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limprichtia moss, rusty hook-moss, rusty scorpion moss

intermediate hook-moss, intermediate scorpion moss

Habit Plants medium-sized to large (sometimes when submerged), not turgid, green, red, purplish red, dark brownish red, or blackish red. Plants medium-sized to large (sometimes when submerged), rarely small, not turgid, green, yellow-green, brown, or brown-red.

leaves ovate or ovate-lanceolate, gradually or sometimes abruptly narrowed to apex, ± suddenly curved distally, concave, 0.5–1 mm wide;

apex acuminate or long-acuminate, sometimes apiculate;

costa single, ending beyond mid leaf;

alar cells 2–10;

medial laminal cells (shorter 1/2 of leaf) 61–140(–179) µm, cell ends short or long fusiform-narrowed, rarely rounded to almost square.

leaves ovate or broadly ovate, gradually or often abruptly narrowed to apex, ± suddenly curved distally, concave, 0.5–1.1 mm wide;

apex short- or long-acuminate, often apiculate;

costa single, ending beyond mid leaf;

alar cells 2–10(–15);

medial laminal cells (shorter 1/2 of leaf) 14–95(–120) µm, cell ends square, rounded, or short fusiform-narrowed.

Sexual condition




with exostome external surface more than 40–50% cross striolate basally.

with exostome external surface more than 70% dotted basally.

Scorpidium revolvens

Scorpidium cossonii

Habitat Mountains, intermediately mineral-rich and often spring-influenced fens, small periodically water-filled depressions, shores, submerged Calcium-rich soil, bedrock, mountains, calcium-rich fens, springs, water-filled depressions, shores, submerged
Elevation low to high elevations (0-3100 m) [low to high elevations (0-10200 ft)] low to high elevations (0-3700 m) [low to high elevations (0-12100 ft)]
from FNA
AK; CO; ID; MI; MN; MT; OH; VT; WI; WY; AB; BC; MB; NL; NT; NU; ON; QC; SK; YT; SPM; South America; Pacific Islands (New Zealand, Papua New Guinea); Greenland; s Africa; Eurasia; Antarctica
[WildflowerSearch map]
from FNA
AK; CO; CT; IA; IL; ME; MI; MN; MT; NJ; NY; OH; VT; WI; AB; BC; MB; NF; NS; NT; NU; ON; QC; SK; YT; South America; Greenland; Eurasia; Pacific Islands (New Zealand)

Scorpidium revolvens often has been confused with 2. S. cossonii; the differences between these species are discussed under the latter.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Scorpidium cossonii is often confused with S. revolvens or Hamatocaulis vernicosus. From the latter it is easily distinguished by the hyalodermis and usually present central strand of the stem, differentiated hyaline and inflated alar cells of the stem leaves, and nonplicate stem leaves. Scorpidium cossonii differs from S. revolvens in being dioicous (the latter is autoicous) and in having shorter medial laminal cells with square to shortly fusiform-narrowed ends; the cell ends are short to long fusiform-narrowed in the latter. Both species may have red pigment; in such cases S. cossonii is usually brownish red while S. revolvens is mostly blackish or purplish red. Due to variation in both species, especially when herbarium material is also considered, color should be used with care in identifying specimens. Dark purplish plants usually belong to S. revolvens and predominantly green or yellow-green plants with a brown-red costa and/or leaf base belong to S. cossonii.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 28, p. 388. FNA vol. 28, p. 388.
Parent taxa Calliergonaceae > Scorpidium Calliergonaceae > Scorpidium
Sibling taxa
S. cossonii, S. scorpioides
S. revolvens, S. scorpioides
Synonyms Hypnum revolvens, Drepanocladus revolvens, D. revolvens var. miquelonensis, Limprichtia revolvens Hypnum cossonii, Drepanocladus intermedius, D. revolvens subsp. intermedius, D. revolvens var. intermedius, Limprichtia cossonii
Name authority (Swartz) Rubers: in A. Touw and W. V. Rubers, Nederl. Bladmoss., 380. (1989) (Schimper) Hedenas: Lindbergia 15: 18. (1989)
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