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sagebrush buttercup, smooth buttercup

buttercup, crowfoot, renoncule, water-buttercup

Habit Herbs, annual or perennial, from tuberous roots, caudices, rhizomes, stolons, or bulbous stem bases.

cylindric, 1-3 mm thick.


prostrate or ascending, 4-15 cm, glabrous, each with 1-4 flowers.


blade reniform to linear, margins entire, crenate, or toothed.

Basal leaves

persistent, blades reniform or obovate to very narrowly elliptic, 0.7-5.2 × 1-2 cm, base truncate, obtuse or attenuate, margins entire or with 3 broad, apical crenae, apex rounded to acute.


terminal or axillary, 2-50-flowered cymes to 25 cm or solitary flowers;

bracts present or absent, small or large and leaflike, not forming involucre.


pedicels glabrous or nearly so;

receptacle glabrous;

sepals 5-8 × 3-7 mm, abaxially glabrous or sparsely pilose, hairs colorless;

petals 5-10, 8-13 × 5-12 mm;

nectary scale glabrous or ciliate.

bisexual, radially symmetric;

sepals sometimes persistent in fruit, 3-5(-6), green or sometimes purple, yellow, or white, plane (base saccate in R. ficaria), oblong to elliptic, ovate, or lanceolate, 1-15 mm;

petals 0-22(-150), distinct, yellow, rarely white, red, or green, plane, linear to orbiculate, 1-26 mm;

nectary present, usually covered by scale;

stamens (5-)10-many;

filaments filiform;

staminodes absent between stamens and pistils;

pistils 4-250, simple;

ovule 1 per ovary;

style present or absent.


achenes, rarely utricles, aggregate, sessile, discoid, lenticular, globose, obovoid, or cylindric, sides sometimes veined;

beak present or absent, terminal, straight or curved, 0-4.5 mm.

Heads of achenes

globose, 7-12(-20) × 6-11(-20) mm;

achenes 1.4-2.2 × 1.1-1.8 mm, usually finely pubescent;

beak subulate or lance-subulate, straight or curved, 0.4-1 mm.


= 7, 8.

Ranunculus glaberrimus


from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from USDA
Worldwide except lowland tropics
[BONAP county map]

Varieties 2 (2 in the flora).

Usually only a minority of the ovaries develop, and the fruiting receptacle is completely hidden by aborted ovaries. Populations growing at high elevations (Ranunculus glaberrimus var. ellipticus) and low elevations (var. glaberrimus) are usually well differentiated, but these varieties intergrade at intermediate elevations.

The Thompson Indians rubbed the flowers or the whole plant of Ranunculus glaberrimus on arrow points as a poison (D. E. Moerman 1986).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species about 300 (76 in the flora).

Most Ranunculus species are poisonous to stock; when abundant, they may be troublesome to ranchers. A few species with acrid juice were formerly used as vesicatories. The genus is badly in need of biosystematic work. Apomixis and interspecific hybridization occur in several Old World groups of buttercups; some of the taxonomic complexity of the New World species probably results from these processes.

Considerable disagreement exists among authors on the proper generic and infrageneric classification of Ranunculus. Most of the subgenera accepted here have been treated as separate genera at one time or another. All recent studies have been based on local or continental floras, however, and classifications proposed for one region may not work for the plants of other regions. Like most North American workers, I have followed the generic and infrageneric classification of L. D. Benson (1948), who gave by far the most thorough and best documented study of the problem. The genus and its subdivisions should be studied on a worldwide basis.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Basal leaf blades ovate to obovate, usually shallowly lobed; bracts 3-lobed, lobes equal in size; 400–2000 m.
var. glaberrimus
1. Basal leaf blades elliptic to oblanceolate, usually undivided; bracts 3-lobed, middle lobe much larger; 1200–3600 m.
var. ellipticus
1. All leaves simple and unlobed.
→ 2
1. Some or all leaves simple and lobed, or compound.
→ 9
2. Cauline leaves absent or scalelike; sepals deciduous or persistent.
→ 3
2. Cauline leaves present, well developed; sepals deciduous.
→ 5
3. Petals 5; achene beak 0.1-0.2 mm; plants stoloniferous, without caudices.
Halodes (Ranunculus cymbalaria)
3. Petals 8-18; achene beak 0.8-1.4 mm; plants not stoloniferous, stems erect from short caudices.
→ 4
4. Leaf blades undivided, margins entire or serrulate; sepals persistent in fruit; petals 7-12 mm.
Oxygraphis (Ranunculus kamtschaticus)
4. Leaf blades shallowly lobed, margins crenate; sepals deciduous; petals 2-4 mm
Pseudaphanostemma (Ranunculus hystriculus)
5. Tuberous roots present; flowers yellow; sepals 3.
Ficaria (Ranunculus ficaria)
5. Tuberous roots absent (roots thickened proximally in some 5-sepaled species of sect. Flammula); flowers yellow, white, or pink.
→ 6
6. Achenes 4.2-5.2 mm, achene body prolonged beyond seed as corky distal appendage; sepals 3, 6-10 mm; petals white to pink.
Pallasiantha (Ranunculus pallasii)
6. Achenes 0.8-2.8 mm, achene body not prolonged beyond seed; sepals (3-)4-5, 1.5-12 mm; petals yellow.
→ 7
7. Sepals covered with dense brown pubescence; distal leaves and bracts apically 3-crenate or shallowly 3-lobed, otherwise undivided.
Epirotes (Ranunculus macauleyi)
7. Sepals glabrous or with colorless hairs; distal leaves simple and undivided.
→ 8
8. Achene wall papery, longitudinally ribbed; leaf apex broadly rounded to truncate, margins crenate.
Halodes (Ranunculus cymbalaria)
8. Achene wall thick, not ornamented, smooth (sometimes pubescent); leaf apex acuminate to rounded-obtuse, margins entire or finely toothed.
sect. Flammula
9. Leafy stems creeping and rooting at nodes or floating in water, then rootless.
→ 10
9. Leafy stems erect or if decumbent rooting only at base, never floating.
→ 14
10. Leaves 3-foliolate.
sect. Ranunculus
10. Leaves simple, lobed to filiform-dissected or occasionally undivided.
→ 11
11. Achene body prolonged beyond seed as corky distal appendage; sepals 3, petals 5-11.
→ 12
11. Achene body not prolonged beyond seed; either sepals 5 or sepals 3-4 and petals also 3-4.
→ 13
12. Leaf blade as wide as long, ternately divided to base.
Coptidium (Ranunculus lapponicus)
12. Leaf blade much longer than wide, unlobed or lobed.
Pallasiantha (Ranunculus pallasii)
13. Petals white or white with yellow claws; achenes with strong coarse wrinkles.
subg. Batrachium
13. Petals yellow; achenes smooth (faintly wrinkled in R. sceleratus var. sceleratus).
sect. Hecatonia
14. Petals pure red, or white when immature; fruits winged achenes or utricles.
subg. Crymodes
14. Petals yellow, rarely also with some red pigmentation abaxially, or greenish yellow; fruits achenes, rarely winged.
→ 15
15. Cauline leaves absent or scalelike, tuberous roots absent; leaves sometimes deeply parted or dissected, never compound.
→ 16
15. Cauline leaves present, simple, lobed or dissected, or compound (rarely reduced to scales in R. fascicularis with tuberous roots and 3-5-foliolate leaves).
→ 18
16. Plants villous; sepals 3-6 × 1-2 mm, persistent in fruit; fruit wall firm, smooth, beak much longer than achene body.
Ceratocephala (Ranunculus testiculatus)
16. Plants glabrous; sepals 6-13 × 3-7 mm, deciduous in fruit; fruit wall thin, veined, beak much shorter than achene body.
→ 17
17. Leaves shallowly 5-7-lobed; petals inconspicuous, 2-4 mm.
Pseudaphanostemma (Ranunculus hystriculus)
17. Leaves 3-5-parted; petals showy, 8-12 mm.
Arcteranthis (Ranunculus cooleyae)
18. Style absent, stigma sessile; achene margins thick and corky; emergent aquatic, sometimes also found on very wet soil.
Hecatonia (Ranunculus sceleratus)
18. Style present; achene margins not corky; in various habitats but rarely aquatic.
→ 19
19. Achene wall thin, longitudinally striate; scale of nectary reduced to low ridge, not covering nectary.
Cyrtorhyncha (Ranunculus ranunculinus)
19. Achene wall thick, smooth, papillose, or spiny; scale of nectary well-developed flap or pocket completely covering nectary.
→ 20
20. Achenes thick-lenticular or asymmetrically thick-lenticular to compressed-globose, 1.2-2 times as wide as thick; nectary scale joined with petal on 3 sides, forming pocket enclosing nectary (sometimes with apex free, forming flap shorter than pocket); basal leaves various, unlobed to deeply divided, margins entire to crenate but never at all serrate.
sect. Epirotes
20. Achenes strongly flattened, at least 3-15 times as wide as thick; nectary scale free from petal for at least 1/2 its length, thus forming free scale over nectary (scale sometimes free for less than 1/2 its length in R. recurvatus, with serrate to crenate-serrate leaf margins); basal leaves always deeply lobed or compound (except sometimes in R. marginatus and R. orthorhynchus), margins various.
→ 21
21. Achenes papillose or spiny (sometimes smooth in R. sardous); flowers small, petals 1-6 mm, scarcely longer than sepals, sometimes absent (larger and much longer than sepals in R. sardous).
sect. Echinella
21. Achenes smooth, glabrous or pubescent; flowers small to large, petals always present, 2-22 mm.
sect. Ranunculus
Source FNA vol. 3. FNA vol. 3. Author: Alan T. Whittemore.
Parent taxa Ranunculaceae > Ranunculus > subg. Ranunculus > sect. Epirotes Ranunculaceae
Sibling taxa
R. abortivus, R. acriformis, R. acris, R. adoneus, R. alismifolius, R. allegheniensis, R. allenii, R. ambigens, R. andersonii, R. aquatilis, R. arizonicus, R. arvensis, R. auricomus, R. austro-oreganus, R. bonariensis, R. bulbosus, R. californicus, R. canus, R. cardiophyllus, R. cooleyae, R. cymbalaria, R. eschscholtzii, R. fascicularis, R. fasciculatus, R. ficaria, R. flabellaris, R. flammula, R. gelidus, R. glacialis, R. gmelinii, R. gormanii, R. harveyi, R. hebecarpus, R. hederaceus, R. hispidus, R. hydrocharoides, R. hyperboreus, R. hystriculus, R. inamoenus, R. jovis, R. kamtschaticus, R. lapponicus, R. laxicaulis, R. lobbii, R. macauleyi, R. macounii, R. macranthus, R. marginatus, R. micranthus, R. muricatus, R. nivalis, R. occidentalis, R. oresterus, R. orthorhynchus, R. pacificus, R. pallasii, R. parviflorus, R. pedatifidus, R. pensylvanicus, R. platensis, R. populago, R. pusillus, R. pygmaeus, R. ranunculinus, R. recurvatus, R. repens, R. rhomboideus, R. sabinei, R. sardous, R. sceleratus, R. sulphureus, R. testiculatus, R. trilobus, R. triternatus, R. turneri, R. uncinatus
Subordinate taxa
R. glaberrimus var. ellipticus, R. glaberrimus var. glaberrimus
R. sect. Echinella, R. sect. Epirotes, R. sect. Flammula, R. sect. Hecatonia, R. sect. Ranunculus, R. subg. Batrachium, R. subg. Crymodes
Name authority Hooker: Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1: 12. (1829) Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 1: 548. 175: Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 243. (1754)
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