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Pallas' buttercup, renoncule de Pallas

Habit Plants glabrous.

nodal, never tuberous.


creeping or floating, rooting nodally, glabrous, not bulbous-based.

leafy, creeping or floating, not bulbous-based, without bulbils.


cauline, simple, petiolate;

blade undivided or 3-lobed, much longer than wide, margins entire.

Basal leaf blades

linear to obovate, undivided or 3-lobed, 1.5-3.6 × 0.3-2 cm, lobes lanceolate or elliptic, margins entire, apex rounded to acuminate.


axillary, solitary flowers.


receptacle glabrous;

sepals spreading, 6-10 × 4-7 mm, glabrous;

petals 7-11, white or pink, 8-13 × 3-6 mm.

pedicellate (pedicels naked or leafy);

sepals deciduous soon after anthesis, 3;

petals 7-11, white or reddish;

nectary scale attached on 3 sides for at least half its length, forming pocket (sometimes mouth of pocket prolonged as short flap), glabrous, free margin entire;

style present.


achenes, 1-locular, 4.2-5.2 mm;

achene body oblong-lenticular, 1.3-1.7 times as wide as thick, prolonged beyond seed as corky distal appendage;

wall thick, smooth;

margin low corky band;

beak much shorter than achene body.

Heads of achenes

globose or hemispheric, 5-12 × 9-15 mm;

achenes 4.2-5.2 × 2.4-3.2 mm, glabrous;

beak persistent, lanceolate, straight or curved, 1-1.2 mm.


roots absent.


= 32.

Ranunculus pallasii

Ranunculus subg. Pallasiantha

Phenology Flowering summer (Jul–Aug).
Habitat Shallow water of bogs and pools in muskeg and tundra
Elevation 0-700 m (0-2300 ft)
from FNA
AK; MB; NF; NT; ON; QC; YT; Eurasia
North America; Eurasia

Species 1 (1 in the flora).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 3. FNA vol. 3.
Parent taxa Ranunculaceae > Ranunculus > subg. Pallasiantha Ranunculaceae > Ranunculus
Sibling taxa
R. abortivus, R. acriformis, R. acris, R. adoneus, R. alismifolius, R. allegheniensis, R. allenii, R. ambigens, R. andersonii, R. aquatilis, R. arizonicus, R. arvensis, R. auricomus, R. austro-oreganus, R. bonariensis, R. bulbosus, R. californicus, R. canus, R. cardiophyllus, R. cooleyae, R. cymbalaria, R. eschscholtzii, R. fascicularis, R. fasciculatus, R. ficaria, R. flabellaris, R. flammula, R. gelidus, R. glaberrimus, R. glacialis, R. gmelinii, R. gormanii, R. harveyi, R. hebecarpus, R. hederaceus, R. hispidus, R. hydrocharoides, R. hyperboreus, R. hystriculus, R. inamoenus, R. jovis, R. kamtschaticus, R. lapponicus, R. laxicaulis, R. lobbii, R. macauleyi, R. macounii, R. macranthus, R. marginatus, R. micranthus, R. muricatus, R. nivalis, R. occidentalis, R. oresterus, R. orthorhynchus, R. pacificus, R. parviflorus, R. pedatifidus, R. pensylvanicus, R. platensis, R. populago, R. pusillus, R. pygmaeus, R. ranunculinus, R. recurvatus, R. repens, R. rhomboideus, R. sabinei, R. sardous, R. sceleratus, R. sulphureus, R. testiculatus, R. trilobus, R. triternatus, R. turneri, R. uncinatus
Subordinate taxa
Name authority Schlechtendal: Animadv. Bot. Ranunc. Cand. 1: 15. (1819) L. D. Benson: Amer. J. Bot. 27: 807. (1940)
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