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kidney-leaf rosinweed


Habit Plants scapiform, 50–250 cm; taprooted. Perennials, 20–250+ cm (fibrous rooted, rhizomatous, or taprooted).

terete, glabrous (sometimes glaucous).

usually erect, usually branched (terete or square, often vernicose with resinous exudates).


basal persistent, petiolate;

cauline alternate, petiolate or sessile;

blades cordate, deltate, elliptic, hastate, ovate, reniform, or sagittate, 2–35 × 0.5–52 cm, sometimes (proximal) pinnately or palmately lobed, bases oblique, truncate, attenuate, cordate, sagittate, or hastate, ultimate margins toothed, apices acute, faces glabrous, hispid, or scabrous.

basal and cauline (basal persistent or withering before flowering); whorled, opposite, subopposite, or alternate (sometimes all conditions on one plant);

petiolate or sessile;

blades (1- or 3-nerved) deltate, elliptic, linear, ovate, or rhombic, sometimes 1–2-pinnately lobed or -pinnatifid, bases cordate or truncate to cuneate, margins entire or toothed, faces glabrous or hairy (sometimes stipitate-glandular).


campanulate to hemispheric, 10–30 mm diam.


flat to slightly convex, paleate (paleae oblong, lanceolate, or linear).

Ray florets


corollas yellow.

8–35+ in 1–4 series, pistillate, fertile;

corollas yellow or white.

Disc florets


corollas yellow.

20–200+, functionally staminate;

corollas yellow or white, tubes much shorter than narrow, cylindric throats, lobes 5, deltate.


11–18 in 2–3 series, outer appressed to reflexed, apices obtuse to cuspidate, abaxial faces sparsely scabrous.

persistent, 11–45 in 2–4 series (outer broader, foliaceous, inner smaller, thinner, each subtending a ray floret).


radiate, in paniculiform or racemiform arrays.


6–12 × 4–10 mm;

pappi 1–4 mm.

(black to brown) obflattened (± winged, shed alone without accessory structures);

pappi 0, or persistent, of 2 awns (± confluent with cypsela shoulders and wings).


= 7.


= 14.

Silphium compositum


Phenology Flowering summer–early fall.
Habitat Open, pine and oak forests, sandy soils, fields, roadsides, meadows
Elevation 0–1600 m (0–5200 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from USDA
North America
[BONAP county map]

Species 12 (12 in the flora).

In keys and descriptions here, “plants scapiform” indicates plants with distal cauline leaves notably smaller than basal and proximal cauline leaves, and “plants caulescent” indicates plants with leaves ± uniform in size throughout; “leaves persistent” indicates leaves persisting to flowering time, and “leaves caducous” indicates leaves withering before flowering time.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Stems square (distal leaf or petiole bases connate-perfoliate)
S. perfoliatum
1. Stems terete or slightly 4-angled (distal leaves not perfoliate)
→ 2
2. Leaves (at least proximal) usually laciniate, pinnatifid, or 1–2-pinnately lobed (lobes 3–15)
→ 3
2. Leaves (proximal and distal) seldom lobed (sometimes with 2 basal lobes, then hastate, sagittate, or auriculate)
→ 6
3. Ray florets 6–12
S. compositum
3. Ray florets 14–40
→ 4
4. Corollas white
S. albiflorum
4. Corollas yellow
→ 5
5. Phyllaries appressed, apices acute to obtuse
S. terebinthinaceum
5. Phyllaries reflexed or appressed, apices acuminate to caudate
S. laciniatum
6. Plants taprooted (scapiform; cauline leaves notably smaller distally)
→ 7
6. Plants fibrous rooted (caulescent; cauline leaves not notably smaller distally)
→ 8
7. Ray flowers 6–12
S. compositum
7. Ray flowers 17–29
S. terebinthinaceum
8. Leaves (at least proximal leaves) petiolate (never sessile), bases truncate, cordate, auriculate, hastate, or sagittate
→ 9
8. Leaves (proximal and distal) petiolate (blade bases round to tapered) or sessile (blade bases round to cordate)
→ 10
9. Stems glabrous; basal leaves caducous
S. brachiatum
9. Stems hispid; basal leaves persistent
S. wasiotense
10. Phyllaries: abaxial faces usually glabrous (rarely scabrous in outer series)
→ 11
10. Phyllaries: abaxial faces glandular, hirsute, hispid, or scabrous
→ 12
11. Ray florets 20–36+
S. integrifolium
11. Ray florets 8–17
S. asteriscus
12. Leaf faces stipitate-glandular
S. glutinosum
12. Leaf faces eglandular
→ 13
13. Basal leaves persistent
→ 14
13. Basal leaves caducous
→ 15
14. Leaf faces shaggy-hispid; phyllaries hispid; corollas pale yellow; cypselae 6–10mm; Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee
S. mohrii
14. Leaf faces hirsute, hispid, or scabrous; phyllaries scabrous; corollas bright yellow; cypselae 10–17 mm; Louisiana, Texas
S. radula
15. Cauline leaves opposite (clasping stems)
S. integrifolium
15. Cauline leaves opposite or alternate (not clasping stems)
→ 16
16. Ray florets 20–30+
S. radula
16. Ray florets 12–20
S. asteriscus
Source FNA vol. 21, p. 79. FNA vol. 21, p. 77. Author: Jennifer A. Clevinger.
Parent taxa Asteraceae > tribe Heliantheae > subtribe Ecliptinae > Silphium Asteraceae > tribe Heliantheae > subtribe Ecliptinae
Sibling taxa
S. albiflorum, S. asteriscus, S. brachiatum, S. glutinosum, S. integrifolium, S. laciniatum, S. mohrii, S. perfoliatum, S. radula, S. terebinthinaceum, S. wasiotense
Subordinate taxa
S. albiflorum, S. asteriscus, S. brachiatum, S. compositum, S. glutinosum, S. integrifolium, S. laciniatum, S. mohrii, S. perfoliatum, S. radula, S. terebinthinaceum, S. wasiotense
Synonyms S. compositum subsp. ovatifolium, S. compositum subsp. reniforme, S. compositum var. reniforme, S. compositum subsp. venosum, S. compositum var. venosum, S. lapsuum, S. orae, S. ovatifolium, S. reniforme, S. venosum
Name authority Michaux: Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 145. (1803) Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 2: 919. (1753): Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 391. (1754)
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