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Merten's or wood or woodland saxifrage, Mertens' saxifrage, wood saxifrage, woodland saxifrage

saxifrage oeil-de-bouc, yellow marsh saxifrage

Habit Plants solitary or in clumps, not stoloniferous, with caudex or short-rhizomatous. Plants loosely tufted, not stoloniferous or sometimes shortly so, rhizomatous, caudex present or not.

basal and cauline, (basal persistent, cauline ± inconspicuous);

petiole rounded, 2–20 mm;

blade round to reniform, irregularly shallowly lobed, 20–80(–100) mm, thin, margins serrate, stipitate glandular-ciliate, apex obtuse to rounded, surfaces sparsely hairy.

basal and cauline, (distal clasping);

petiole absent on distal leaves, otherwise ± flattened, 3–20(–35) mm;

blade linear or linear-oblanceolate to spatulate, unlobed, (5–)10–30 mm, thin to slightly fleshy, margins entire, eciliate or sparsely reddish brown-ciliate, (with apical nonsecreting hydathode), apex acuminate or acute, surfaces glabrous or sparsely reddish brown-villous.


30+-flowered, open, much-branched thyrses, usually some or all flowers replaced by bulbils (sometimes bulbils absent), 15–40 cm, dark purple-tipped stipitate-glandular;

bracts (± inconspicuous), petiolate or sessile.

2(–4)-flowered cymes, sometimes solitary flowers, (flowers initially nodding), 4–30(–35) cm, sparsely to ± densely reddish brown-villous;

bracts sessile.


sepals reflexed (at least in fruit), ovate to elliptic, margins eciliate, surfaces sparsely stipitate-glandular or glabrous;

petals white, not spotted, narrowly ovate to elliptic, (3–)4–6 mm, longer than sepals;

filaments strongly club-shaped;

ovary superior.

sepals ascending to spreading, reflexed in fruit, (sometimes purplish), triangular, margins reddish brown-ciliate, surfaces glabrous (rarely reddish brown-hairy);

petals yellow, often drying cream, often proximally orange-spotted, elliptic to oblong or obovate, 6–18 mm, 2+ times longer than sepals;

ovary superior.


= 36, ca. 48, 50.

= 16, 24, 32.

Saxifraga mertensiana

Saxifraga hirculus

Phenology Flowering spring–summer. Flowering summer.
Habitat Moist to wet stream banks, mossy cliffs and slopes, waterfall spray zones Wet, usually mossy, arctic or alpine tundra, wet alpine meadows
Elevation 0-2500 m (0-8200 ft) 0-4000 m (0-13100 ft)
from FNA
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[BONAP county map]
from FNA
AK; CO; MT; NM; UT; BC; MB; NT; NU; ON; QC; YT; Greenland; Eurasia; Atlantic Islands (Iceland, Spitsbergen)
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Plants of Saxifraga mertensiana bear bulbils in the axils of basal leaves.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

On the basis of a morphologic and cytologic study, O. Hedberg (1992) recognized four subspecies in Saxifraga hirculus: subsp. propinqua (2n = 16, 24), nearctic (Labrador and northwestern Greenland to Alaska); subsp. coloradoensis (2n = 16), Colorado; subsp. hirculus (2n = 32), circumboreal (Ontario to Alaska in North America); and subsp. compacta (2n = 32), mostly Arctic Eurasia, Atlantic Islands (Iceland, Spitsbergen), eastern Greenland, and Alaska. Nonetheless, we are not recognizing subspecies (see also P. K. Holmgren and N. H. Holmgren 1997); further research is needed to determine their validity.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 8, p. 146. FNA vol. 8, p. 138.
Parent taxa Saxifragaceae > Saxifraga Saxifragaceae > Saxifraga
Sibling taxa
S. adscendens, S. aizoides, S. aleutica, S. bracteata, S. bronchialis, S. cernua, S. cespitosa, S. cherlerioides, S. chrysantha, S. debilis, S. eschscholtzii, S. flagellaris, S. hirculus, S. hyperborea, S. nathorstii, S. oppositifolia, S. paniculata, S. radiata, S. rivularis, S. serpyllifolia, S. taylorii, S. tricuspidata, S. tridactylites, S. vespertina
S. adscendens, S. aizoides, S. aleutica, S. bracteata, S. bronchialis, S. cernua, S. cespitosa, S. cherlerioides, S. chrysantha, S. debilis, S. eschscholtzii, S. flagellaris, S. hyperborea, S. mertensiana, S. nathorstii, S. oppositifolia, S. paniculata, S. radiata, S. rivularis, S. serpyllifolia, S. taylorii, S. tricuspidata, S. tridactylites, S. vespertina
Synonyms S. mertensiana var. eastwoodiae Hirculus prorepens, Leptasea hirculus, S. hirculus subsp. coloradensis, S. hirculus subsp. compacta, S. hirculus subsp. propinqua, S. hirculus var. propinqua
Name authority Bongard: Mém. Acad. Imp. Sci. St.-Pétersbourg, Sér. 6, Sci. Math. 2: 141. 1832 , Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 1: 402. 1753 ,
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