Silene gallica |
Silene rotundifolia |
common catchfly, silène de france, small-flower catchfly, windmill campion, windmill pink |
round-leaf catchfly |
Habit | Plants annual; taproot slender. | Plants perennial; taproot stout, fleshy; caudex branched. |
Stems | erect, branched, rarely simple, 15–45 cm, with long, often crinkled hairs mixed with short pubescence, viscid-glandular distally. |
several, straggling to erect, freely branched, 2–7 cm, pilose and glandular, sparsely so proximally. |
Leaves | 2 per node, blade with coarse, ascending, scabrous pubescence on both surfaces; basal few, withering, blade oblanceolate to spatulate-petiolate, 0.5–5 cm × 3–15 mm; cauline blades oblanceolate to lanceolate, 1–7 cm × 1–15 mm, apex obtuse or shortly acuminate to acute. |
basal leaves withered at time of flowering, distal sessile, proximal petiolate, largest on mid to distal stem; blade subrotund to broadly ovate-lanceolate, 3–10 cm × 20–70 mm, base cuneate into petiole, apex short-acuminate, sparsely short-pilose. |
Inflorescences | open, with racemose branches, internodes and bracts usually ca. equaling fruiting calyx, 1–5 mm, longer proximally. |
cymose, open, few-flowered, leafy, bracteate; bracts resembling distal leaves. |
Pedicels | 1–3(–4) cm, viscid, with long septate-glandular hairs. |
Flowers | 5–8 mm diam.; calyx prominently 10-veined, narrowly tubular-ovoid in flower, ovoid in fruit, constricted at mouth, 7–10 × 3–5 mm, membranous between veins, margins dentate, hispid, hairs ca. 2 mm, veins parallel, lobes lanceolate, 2–2.5 mm, apex greenish purple, acute; petals white or pink, often with dark spot or dark pink throughout, clawed, claw equaling calyx, limb elliptic to obovate, lobed or unlobed, to 6 mm, appendages 2, oblong to narrowly lanceolate, 1–1.5 mm; stamens equaling or shorter than calyx; stigmas 3, included in calyx. |
calyx indistinctly veined, tubular, broadened distally, constricted towards base around carpophore, ± umbilicate, 20–25 × 5–8 mm, herbaceous, glandular-pilose, lobes triangular, 3–4 mm, margins narrow, membranous, ciliate; corolla scarlet, clawed, claw equaling calyx, limb deeply 2-lobed, 10–15 mm, lobes lanceolate, sometimes with 2 smaller lateral teeth, ciliate, appendages saccate, 1–1.5 mm, with clear area abaxially; stamens shortly exserted; styles 3, shortly exserted. |
Capsules | equaling calyx, opening with 6 recurved, narrowly triangular teeth; carpophore shorter than 1 mm, pubescent. |
narrowly ellipsoid, not distending calyx, included within it, opening by 6 teeth; carpophore 6–8 mm. |
Seeds | dark reddish brown, reniform, angular with concave, radially ridged faces, broad outer edge transversely ridged and verrucose, ca. 0.5 mm broad. |
gray, broadly reniform, plump, ca. 1 mm, shallowly papillate. |
2n | = 24. |
= 48. |
Silene gallica |
Silene rotundifolia |
Phenology | Flowering spring–early summer. | Flowering late spring–summer. |
Habitat | Dry, open places, sandy and gravelly ground, roadsides, waste land | Woodlands, partially shaded cliffs and bluffs |
Elevation | 0-2000 m [0-6600 ft] | 200-600 m [700-2000 ft] |
Distribution |
AK; AL; AZ; CA; FL; ID; LA; MA; ME; MO; MS; NC; NH; NY; OR; PA; RI; SC; TX; WA; BC; NB; NS; ON; PE; Europe [Introduced in North America; introduced worldwide]
Discussion | Silene rotundifolia is clearly related to S. laciniata but is a well-marked species of the deciduous forest region. (Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.) |
Source | FNA vol. 5, p. 185. | FNA vol. 5, p. 201. |
Parent taxa | ||
Sibling taxa | ||
Synonyms | S. anglica, S. quinquevulnera | Melandrium rotundifolium |
Name authority | Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 1: 417. (1753) | Nuttall: Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 1: 288. (1818) |
Web links |