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cowpen daisy, golden crownbeard


Habit Plants 10–50(–120+) cm (annuals, internodes not winged). Annuals or perennials [shrubs, trees], 7–15+ cm (Verbesina nana) or 30–200(–400)[–2500+] cm.

usually erect, usually branched (internodes sometimes winged).


all or mostly alternate (proximal usually opposite);

blades deltate-ovate or rhombic to lanceolate, 3–8(–12+) × 2–4(–6+) cm, bases broadly cuneate to ± truncate, margins coarsely toothed to subentire, apices acute to attenuate, faces strigoso-scabrellous to sericeous.

basal and/or cauline; opposite (sometimes whorled) or alternate; petiolate or sessile;

blades (pinnately nerved or 3- or 5-nerved from at or near bases) mostly rhombic, deltate, ovate, or elliptic to lanceolate or lance-linear (sometimes intermediate shapes), sometimes pinnately or palmately lobed, bases cuneate to rounded or cordate, ultimate margins subentire or toothed, faces glabrous or hairy.


± hemispheric to saucerlike, 10–20+ mm diam.

hemispheric, turbinate, or campanulate to saucerlike, 5–20+[–30+] mm diam.


flat to convex or ± conic, paleate (paleae usually navicular, ± conduplicate, herbaceous to scarious, linear to filiform in V. encelioides and V. nana).

Ray florets


laminae 8–10(–20+) mm.

0 or (1–)5–30, either pistillate and fertile, or styliferous and sterile, or neuter;

corollas yellow to orange or ochroleucous [reddish].

Disc florets


corollas yellow.

8–150[–300+], bisexual, fertile;

corollas usually concolorous with rays, tubes much shorter than or ± equaling funnelform or campanulate throats, lobes 5, ± deltate to lance-deltate.


12–18+ in 1–2 series, ± erect to spreading, lance-ovate or lance-linear to linear, 6–8+ mm.

persistent, 9–30[–50+] in 1–4[–5+] series (orbiculate, ovate, or oblong to spatulate, lanceolate, or linear, subequal or unequal, outer shorter or longer than inner, herbaceous to chartaceous).


usually borne singly, sometimes 2–3+ in loose, cymiform or corymbiform arrays.

radiate or discoid, borne singly or in corymbiform, dichasiiform, or paniculiform arrays.


dark brown to blackish, narrowly obovate, 3.5–5+ mm, faces ± strigillose;

pappi 0.5–1(–2) mm (0 on ray cypselae).

± flattened, orbiculate, obovate, or oblanceolate to ± elliptic (usually winged);

pappi persistent [falling], usually of 2, ± subulate scales or awns, sometimes 0.


= 17, 18?


= 34.

Verbesina encelioides


Phenology Flowering Aug–Oct.
Habitat Swales, disturbed sites
Elevation 10–2500 m (0–8200 ft)
from FNA
AL; AR; AZ; CA; CO; FL; GA; IA; IL; KS; LA; MO; MT; NC; NE; NM; NV; NY; OK; PA; RI; SC; SD; TN; TX; UT; WY; Mexico; South America; West Indies [Introduced in Asia, Pacific Islands (Hawaii), Australia]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from USDA
Mostly subtropical; tropical; and warm-temperate North America
[BONAP county map]

Native distribution of Verbesina encelioides in the flora area is uncertain. Plants of Verbesina encelioides from ca. 100°W (e.g., c Texas) and eastward usually have auriculate petiole bases and have been called var. encelioides; plants from the west usually lack auricles and have been called var. exauriculata.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species 200 or more (16 in the flora).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Leaves all or mostly alternate (proximalmost sometimes opposite)
→ 2
1. Leaves all or mostly opposite (distal sometimes alternate)
→ 7
2. Corollas usually ochroleucous, sometimes white
→ 3
2. Corollas yellow
→ 5
3. Ray florets 0
V. walteri
3. Ray florets (1–)2–12+
→ 4
4. Ray florets (1–)2–3(–7); disc florets 8–12(–15)
V. virginica
4. Ray florets (9–)10–12+; disc florets 20–25+
V. microptera
5. Plants 10–50(–120+)cm (annuals); internodes not winged; disc florets 80–150+
V. encelioides
5. Plants 7–15 or 30–200+ cm (perennating bases ± erect or horizontal); internodes (at least proximal) winged; disc florets 40–80+
→ 6
6. Heads (3–)8–25(–50+) in corymbiform to paniculiform arrays; phyllaries 8–12in 1(–2) series, ± spreading to reflexed; ray florets (2–)6–8+
V. alternifolia
6. Heads 2–5(–10+) in ± corymbiform arrays; phyllaries 16–21+ in 2–3 series,± erect; ray florets 8–13+
V. helianthoides
7. Internodes winged
→ 8
7. Internodes not winged
→ 9
8. Phyllaries 8–12+ in 2 series; ray florets (0–)1–3(–5); disc florets 8–15+; pappi 3–4 mm
V. occidentalis
8. Phyllaries 18–20+ in 2–3 series; ray florets (5–)8; disc florets 20–60+; pappi 0–0.3mm
V. heterophylla
9. Plants mostly 7–15+ cm; leaves: abaxial faces mostly strigoso-sericeous; cypselae± strigillose
V. nana
9. Plants mostly 30–100(–150+) cm; leaves: faces (at least abaxial) scabrellous to hirtellous, hirsutulous, or hispidulous (not strigoso-sericeous); cypselae glabrous or sparsely hirtellous
→ 10
10. Perennating bases horizontal; disc florets 40–60(–80+); cypselae purplish black; Florida
→ 11
10. Perennating bases ± erect; disc florets 60–120+; cypselae dark brown; Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas
→ 12
11. Phyllaries 2–3+ mm; ray florets (5–)11–13; cypselae 4–5 mm; pappi 0.5–1mm
V. aristata
11. Phyllaries 5–9+ mm; ray florets 0; cypselae 5–7 mm; pappi 0–0.3 mm
V. chapmanii
12. Leaf blades ± lance-linear (lengths 10–15 times widths)
V. longifolia
12. Leaf blades lance-elliptic, lance-ovate, ovate, ovate-deltate, or rhombic (lengths mostly 1.5–2.5 times widths)
→ 13
13. Pappi 3–4 mm
V. dissita
13. Pappi 0–0.5 mm
→ 14
14. Phyllaries 12–16 in ± 2 series, lance-linear, lance-ovate, or linear, 4–7 mm
V. oreophila
14. Phyllaries 18–30+ in 3–4 series, elliptic, oblong, orbiculate, or ovate, 5–12+ mm
→ 15
15. Involucres 10–15+ mm diam.; phyllaries elliptic to oblong; cypselae 10 mm
V. rothrockii
15. Involucres 15–22+ mm diam.; phyllaries oblong, orbiculate, or ovate; cypselae 7 mm
V. lindheimeri
Source FNA vol. 21, p. 108. FNA vol. 21, p. 106. Author: John L. Strother.
Parent taxa Asteraceae > tribe Heliantheae > subtribe Ecliptinae > Verbesina Asteraceae > tribe Heliantheae > subtribe Ecliptinae
Sibling taxa
V. alternifolia, V. aristata, V. chapmanii, V. dissita, V. helianthoides, V. heterophylla, V. lindheimeri, V. longifolia, V. microptera, V. nana, V. occidentalis, V. oreophila, V. rothrockii, V. virginica, V. walteri
Subordinate taxa
V. alternifolia, V. aristata, V. chapmanii, V. dissita, V. encelioides, V. helianthoides, V. heterophylla, V. lindheimeri, V. longifolia, V. microptera, V. nana, V. occidentalis, V. oreophila, V. rothrockii, V. virginica, V. walteri
Synonyms Ximenesia encelioides, V. encelioides subsp. exauriculata, V. encelioides var. exauriculata
Name authority (Cavanilles) Bentham & Hooker f. ex A. Gray: in W. H. Brewer et al., Bot. California 1: 350. (1876) Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 2: 901. (1753): Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 384. (1754)
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