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tortula moss, wall screw-moss


ovate or elliptic to obovate, apex broadly acute to rounded or emarginate, short- to long-awned, margins narrowly recurved or revolute to near apex, commonly bordered distally with 2–4 rows of thicker-walled, papillose to smooth cells;

costa long-excurrent, lacking an adaxial pad of cells, distally narrow, 3–4(–6) cells across the convex adaxial surface;

distal laminal cells hexagonal, 10–15 µm wide, 1:1, strongly papillose with 2(–4)-fid papillae.

obovate to spatulate, apex broadly acute or occasionally rounded, short-awned, margins weakly recurved proximally or occasionally plane, weakly bordered distally with 2–4 rows of slightly thicker-walled cells;

costa excurrent, lacking an adaxial pad of cells, distally narrow, 2–3 cells across the convex adaxial surface;

distal laminal cells irregularly hexagonal or sometimes rectangular, width 20–25(–29) µm wide, 1(–2):1, smooth or 1-papillose (best seen in section).


0.6–1.5 cm.

0.4–0.6 cm.

Sexual condition




stegocarpic, not systylius, cylindric, erect and nearly straight, urn 1.5–2.7 mm;

peristome 300 µm, teeth of 32 filaments twisted 1/2–2 times, basal membrane low, to 50 µm;

operculum 0.6–1 mm.

stegocarpic, not systylius, short-cylindric, erect and nearly straight, urn 1–1.5 mm;

peristome absent or rudimentary;

operculum ca. 0.5 mm.


8–12 µm, spheric, finely papillose or essentially smooth.

30–35 µm, spheric, densely papillose.




Tortula muralis

Tortula modica

Phenology Capsules mature spring–summer. Capsules mature fall–spring.
Habitat Calcareous rock, often on bricks or walls Calcareous soil, old fields, pastures, rocky areas
Elevation low to moderate elevations low and moderate elevations
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[WildflowerSearch map]
from FNA
NY; PA; ON; Europe; Asia; n Africa

Tortula muralis, T. brevipes, and T. plinthobia form an apparently intergrading cline in sporophyte characters, sexual condition, and elaboration of the leaf border. There may be evolutionary advantages associated with such variability, but specimens are occasionally difficult to name satisfactorily. The laminal border of 2–4 rows of thicker walled cells is usually hidden in the margin recurvature except at the leaf apex.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

A report of Tortula modica from Mexico was excluded by R. H. Zander (1993). The distribution and characters of this uncommon species were discussed by H. A. Crum and L. E. Anderson (1981), P. M. Eckel (1987), and C. Williams (1966b). Essentially, Tortula modica is a high polyploid (n = 52) taxon distinguished from T. truncata by the larger habit, leaf margins usually recurved proximally, capsules slightly longer, short-cylindric, not tapering to the base, and peristome sometimes present though rudimentary.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 27, p. 595. FNA vol. 27, p. 598.
Parent taxa Pottiaceae > subfam. Pottioideae > Tortula Pottiaceae > subfam. Pottioideae > Tortula
Sibling taxa
T. acaulon, T. amplexa, T. atrovirens, T. bolanderi, T. brevipes, T. californica, T. cernua, T. cuneifolia, T. deciduidentata, T. guepinii, T. hoppeana, T. inermis, T. lanceola, T. laureri, T. leucostoma, T. modica, T. mucronifolia, T. nevadensis, T. obtusifolia, T. plinthobia, T. porteri, T. protobryoides, T. subulata, T. systylia, T. truncata
T. acaulon, T. amplexa, T. atrovirens, T. bolanderi, T. brevipes, T. californica, T. cernua, T. cuneifolia, T. deciduidentata, T. guepinii, T. hoppeana, T. inermis, T. lanceola, T. laureri, T. leucostoma, T. mucronifolia, T. muralis, T. nevadensis, T. obtusifolia, T. plinthobia, T. porteri, T. protobryoides, T. subulata, T. systylia, T. truncata
Synonyms Gymnostomum intermedium, Pottia intermedia, Pottia truncata var. major
Name authority Hedwig: Sp. Musc. Frond., 123. (1801) R. H. Zander: Bull. Buffalo Soc. Nat. Sci. 32: 226. (1993)
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