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herbaceous sea-blite, herbaceous seepweed, white sea-blite

Habit Herbs, annual, prostrate to ascending, occasionally erect, sometimes forming mats, glaucous or green, 0.5–10 dm. Herbs or subshrubs, annual or perennial, glabrous.

prostrate, decumbent, or erect, usually light brown, simple or branched, sometimes slightly woody at base;

main branches arising from proximal part of plant.


ascending or spreading;

blade linear, usually subterete, sometimes flat, 10–50 × 0.8–1.7 mm, apex blunt to acute.

sessile, fleshy, cross sections of fresh leaves ± uniformly green when seen at 10x magnification.


glomes, each glome in axis of one leaflike bract;

bracteoles subtending glomes without marginal hairs.



perianth actinomorphic to slightly irregular with segments subequal, 2–3.3 mm diam.;

perianth segments thin to abaxially rounded and occasionally distally hooded at maturity, without appendages, apex obtuse;

stigmas 2–3(–5).

bisexual or sometimes unisexual;

perianth irregular or zygomorphic, sometimes appearing ± actinomorphic, globose to wider than long;

perianth segments connate proximally (sometimes forming fleshy disk), succulent or thin, abaxially flat or rounded, sometimes distally hooded, and/or with abaxial appendages (transverse proximal wings, keels, and/or distal horns), apex obtuse to acute;

ovary ovoid, transversely ellipsoid, or pyriform;

stigmas 2–5, inserted on attenuated apex of ovary, linear, smooth or papillate.


monomorphic, lenticular, 1–2.2 mm diam.;

seed coat reddish brown or black, reticulate.

horizontal, strongly dimorphic in some species and individuals;

lenticular with seed coat black, blackish brown, or blackish red, shiny, and easily removable from pericarp;

or flat to discoid and coiled with seed coat brown, dull, and not easily removed from pericarp.


on main stem and lateral branches, not crowded into compound, distal spikes, 1–4-flowered;

proximal bracts resembling leaves, distal bracts gradually reduced, 3–12 mm, slightly wider at the base.


= 36.

Suaeda maritima

Suaeda sect. Brezia

Phenology Flowering late summer–fall.
Habitat Coastal salt marshes, ballast
Elevation 0-10 m (0-0 ft)
from FNA
CT; MA; ME; NH; NJ; NY; PA; RI; VA; MB; NB; NF; NS; PE; QC; Europe; Asia (Arabia); Africa; Pacific Islands (Japan, New Zealand)
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Suaeda maritima is a polymorphic taxon with a worldwide distribution, including native and naturalized populations. Many varieties and subspecies have been described, mostly distinguished by seed size and growth habit (J. Boucaud 1962; I. J. Bassett and C. Crompton 1978). Small, procumbent, mat-forming plants from Newfoundland and Nova Scotia with seeds 1–1.5 mm in diameter have been called subsp. richii, whereas subsp. maritima has seeds 1.5–2 mm in diameter (I. J. Bassett and C. W. Crompton 1978). Seed dimorphism has been reported from populations in Europe (D. Metzing 1996) and may also exist in some North American populations.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species ca. 40 (6 in the flora).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Perianth segments thin to abaxially rounded, without appendages
S. maritima
1. Perianth segments abaxially rounded, one or more segments with abaxial appendages (transverse proximal wings, keels, and/or distal horns)
→ 2
2. Perianth segments with one or more segments transversely winged proximally and/or horned distally
→ 3
2. Perianth segments not horned or winged
→ 4
3. Glomes 3-7-flowered; bracts usually broadest proximal to middle and thin- margined at base; branches usually ascending
S. calceoliformis
3. Glomes 1-3-flowered; bracts usually broadest at ± middle, not thin-margined at base; branches usually spreading
S. occidentalis
4. Leaf blades linear-lanceolate, usually not narrowed basally; glomes usually 3-5- flowered; Pacific coast
S. esteroa
4. Leaf blades linear, narrowed basally; glomes usually 1-3-flowered; Atlantic coast
→ 5
5. Flowers usually crowded in compound spikes; perianth 1-2.5 mm diam.; len- ticular seeds 1-1.8 mm diam
S. linearis
5. Flowers usually distributed throughout plant; perianth 2-4 mm diam.; lenticu- lar seeds 1.5-2.3 mm diam
S. rolandii
Source FNA vol. 4. FNA vol. 4, p. 392.
Parent taxa Chenopodiaceae > Suaeda > sect. Brezia Chenopodiaceae > Suaeda
Sibling taxa
S. calceoliformis, S. californica, S. conferta, S. esteroa, S. linearis, S. linifolia, S. nigra, S. occidentalis, S. rolandii, S. tampicensis, S. taxifolia
Subordinate taxa
S. calceoliformis, S. esteroa, S. linearis, S. maritima, S. occidentalis, S. rolandii
Synonyms Chenopodium maritimum, S. fernaldii, S. maritima subsp. richii, S. richii section Brezia, S. section Heterosperma
Name authority (Linnaeus) Dumortier: Fl. Belg., 22. (1827) (Moquin-Tandon) Volkens: in H. G. A. Engler and K. Prantl, Nat. Pflanzenfam. 79[III,1a]: 80. (1893)
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