Ranunculus austro-oreganus |
southern Oregon buttercup |
Roots | never tuberous. |
Stems | erect or ascending, never rooting nodally, crisped-pilose, base not bulbous. |
Basal leaf blades | broadly rhombic to semicircular in outline, 3-parted, 2.8-4.3 × 3-5.5 cm, segments 3-lobed, ultimate segments lanceolate, margins entire or toothed, apex narrowly acute or acuminate. |
Flowers | receptacle glabrous; sepals reflexed 1 mm above base, 4-6 × 1.5-3 mm, densely pilose; petals 5, abaxially red, adaxially yellow, 10-12 × 4-6 mm. |
Heads of achenes | hemispheric, 4-7 × 7-10 mm; achenes 3.4-4.2 × 2.8-3.2 mm, sometimes basally pilose, margin forming narrow rib 0.1-0.2 mm wide; beak persistent, lance-subulate, straight or somewhat curved distally, 1.6-2.6 mm. |
Ranunculus austro-oreganus |
Phenology | Flowering spring (May). |
Habitat | Grassy hillsides |
Elevation | 500 m [1600 ft] |
Distribution |
OR |
Discussion | Of conservation concern. Ranunculus austro-oreganus is doubtfully distinct from R. occidentalis var. howellii. L. D. Benson (1954) described the stem as bulbous-based and similar to that of R. bulbosus, but a differentiated base is not evident in material I have seen (some of which was cited by Benson). (Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.) |
Source | FNA vol. 3. |
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Name authority | L. D. Benson: Amer. Midl. Naturalist 52: 341. (1954) |
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