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cream stonecrop, creamy stonecrop

cliff stonecrop

Habit Herbs, perennial, cespitose or not, glabrous. Herbs, perennial, cespitose, glabrous.

rhizomes, horizontal, much-branched, bearing rosettes.

creeping, much-branched, forming terminal rosettes on branches (primary rosettes usually 1–2.7 cm diam.).

Flowering shoots

erect, simple, (6–)10–28 cm;

leaf blades suborbiculate or obovate, base not spurred;

offsets not formed.

erect, simple, 3.5–17.5 cm;

leaf blades narrowly oblong to linear, base short-spurred;

offsets not formed.


alternate, ascending to spreading, sessile to subsessile;

blade green, glaucous, not strongly pruinose, obovate or oblanceolate, subterete, 10–36 × 5–16 mm, base not spurred, not scarious, apex emarginate to retuse.

alternate, spreading to ascending, petiolate;

blade pale green or blue-green, usually glaucous, oblanceolate to spatulate, laminar, (6–)10–18 × 1–4.5 mm, base petiolelike, with simple, short spur, not scarious, apex obtuse, (surfaces papillose).


panicles, 10–120-flowered, 3–20-branched;

branches not recurved, dichotomously forked;

bracts similar to leaves, smaller.

cymes, 5–30-flowered, 3-branched;

branches erect or only slightly recurved, sometimes forked;

bracts similar to leaves, smaller.


2–5 mm.




sepals (persistent, closely appressed to corolla tube), erect, connate basally, greenish, ovate, equal, 3.2–3.5 × 1–3 mm, apex subacute;

petals (persistent until fruiting), erect basally, divergent apically, connate basally, creamy white, yellowish white, or pale yellow, elliptic-oblong or oblanceolate-oblong, cucullate, 5–9(–11.5) mm, apex abruptly pointed;

filaments pale yellow;

anthers yellow;

nectar scales white or yellow, subreniform.


sepals divergent, distinct, green, linear-lanceolate, unequal, 3.6–6.3 × 0.9–1.6 mm, apex obtuse, (papillose);

petals spreading, distinct, white, lanceolate, minutely hooded, 4–9 mm, apex acuminate;

filaments white;

anthers dark red to almost purple;

nectar scales white, subquadrate.


erect in fruit, distinct, brown, (strongly 5-veined).

widely divergent in fruit, slightly connate basally, brown.


= 90.

= 28, 44, 45–49.

Sedum oregonense

Sedum glaucophyllum

Phenology Flowering spring–summer. Flowering late spring-mid summer.
Habitat Gravel, mats of Selaginella or moss on rocky slopes and ledges, crevices of cliffs Usually shaded cliffs, crest of cliffs, rocky slopes, on limestone, shale, sandstone, granite, hornblende gabbro, schist, and gneiss rocks
Elevation 900-2200 m (3000-7200 ft) 50-1200 m (200-3900 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[BONAP county map]

Sedum glaucophyllum is known only from the central and southern Appalachian Mountains. According to A. S. Weakley (2007), reports from Georgia are based on confusion with S. nevii.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 8, p. 220. FNA vol. 8, p. 203.
Parent taxa Crassulaceae > Sedum Crassulaceae > Sedum
Sibling taxa
S. acre, S. albomarginatum, S. album, S. annuum, S. borschii, S. cockerellii, S. debile, S. divergens, S. glaucophyllum, S. havardii, S. hispanicum, S. lanceolatum, S. laxum, S. leibergii, S. lineare, S. mexicanum, S. moranii, S. nanifolium, S. nevii, S. niveum, S. nuttallii, S. oblanceolatum, S. obtusatum, S. ochroleucum, S. oreganum, S. praealtum, S. pulchellum, S. pusillum, S. radiatum, S. robertsianum, S. rupestre, S. rupicola, S. sarmentosum, S. sexangulare, S. spathulifolium, S. stelliforme, S. stenopetalum, S. ternatum, S. villosum, S. wrightii
S. acre, S. albomarginatum, S. album, S. annuum, S. borschii, S. cockerellii, S. debile, S. divergens, S. havardii, S. hispanicum, S. lanceolatum, S. laxum, S. leibergii, S. lineare, S. mexicanum, S. moranii, S. nanifolium, S. nevii, S. niveum, S. nuttallii, S. oblanceolatum, S. obtusatum, S. ochroleucum, S. oreganum, S. oregonense, S. praealtum, S. pulchellum, S. pusillum, S. radiatum, S. robertsianum, S. rupestre, S. rupicola, S. sarmentosum, S. sexangulare, S. spathulifolium, S. stelliforme, S. stenopetalum, S. ternatum, S. villosum, S. wrightii
Synonyms Cotyledon oregonensis
Name authority (S. Watson) M. Peck: Man. Higher Pl. Oregon, 361. (1941) R. T. Clausen: Cact. Succ. J. (Los Angeles) 18: 60, fig. 40. (1946)
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