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Cascade stonecrop, Pacific stonecrop, spreading stonecrop

Habit Herbs, perennial, somewhat tufted, glabrous.

decumbent, becoming erect or ascending, branched, not bearing true rosettes.

Flowering shoots

erect, usually simple, rarely branched, 6–10 cm;

leaf blades suborbiculate to spatulate-obovate or oblong, base not spurred;

offsets not formed.


opposite and decussate (rarely alternate), spreading, sessile;

blade green or reddish green, not glaucous, suborbiculate to spatulate-obovate or oblong, subterete, ± globular, 4–9 × 4–6 mm, base slightly subcordate, (clasping), not scarious, apex rounded.


terminal cymes, 5–25-flowered, 2–3-branched;

branches recurved to erect, forked or not;

bracts similar to leaves or elliptic to broadly lanceolate, 2–5 mm, base clasping, apex obtuse to acute.


0.5–4 mm (sometimes enlarged apically).



sepals erect, connate basally, green, ovate, equal, 2–3 × 1.5–2 mm, apex obtuse;

petals erect basally, spreading distally, usually distinct, sometimes slightly connate basally, yellow, elliptic-lanceolate, not or only slightly carinate, ca. 6 mm, apex acute or obtuse with mucronate appendage;

filaments yellow;

anthers yellow;

nectar scales yellow, subquadrate.


widely spreading in fruit, firmly connate basally, red to light reddish brown or straw colored.


= 16.

Sedum divergens

Phenology Flowering spring–fall.
Habitat Rocky slopes and ledges of cliffs, scree, semistable talus, lava fields
Elevation 0-2300 m [0-7500 ft]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Leaves of Sedum divergens are close-set, thick, and turgid. This species occurs in scattered and disjunct populations from the coastal mountains of Alaska (D. F. Murray 1980) and British Columbia to the northern Cascade Mountains and Olympic Mountains of Washington; Lake Peak, Josephine County, Oregon; and Klamath Mountains near Mount Robson in Alberta and British Columbia.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 8, p. 210.
Parent taxa Crassulaceae > Sedum
Sibling taxa
S. acre, S. albomarginatum, S. album, S. annuum, S. borschii, S. cockerellii, S. debile, S. glaucophyllum, S. havardii, S. hispanicum, S. lanceolatum, S. laxum, S. leibergii, S. lineare, S. mexicanum, S. moranii, S. nanifolium, S. nevii, S. niveum, S. nuttallii, S. oblanceolatum, S. obtusatum, S. ochroleucum, S. oreganum, S. oregonense, S. praealtum, S. pulchellum, S. pusillum, S. radiatum, S. robertsianum, S. rupestre, S. rupicola, S. sarmentosum, S. sexangulare, S. spathulifolium, S. stelliforme, S. stenopetalum, S. ternatum, S. villosum, S. wrightii
Synonyms Amerosedum divergens
Name authority S. Watson: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 17: 372. (1882)
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