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brownplume wirelettuce, few-flower wirelettuce, prairie skeletonplant, wire-lettuce

creekside wirelettuce, teton wirelettuce

Habit Perennials, 20–50 cm (caudices woody). Perennials, 15–40 cm (rhizomes slender).

1–5+, divaricately and intricately branched (often forming dense bushes), usually glabrous, rarely tomentose.

1–8, branches ascending, ± tomentose.


withered at flowering;

basal blades linear-lanceolate, runcinate, 3–7 cm, margins pinnately lobed (faces glabrous);

cauline much reduced and bractlike.

green (at least cauline) at flowering;

blades oblong-oblanceolate, 3–6 cm, margins entire or toothed (teeth remote, faces tomentose).


3–10 mm.

2–10 mm (glabrous).


8–11 mm (phyllaries 4–6, glabrous).

8–10 mm (phyllaries 5, glabrous).





of appressed bractlets.

of (4–6) appressed bractlets (unequal, lengths to 1/2 phyllaries).


borne singly along branches.

borne singly or clustered along stems and branches.


tan, 3.5–5 mm, faces tuberculate, grooved;

pappi of 15–20, usually tan, rarely white, bristles (connate in groups of 2–4, bases persistent), plumose on distal 80%.

tan, 4–4.4 mm, faces smooth, grooved;

pappi of 30–40, white bristles (persistent), wholly plumose.


= 16.

= 16.

Stephanomeria pauciflora

Stephanomeria fluminea

Phenology Flowering May–Sep. Flowering Jul–Aug.
Habitat Sandy, gravelly washes and slopes in desert shrub communities, juniper woodlands, open, sandy short-grass plains Spring-flooded flat, gravel stream beds. of conservation concern
Elevation 200–1500 m (700–4900 ft) 2000–2300 m (6600–7500 ft)
from FNA
AZ; CA; CO; KS; NM; NV; OK; TX; UT; WY; Mexico (Chihuahua, Sonora)
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[BONAP county map]

Stephanomeria pauciflora generally grows as an intricately branched, often rounded bush. Occasional plants, usually from Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and southern Utah, have long, flexuous stems and branches, an architecture that resembles one of the typical forms of S. tenuifolia. Some plants of S. pauciflora have white pappi, also typical of S. tenuifolia. It is not known if these plants represent uncommon and unusual individuals or if they are from populations in which all plants have those traits. It is also not known whether such plants of S. pauciflora grow near populations of S. tenuifolia; if so, they may result from interspecific hybridization. That is a possibility; experimental hybrid plants produced by crossing individuals from the two species were about 20% fertile. Such fertility suggests the species are sufficiently compatible that fully fertile segregants with variously intermediate morphologies could be expected where they hybridize in nature. The experimental crosses were made reciprocally between S. pauciflora from Riverside County, California (L. D. Gottlieb 6653), and S. tenuifolia from Wheeler County, Oregon (L. D. Gottlieb 6692); specimens of the six F1 hybrid plants that were produced are deposited at DAV. Plants of S. pauciflora that are densely tomentose throughout are occasionally found, particularly in the deserts of California and Nevada, and have been named S. cinerea or S. pauciflora var. parishii.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Of conservation concern.

Stephanomeria fluminea is known only from northwestern Wyoming. Its habitat is unique among all species of the genus. The plants grow on impermanent, raised cobble benches in flat, gravel beds of creeks that flood and churn after spring snowmelt.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 19, p. 356. FNA vol. 19, p. 355.
Parent taxa Asteraceae > tribe Cichorieae > Stephanomeria Asteraceae > tribe Cichorieae > Stephanomeria
Sibling taxa
S. cichoriacea, S. diegensis, S. elata, S. exigua, S. fluminea, S. lactucina, S. malheurensis, S. paniculata, S. parryi, S. runcinata, S. tenuifolia, S. thurberi, S. virgata
S. cichoriacea, S. diegensis, S. elata, S. exigua, S. lactucina, S. malheurensis, S. paniculata, S. parryi, S. pauciflora, S. runcinata, S. tenuifolia, S. thurberi, S. virgata
Synonyms Prenanthes pauciflora, S. cinerea, S. lygodesmoides, S. pauciflora var. parishii
Name authority (Torrey) A. Nelson: in J. M. Coulter and A. Nelson, New Man. Bot. Centr. Rocky Mt., 588. (1909) Gottlieb: Madroño 46: 58, fig. 1. (1999)
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