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Madagascar dropseed, whorled dropseed

Florida dropseed

Habit Plants annual, or short-lived perennials flowering in the first year; cespitose, not rhizomatous. Plants perennial; cespitose, not rhizomatous.

7-35(60) cm, erect or decumbent.

(40)100-200(250) cm.


rounded below, margins and apices hairy, hairs to 3 mm;

ligules 0.3-1 mm;

blades 2-12(20) cm long, 2-6 mm wide, flat, abaxial surface glabrous, adaxial surface scabridulous, sometimes sparsely hispid, margins ciliate-pectinate.

shiny and indurate basally, glabrous or appressed hairy elsewhere, hairs to 5 mm;

ligules 0.2-0.7 mm;

blades (10)25-50 cm long, (2)3-10 mm wide, flat to folded, pale bluish-green, yellowing at maturity, glabrous on both surfaces or the adaxial surface sparsely hairy basally, margins scabridulous.


4-15(18) cm long, 0.3-6 cm wide, open (contracted when immature), pyramidal;

lower nodes with 7-12(15) branches;

primary branches 0.5-4.5 cm, spreading 30-90° from the rachis, with elongated glands, without spikelets on the lower 1/3 – 1/2, secondary branches appressed;

pedicels 0.1-0.5 mm, appressed.

(18)30-50 cm long, 4-15 cm wide, open (contracted when immature), longer than wide, not diffuse, pyramidal to ovate;

lower nodes with 1-2(3) branches;

primary branches 4-15 cm, spreading 10-90° from the rachis, not capillary, without spikelets on the lower 1/3;

secondary branches spreading;

pulvini hairy or glabrous;

pedicels 2-14 mm, longer than the spikelets, spreading, glabrous, sometimes scabridulous.


1.2-1.8 mm, plumbeous or brownish, often secund along the branch.

(3.7)4-6 mm, purplish-brown.


unequal, ovate to obovate, membranous;

lower glumes 0.3-0.7 mm, without midveins;

upper glumes 1.2-1.8 mm, at least 2/3 as long as the florets, often longer;

lemmas 1.2-1.7 mm, ovate to elliptic, membranous, glabrous, acute;

paleas 1.1-1.6 mm, ovate to elliptic, membranous, glabrous;

anthers 0.2-0.4 mm, yellowish or purplish.

linear-lanceolate, membranous;

lower glumes 2.5-5.1 mm, (0.6)0.75-0.9(0.94) times as long as the upper glumes;

upper glumes 3.7-5.7 mm, longer than the florets;

lemmas 3-4 mm, ovate to lanceolate, membranous, glabrous, acute;

paleas 3-4 mm, ovate, membranous, glabrous;

anthers 2-3.1 mm, purplish.


0.6-1 mm, obovoid, faintly striate, light brownish.

1.7-2 mm, fusiform, reddish-brown.


= 24, 36, 54.

= unknown.

Sporobolus pyramidatus

Sporobolus floridanus

from FNA
AR; AZ; CO; FL; IL; KS; LA; MD; MO; NE; NM; NY; OK; PA; TX; UT; HI; PR; Virgin Islands
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Sporobolus pyramidatus is native to the Americas, extending from the southern United States to Argentina. It grows in disturbed soils, roadsides, railways, coastal sands, and alluvial slopes in many plant communities, at elevations from 0-1500 m. Morphologically, it is very similar to the Eastern Hemisphere S. coromandelianus (Retz.) Kunth, suggesting that they are closely related.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Sporobolus floridanus grows in wet to mesic pine woodlands, seepage bogs, and treeless swales, in soils semi-permanently to seasonally saturated at the surface, and in places where water may pond for weeks, at elevations of 0-100 m. It is endemic to the southeastern United States.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 25, p. 119. FNA vol. 25, p. 137.
Parent taxa Poaceae > subfam. Chloridoideae > tribe Cynodonteae > Sporobolus Poaceae > subfam. Chloridoideae > tribe Cynodonteae > Sporobolus
Sibling taxa
S. airoides, S. buckleyi, S. clandestinus, S. coahuilensis, S. compositus, S. contractus, S. creber, S. cryptandrus, S. curtissii, S. diandrus, S. domingensis, S. fimbriatus, S. flexuosus, S. floridanus, S. giganteus, S. heterolepis, S. indicus, S. interruptus, S. jacquemontii, S. junceus, S. nealleyi, S. neglectus, S. pinetorum, S. purpurascens, S. silveanus, S. tenuissimus, S. teretifolius, S. texanus, S. vaginiflorus, S. virginicus, S. wrightii
S. airoides, S. buckleyi, S. clandestinus, S. coahuilensis, S. compositus, S. contractus, S. creber, S. cryptandrus, S. curtissii, S. diandrus, S. domingensis, S. fimbriatus, S. flexuosus, S. giganteus, S. heterolepis, S. indicus, S. interruptus, S. jacquemontii, S. junceus, S. nealleyi, S. neglectus, S. pinetorum, S. purpurascens, S. pyramidatus, S. silveanus, S. tenuissimus, S. teretifolius, S. texanus, S. vaginiflorus, S. virginicus, S. wrightii
Synonyms S. pulvinatus, S. patens, S. argutus
Name authority (Lam.) Hitchc. Chapm.
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