert Kral.
Parent taxa Xyridaceae > Xyris
Sibling taxa
X. ambigua, X. baldwiniana, X. brevifolia, X. caroliniana, X. difformis, X. drummondii, X. elliottii, X. fimbriata, X. flabelliformis, X. isoetifolia, X. laxifolia, X. longisepala, X. montana, X. platylepis, X. scabrifolia, X. serotina, X. smalliana, X. stricta, X. tennesseensis, X. torta
Subordinate taxa
Synonyms X. anceps, X. arenicola, X. communis, X. gymnoptera, X. jupicae, X. jupicai var. brachylepis, X. macrocephala
Name authority Richard: Actes de la Societe d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris 1: 106. (1792) C. Agardh
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