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alkali Russian thistle, oppositeleaf Russian thistle

prickly Russian thistle, prickly saltwort, Russian-thistle, soude roulante, southern Russian thistle, tumbleweed

Habit Herbs, 5–70 cm, glabrous. Herbs, (5–)10–100 cm, sparsely papillose to hispid or glabrous.

erect or ascending, branched from base or nearly so;

branches straight or slightly arcuate (proximal ones sometimes almost prostrate).

erect, rarely ascending, profusely branched from or near base (rarely simple in underdeveloped specimens);

branches arcuate, proximal ones occasionally ± prostrate.


(especially proximal ones) mostly opposite;

blade linear, usually more than 1.5 mm wide in herbarium specimens, fleshy, distinctly swollen or ovate at base, apex mucronulate, not spinose.


blade filiform or narrowly linear, less than 1 mm wide in herbarium specimens, not fleshy, not swollen at base, apex subspinescent (spine less than 1.5 mm).


distinctly interrupted, 1-flowered;

bracts alternate or almost opposite, not imbricate, horizontally reflexed at maturity, swollen at base, abruptly narrowing into mucronulate nonspinose apex.

interrupted at maturity (at least proximally), 1-flowered (rarely 2–3-flowered with lateral flowers mostly abortive);

bracts alternate at maturity, not imbricate, reflexed, not distinctly swollen at base, ± abruptly narrowing into mucronulate-spinose apex.


bracteoles distinct, not adnate to perianth segments;

perianth segments wingless or with rudimental triangular tubercles at maturity, margins crenate or pectinate-ciliate apically, glabrous; fruiting perianth ca. 3–6(–7) mm diam. 2n = 18.

bracteoles distinct or occasionally connate at base in proximal flowers;

perianth segments with prominent, membranous wing at maturity (two inner wings usually much smaller than the other three), apex weak, obtuse to weakly acuminate or reflexed, glabrous; fruiting perianth ca. 4–10 mm diam. 2n = 36.

Salsola soda

Salsola tragus

Phenology Flowering spring–summer. Flowering summer–fall.
Habitat Coastal and disturbed saline habitats Disturbed areas, roadsides, cultivated fields, coastal and riparian sands, semideserts, deserts, eroded slopes
Elevation 0-50 m (0-200 ft) 0-2500 m (0-8200 ft)
from FNA
CA; Eurasia; n Africa [Introduced in North America; introduced in South America]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
AL; AR; AZ; CA; CO; CT; DC; DE; GA; IA; ID; IL; IN; KS; KY; LA; MA; MD; ME; MI; MN; MO; MS; MT; NC; ND; NE; NH; NJ; NM; NV; NY; OH; OK; OR; PA; RI; SC; SD; TN; TX; UT; VA; VT; WA; WI; WV; WY; AB; BC; MB; NB; NL; NS; ON; PE; QC; SK; Mexico; South America; Eurasia; naturalized Central America; s Africa; Australia [Introduced in North America]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Salsola soda can be expected to spread in California, or to appear in inland or coastal saline habitats in southern states.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Salsola tragus probably was introduced to South Dakota in 1870 or 1874 in flaxseed imported from Russia (J. C. Beatley 1973c; C. W. Crompton and I. J. Bassett 1985; S. L. Mosyakin 1996). Now this noxious weed occupies almost all of its potential range in North America. It seems, however, to be quite rare in the southeastern part of the United States.

Salsola tragus has been known in North American and European botanical literature under numerous names (for detailed synonymy see S. L. Mosyakin 1996 and S. Rilke 1999). Judging from the photographs of the Linnaean specimen of S. tragus (LINN 315.3), which should be regarded as a lectotype, it is the correct name for the widespread, narrow-leaved, weedy representative of the S. kali aggregate (Á. Degen 1936–1938, vol. 2; N. N. Tzvelev 1993; S. L. Mosyakin 1996; S. Rilke 1999).

In the present circumscription, Salsola tragus is an extremely polymorphic species consisting of several more or less distinct races (subspecies or segregate species). Several varieties may be recognized within S. tragus, many of them are just morphological variants of little or no taxonomic value.

Studies using allozymes and DNA-based molecular markers in some North American and Eurasian representatives of Salsola tragus indicate that there are at least two cryptic genetically divergent populations (F. J. Ryan and D. R. Ayres 2000). More studies may clarify distribution, origin, and taxonomic status of these infraspecific taxa (or cryptic species).

In spite of being a noxious weed, Salsola tragus is an additional forage source for livestock in arid rangelands. The mature plant may break off at the stem base to form a tumbleweed.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 4, p. 402. FNA vol. 4.
Parent taxa Chenopodiaceae > Salsola Chenopodiaceae > Salsola
Sibling taxa
S. collina, S. kali, S. paulsenii, S. tragus, S. vermiculata
S. collina, S. kali, S. paulsenii, S. soda, S. vermiculata
Synonyms S. australis, S. iberica, S. kali var. tenuifolia, S. pestifer
Name authority Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 1: 233. (1753) Linnaeus: Cent. Pl. II, 13. (1756)
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