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Garry oak, Oregon oak, Oregon white oak

Habit Trees or shrubs, deciduous, trees to 15(-20) m, with solitary trunks, shrubs to 0.1-3 m, multitrunked.

light gray or almost white, scaly.


brown, red, or yellowish, 2-4 mm diam., densely puberulent with spreading hairs or glabrate.


brown or yellowish, ovoid or fusiform and apex acute, 2-12 mm, glandular-puberulent or densely pubescent.


blade obovate, elliptic or subrotund, moderately to deeply lobed, 25-120(-140) × 15-85 mm, base rounded-attenuate or cuneate, rarely subcordate, often unequal, margins with sinuses usually reaching more than 1/2 distance to midrib, lobes oblong or spatulate, obtuse, rounded or blunt, larger lobes usually with 2-3 sublobes or teeth, veins often ending in retuse teeth, secondary veins yellowish, 4-7 on each side, the more distal veins often branching within distal lobes, apex broadly rounded;

surfaces abaxially light green or waxy yellowish, often felty to touch, densely to sparsely covered with semi-erect or erect, simple and (2-)4-8-rayed, fasciculate hairs 0.1-1 mm, secondary veins raised, adaxially bright or dark green, glossy or somewhat scurfy because of sparse stellate hairs.


1-3, subsessile, rarely on peduncle to 10(-20) mm;

cup saucer-shaped, cup-shaped, or hemispheric, 4-10 mm deep × 12-22 mm wide;

scales yellowish or reddish brown, often long-acute near rim of cup, moderately or scarcely tuberculate, canescent or tomentulose;

nut light brown, oblong to globose, (12-)25-30(-40) × (10-)14-20(-22) mm, apex blunt or rounded, glabrous or often persistently puberulent.




= 24.

Quercus garryana

from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Varieties 3 (3 in the flora).

Quercus garryana (no varieties specified) was used medicinally by Native Americans to treat tuberculosis and as a drink and a rub for mothers before childbirth (D. E. Moerman 1986).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Trees to 15 m or more, trunk usually solitary; buds yellowish or cream, usually fusiform, 6–12 mm, apex acute, densely pubescent; twigs persistently puberulent, with spreading hairs.
var. garryana
1. Shrubs or small trees usually less than 5 m, multitrunked, spreading and clonal; buds reddish brown, ovoid, 2–5 mm, sparsely glandular-puberulent; twigs sparsely puberulent or glabrate, without spreading hairs.
→ 2
2. Leaf blade abaxially velvety to touch, hairs usually 4–6-rayed, rays 0.25–0.5 mm.
var. breweri
2. Leaf blade abaxially not velvety but sometimes felty, hairs 6–8-rayed, rays less than 0.3 mm.
var. semota
Source FNA vol. 3.
Parent taxa Fagaceae > Quercus > sect. Quercus
Sibling taxa
Q. acerifolia, Q. agrifolia, Q. ajoensis, Q. alba, Q. arizonica, Q. arkansana, Q. austrina, Q. berberidifolia, Q. bicolor, Q. boyntonii, Q. buckleyi, Q. carmenensis, Q. chapmanii, Q. chihuahuensis, Q. chrysolepis, Q. coccinea, Q. cornelius-mulleri, Q. depressipes, Q. douglasii, Q. dumosa, Q. durata, Q. ellipsoidalis, Q. emoryi, Q. engelmannii, Q. falcata, Q. fusiformis, Q. gambelii, Q. geminata, Q. georgiana, Q. graciliformis, Q. gravesii, Q. grisea, Q. havardii, Q. hemisphaerica, Q. hinckleyi, Q. hypoleucoides, Q. ilicifolia, Q. imbricaria, Q. incana, Q. inopina, Q. intricata, Q. john-tuckeri, Q. kelloggii, Q. laceyi, Q. laevis, Q. laurifolia, Q. lobata, Q. lyrata, Q. macrocarpa, Q. margarettae, Q. marilandica, Q. michauxii, Q. minima, Q. mohriana, Q. montana, Q. muehlenbergii, Q. myrtifolia, Q. nigra, Q. oblongifolia, Q. oglethorpensis, Q. pacifica, Q. pagoda, Q. palmeri, Q. palustris, Q. phellos, Q. polymorpha, Q. prinoides, Q. pumila, Q. pungens, Q. robur, Q. robusta, Q. rubra, Q. rugosa, Q. sadleriana, Q. shumardii, Q. similis, Q. sinuata, Q. stellata, Q. tardifolia, Q. texana, Q. tomentella, Q. toumeyi, Q. turbinella, Q. vacciniifolia, Q. vaseyana, Q. velutina, Q. viminea, Q. virginiana, Q. wislizenii
Subordinate taxa
Q. garryana var. breweri, Q. garryana var. garryana, Q. garryana var. semota
Synonyms Q. douglasii var. neaei, Q. garryana var. jacobi, Q. jacobi, Q. lobata var. breweri, Q. neaei
Name authority Douglas ex Hooker: Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 159. (1840)
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