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Triteleia bridgesii

Bridges' brodiaea, Bridges' triteleia

pretty face, yellow-brodiaea


20–55 cm × 3–10 mm.

1–2, 10–50 cm × 3–15 mm;

blade linear.


10–60 cm, smooth except sometimes scabrous near base.

10–80 cm, usually smooth, sometimes scabrous near base.


perianth lilac, bluish purple, pink, or reddish purple, 27–45 mm, tube strongly attenuate with slender base, 17–25 mm, hyaline vescicles present in tube, lobes abruptly spreading, 10–20 mm, shorter than tube;

stamens attached at 1 level, equal;

filaments triangular, widened toward base, 3–4 mm, apical appendages absent;

anthers bluish, 3.5–4.5 mm;

ovary 1/4–1/3 length of stipe;

pedicel 2–9 cm.

perianth straw-colored or golden yellow, or sometimes white flushed with purple, usually similarly colored both adaxially and abaxially, 12–27 mm, tube acute at base, 3–10 mm, much shorter than or equal to lobes, lobes ascending to reflexed, with green, brown, or purple midveins, 6–20 mm;

stamens attached at 1 level, held close to pistil, unequal, alternately long and short;

filaments dilated entire length, noticeably flattened, apical appendages present, forked, those of longer filaments pointed, conspicuous;

anthers white, cream, yellow, or blue, 1–2 mm;

ovary longer than stipe;

pedicel 1–9 cm (–12 cm in subsp. cookii).


= 16.

= 10, 14, 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 50.

Triteleia bridgesii

Triteleia ixioides

Phenology Flowering spring (Apr–Jun).
Habitat Foothills, yellow pines, mixed evergreen forests, often at forest edges and on rocks, dry bluffs, hillsides, mainly areas of serpentine
Elevation 0–100 m (0–300 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
CA; s Oreg
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Triteleia bridgesii is similar to T. laxa and in herbarium specimens can be distinguished only by the stamens. However, in fresh flowers, the perianth lobes of T. bridgesii spread abruptly from the throat of the perianth tube, unlike those of T. laxa, and the flowers of T. bridgesii are erect, while those of T. laxa are oriented horizontally. Triteleia bridgesii flowers a month earlier than T. laxa where they both occur in the Sierra Nevada foothills. The flowers in specimens of T. bridgesii from Humboldt County are unusually long, which accounts for the wide ranges of measurements for the perianth.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Subspecies 5 (5 in the flora).

As defined by L. W. Lenz (1975, 1976b), Triteleia ixioides consists of five groups of plants that, although readily recognizable as a rule, often cannot be separated by constant characters. Subspecies ixioides and subsp. cookii are strictly coastal and widely separated geographically from the three subspecies of the interior. They flower from May to August (a month earlier than subsp. scabra) and usually are found in the shade of oaks, cypresses, or pines. Polyploidy is rampant and perhaps indicative of the geographical and ecological differentiation of these morphologically similar subspecies.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Leaf 1, relatively short.
subsp. unifolia
1. Leaves 1–2.
→ 2
2. Perianth white or pale straw-colored, sometimes with darker midvein color extending into distal portion of tepal lobe, tube nearly equal to lobes.
subsp. cookii
2. Perianth yellow, tube shorter than tepal lobes.
→ 3
3. Anthers blue or cream; filaments with short, spreading, straight, or incurved apical appendages.
subsp. anilina
3. Anthers cream or yellow, occasionally blue; filaments with long, slender, often recurving apical appendages.
→ 4
4. Perianth tube 7–10 mm; coastal California.
subsp. ixioides
4. Perianth tube 3–7 mm; c, n California.
subsp. scabra
Source FNA vol. 26, p. 340. FNA vol. 26, p. 342.
Parent taxa Liliaceae > Triteleia Liliaceae > Triteleia
Sibling taxa
T. clementina, T. crocea, T. dudleyi, T. grandiflora, T. hendersonii, T. hyacinthina, T. ixioides, T. laxa, T. lemmoniae, T. lilacina, T. lugens, T. montana, T. peduncularis
T. bridgesii, T. clementina, T. crocea, T. dudleyi, T. grandiflora, T. hendersonii, T. hyacinthina, T. laxa, T. lemmoniae, T. lilacina, T. lugens, T. montana, T. peduncularis
Subordinate taxa
T. ixioides subsp. anilina, T. ixioides subsp. cookii, T. ixioides subsp. ixioides, T. ixioides subsp. scabra, T. ixioides subsp. unifolia
Synonyms Brodiaea bridgesii, Hookera bridgesii Ornithogalum ixioides, Brodiaea ixioides, Calliprora ixioides, Hookera ixioides, Milla ixioides, Themis ixioides
Name authority (S. Watson) Greene: Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 2: 141. (1886) (W. T. Aiton) Greene: Bull. Calif. Acad. Sci. 2: 142. (1886)
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