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broadleaf signalgrass

wattle signalgrass

Habit Plants annual. Plants annual.

25-100 cm, decumbent, rooting at the lower nodes;

nodes glabrous.

15-60 cm, erect or decumbent, sometimes rooting at the lower nodes;

nodes glabrous.


glabrous or sparsely pilose;

ligules 0.5-1 mm;

blades 2.5-17.5 cm long, 3-13 mm wide, glabrous or sparsely pilose, bases subcordate, not clasping the stems, margins ciliate basally, with papillose-based hairs.

glabrous, margins sometimes ciliate;

ligules 0.7-1.5 mm;

blades 4-15 cm long, 3-11 mm wide, usually glabrous, sometimes pubescent, margins scabrous.


6-16 cm long, 2-2.5 cm wide, with 2-8 spikelike primary branches in 2 ranks;

primary branches 3-8 cm, axils pubescent, axes 1.3-2.5 mm wide, flat, usually glabrous, occasionally pilose dorsally;

secondary branches rarely present;

pedicels shorter than the spikelets, scabrous and sparsely pilose.

3-12 cm, with 3-5 spikelike branches in 2 ranks, smooth or scabrous, glabrous or pubescent;

primary branches 2-6 cm, divergent to reflexed, axils glabrous, axes 1.1-1.6 mm wide, flat, winged, without papillose-based hairs, margins smooth or scabrous;

secondary branches rarely present;

pedicels shorter than the spikelets, scabrous.


3.8-5 mm long, 2-2.5 mm wide, ovoid, bi-convex;

solitary, appressed to the branches, in 2 rows.

(3.3)3.8-4.9 mm long, 1.5-1.8 mm wide, ellipsoid, solitary, usually overlapping, appressed to the branch axes, pubescent or sometimes glabrous, in 2 rows, sometimes appearing 1-rowed.


scarcely separated;

lower glumes 1.2-1.8 mm, to 1/3 as long as the spikelets, obtuse, glabrous, 5(-7)-veined, not clasping the base of the spikelets;

upper glumes 3.2-4.7 mm, glabrous, 7(-9)-veined;

lower florets sterile;

lower lemmas 3.2-4.7 mm, glabrous, 5-veined;

lower paleas present;

upper lemmas 2.8-3.4 mm long, 1.8-2.3 mm wide, apices incurved, broadly acute to rounded, mucronulate;

anthers about 1 mm.

separated by 0.3-0.5 mm;

lower glumes 1.9-2.7 mm, 9-11-veined, glabrous;

upper glumes 3.2-4.1 mm, 7-9-veined, glabrous or pubescent, margins glabrous or pilose, when pilose, the basal hairs shorter than the distal hairs;

lower florets sterile;

lower lemmas 3.1^1.7 mm, resembling the upper glumes in texture and pubescence, 5-7-veined;

lower paleas absent;

upper lemmas 2-4 mm, apices recurved, rounded, mucronate;

anthers 1.5-1.7 mm.


1.5-2.2 mm.


= 36.

= unknown.

Urochloa platyphylla

Urochloa piligera

from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[BONAP county map]

Urochloa platyphylla is a weedy species found in open, sandy soil in the southeastern United States, West Indies, and South America. Morrone and Zuloaga (1993) considered reports of its occurrence in Mexico as doubtful, possibly being based on misidentified specimens of Urochloa plantaginea.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Urochloa piligera is an Australian species that has been found in Florida. Webster (1987) stated that U. piligera has glabrous and pubescent forms that are identical except in the presence or absence of spikelet vestiture. Currently, only the pubescent form has been found in the Flora area (Hall 1978). The glabrous form is sometimes confused with U. subquadripara. Urochloa piligera lacks a lower palea, and has larger and, usually, closely overlapping spikelets; U. subquadripara has well-developed paleas and smaller (3.3-3.8 mm), well-separated spikelets.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 25, p. 503. FNA vol. 25, p. 499.
Parent taxa Poaceae > subfam. Panicoideae > tribe Paniceae > Urochloa Poaceae > subfam. Panicoideae > tribe Paniceae > Urochloa
Sibling taxa
U. adspersa, U. arizonica, U. arrecta, U. brizantha, U. ciliatissima, U. fusca, U. mosambicensis, U. mutica, U. panicoides, U. piligera, U. plantaginea, U. ramosa, U. reptans, U. subquadripara, U. texana, U. villosa
U. adspersa, U. arizonica, U. arrecta, U. brizantha, U. ciliatissima, U. fusca, U. mosambicensis, U. mutica, U. panicoides, U. plantaginea, U. platyphylla, U. ramosa, U. reptans, U. subquadripara, U. texana, U. villosa
Synonyms Brachiaria platyphylla, Brachiaria extensa Brachiaria piligera
Name authority (Munro ex C. Wright) R.D. Webster (F. Muell. ex Benth.) R.D. Webster
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