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cowpen daisy, golden crownbeard

Carolina crownbeard

Habit Plants 10–50(–120+) cm (annuals, internodes not winged). Plants 100–400 cm (perennating bases ± erect, internodes winged, at least proximal).

all or mostly alternate (proximal usually opposite);

blades deltate-ovate or rhombic to lanceolate, 3–8(–12+) × 2–4(–6+) cm, bases broadly cuneate to ± truncate, margins coarsely toothed to subentire, apices acute to attenuate, faces strigoso-scabrellous to sericeous.

all or mostly alternate (proximal usually opposite);

blades lance-elliptic to lanceolate or lance-linear, 10–20 × 2–7 cm, bases ± cuneate, margins coarsely toothed to subentire, apices acute, faces ± hirtellous.


± hemispheric to saucerlike, 10–20+ mm diam.

± saucerlike, 8–10 mm diam.

Ray florets


laminae 8–10(–20+) mm.


Disc florets


corollas yellow.


corollas ochroleucous to white.


12–18+ in 1–2 series, ± erect to spreading, lance-ovate or lance-linear to linear, 6–8+ mm.

12–15+ in 1–2 series, ± spreading, oblanceolate to linear, 2–5+ mm.


usually borne singly, sometimes 2–3+ in loose, cymiform or corymbiform arrays.

8–35+ in corymbiform to paniculiform arrays.


dark brown to blackish, narrowly obovate, 3.5–5+ mm, faces ± strigillose;

pappi 0.5–1(–2) mm (0 on ray cypselae).

dark brown to blackish, obovate, 3–4.5+ mm, faces ± strigillose;

pappi 1–2 mm (sometimes shorter scales between awns).


= 34.

= 34.

Verbesina encelioides

Verbesina walteri

Phenology Flowering Aug–Oct. Flowering Aug–Sep.
Habitat Swales, disturbed sites Bottomlands, flood plains, borders of woodlands
Elevation 10–2500 m [30–8200 ft] 10–300 m [30–1000 ft]
from FNA
AL; AR; AZ; CA; CO; FL; GA; IA; IL; KS; LA; MO; MT; NC; NE; NM; NV; NY; OK; PA; RI; SC; SD; TN; TX; UT; WY; Mexico; South America; West Indies [Introduced in Asia, Pacific Islands (Hawaii), Australia]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Native distribution of Verbesina encelioides in the flora area is uncertain. Plants of Verbesina encelioides from ca. 100°W (e.g., c Texas) and eastward usually have auriculate petiole bases and have been called var. encelioides; plants from the west usually lack auricles and have been called var. exauriculata.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Verbesina virginica may be no longer present in Georgia and North Carolina.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 21, p. 108. FNA vol. 21, p. 107.
Parent taxa Asteraceae > tribe Heliantheae > subtribe Ecliptinae > Verbesina Asteraceae > tribe Heliantheae > subtribe Ecliptinae > Verbesina
Sibling taxa
V. alternifolia, V. aristata, V. chapmanii, V. dissita, V. helianthoides, V. heterophylla, V. lindheimeri, V. longifolia, V. microptera, V. nana, V. occidentalis, V. oreophila, V. rothrockii, V. virginica, V. walteri
V. alternifolia, V. aristata, V. chapmanii, V. dissita, V. encelioides, V. helianthoides, V. heterophylla, V. lindheimeri, V. longifolia, V. microptera, V. nana, V. occidentalis, V. oreophila, V. rothrockii, V. virginica
Synonyms Ximenesia encelioides, V. encelioides subsp. exauriculata, V. encelioides var. exauriculata Athanasia paniculata
Name authority (Cavanilles) Bentham & Hooker f. ex A. Gray: in W. H. Brewer et al., Bot. California 1: 350. (1876) Shinners: Sida 1: 253. (1964)
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