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Pallas' buttercup, renoncule de Pallas

dwarf buttercup, pygmy buttercup


slender, 0.1-0.6 mm thick.


creeping or floating, rooting nodally, glabrous, not bulbous-based.

erect or ascending from short caudices, 0.6-3.5 cm (sometimes longer in fruit), each with 1-2 flowers.

Basal leaves

persistent, blades reniform to transversely elliptic or semicircular, 3-parted or -divided, 0.45-0.9 × 0.6-1.3 cm, at least lateral segments again lobed, base truncate or nearly cordate, margins entire, apex rounded to obtuse.

Basal leaf blades

linear to obovate, undivided or 3-lobed, 1.5-3.6 × 0.3-2 cm, lobes lanceolate or elliptic, margins entire, apex rounded to acuminate.


receptacle glabrous;

sepals spreading, 6-10 × 4-7 mm, glabrous;

petals 7-11, white or pink, 8-13 × 3-6 mm.

pedicels glabrous or pubescent;

receptacle glabrous;

sepals 2-4 × 1.2-1.6 mm, abaxially sparsely hairy, hairs colorless;

petals 5, 1.2-3.5 × 1.1-2.8 mm;

nectary scale glabrous.

Heads of achenes

globose or hemispheric, 5-12 × 9-15 mm;

achenes 4.2-5.2 × 2.4-3.2 mm, glabrous;

beak persistent, lanceolate, straight or curved, 1-1.2 mm.

nearly globose to cylindric, 2.5-7 × 2.5-5 mm;

achenes 1-1.2 × 0.8-1.1 mm, glabrous;

beak subulate, straight or curved, 0.3-0.7 mm.


roots absent.


= 32.

= 16.

Ranunculus pallasii

Ranunculus pygmaeus

Phenology Flowering summer (Jul–Aug). Flowering summer (Jul–Sep).
Habitat Shallow water of bogs and pools in muskeg and tundra Arctic and alpine meadows and slopes, usually around persistent snow patches
Elevation 0-700 m (0-2300 ft) 0-4000 m (0-13100 ft)
from FNA
AK; MB; NF; NT; ON; QC; YT; Eurasia
from FNA
AK; CO; ID; MT; UT; WY; AB; BC; NF; NT; QC; YT; Greenland; Europe (Spitsbergen)
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Ranunculus pygmaeus var. langeana has been described as having deeply divided basal leaves and strongly elongate heads of achenes (at least 5 mm). These characteristics are not well correlated with one another, however, and the variety does not seem natural.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 3. FNA vol. 3.
Parent taxa Ranunculaceae > Ranunculus > subg. Pallasiantha Ranunculaceae > Ranunculus > subg. Ranunculus > sect. Epirotes
Sibling taxa
R. abortivus, R. acriformis, R. acris, R. adoneus, R. alismifolius, R. allegheniensis, R. allenii, R. ambigens, R. andersonii, R. aquatilis, R. arizonicus, R. arvensis, R. auricomus, R. austro-oreganus, R. bonariensis, R. bulbosus, R. californicus, R. canus, R. cardiophyllus, R. cooleyae, R. cymbalaria, R. eschscholtzii, R. fascicularis, R. fasciculatus, R. ficaria, R. flabellaris, R. flammula, R. gelidus, R. glaberrimus, R. glacialis, R. gmelinii, R. gormanii, R. harveyi, R. hebecarpus, R. hederaceus, R. hispidus, R. hydrocharoides, R. hyperboreus, R. hystriculus, R. inamoenus, R. jovis, R. kamtschaticus, R. lapponicus, R. laxicaulis, R. lobbii, R. macauleyi, R. macounii, R. macranthus, R. marginatus, R. micranthus, R. muricatus, R. nivalis, R. occidentalis, R. oresterus, R. orthorhynchus, R. pacificus, R. parviflorus, R. pedatifidus, R. pensylvanicus, R. platensis, R. populago, R. pusillus, R. pygmaeus, R. ranunculinus, R. recurvatus, R. repens, R. rhomboideus, R. sabinei, R. sardous, R. sceleratus, R. sulphureus, R. testiculatus, R. trilobus, R. triternatus, R. turneri, R. uncinatus
R. abortivus, R. acriformis, R. acris, R. adoneus, R. alismifolius, R. allegheniensis, R. allenii, R. ambigens, R. andersonii, R. aquatilis, R. arizonicus, R. arvensis, R. auricomus, R. austro-oreganus, R. bonariensis, R. bulbosus, R. californicus, R. canus, R. cardiophyllus, R. cooleyae, R. cymbalaria, R. eschscholtzii, R. fascicularis, R. fasciculatus, R. ficaria, R. flabellaris, R. flammula, R. gelidus, R. glaberrimus, R. glacialis, R. gmelinii, R. gormanii, R. harveyi, R. hebecarpus, R. hederaceus, R. hispidus, R. hydrocharoides, R. hyperboreus, R. hystriculus, R. inamoenus, R. jovis, R. kamtschaticus, R. lapponicus, R. laxicaulis, R. lobbii, R. macauleyi, R. macounii, R. macranthus, R. marginatus, R. micranthus, R. muricatus, R. nivalis, R. occidentalis, R. oresterus, R. orthorhynchus, R. pacificus, R. pallasii, R. parviflorus, R. pedatifidus, R. pensylvanicus, R. platensis, R. populago, R. pusillus, R. ranunculinus, R. recurvatus, R. repens, R. rhomboideus, R. sabinei, R. sardous, R. sceleratus, R. sulphureus, R. testiculatus, R. trilobus, R. triternatus, R. turneri, R. uncinatus
Synonyms R. pygmaeus var. langeana
Name authority Schlechtendal: Animadv. Bot. Ranunc. Cand. 1: 15. (1819) Wahlenberg: Fl. Lapp., 157. (1812)
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