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curly-head goldenweed

Columbian goldenweed, large-flower goldenweed, white-vein wintergreen, woolly-heads

Habit Plants (10–)18–80 cm. Plants 5–50 cm.

2–10, erect or ascending, pale or reddish, often stout, usually glabrous, often tomentose distally.

1–4, erect or ascending to decumbent, reddish, leafy, villous.


basal petiolate, blades oblanceolate to spatulate or narrowly elliptic, 80–450 × 5–60 mm (firm, leathery, succulent), margins entire or undulate, eciliate, apices acute or obtuse, faces usually glabrous, rarely puberulent, eglandular;

cauline sessile, blades lanceolate, 10–120 × 5–30 mm, bases clasping.

basal (in rosettes) petiolate, blades lanceolate to oblanceolate or spatulate, 50–200 × 5–40 mm, margins usually spinulose-serrate, sometimes entire, ciliate, apices acute, faces puberulent;

cauline sessile, blades linear-lanceolate, 40–100 × 5–15 mm, reduced distally, faces glabrous or villous-hispid, eglandular.


1–5 cm.

1–5 cm.


hemispheric, 10–20 × 15–60 mm.

turbinate to campanulate, 10–20 × 15–35 mm.

Ray florets


corollas (bright yellow) 9–30 mm.

0 or 1–30;

corollas yellow, 2–7 mm (not surpassing involucres).

Disc florets


corollas 7–13 mm.


corollas 9–14 mm.


in 2–3 series (loose), usually green, sometimes yellowish, oblong to spatulate, 9–15 mm, subequal, margins pale, entire or denticulate, eciliate, apices ± erect, obtuse, broad.

in 3–5 series (± loose), linear-lanceolate to oblong, 10–20 mm, unequal, bases tapering, margins spinulose-serrate, ciliate, apices occasionally recurved, acute, mucronate, faces puberulent.


usually borne singly, terminal, sometimes 2–6 (not subtended by leaflike bracts).

usually borne singly, terminal, sometimes 2–3 in racemiform arrays, subtended by leaflike bracts.


narrowly oblong, compressed, 5–8 mm, 4-angled, faces striate, glabrous;

pappi tawny, 6–12 mm.

subcylindric, 3–5.5 mm, 4-angled, faces striate or smooth, glabrous;

pappi tawny, 6–9 mm.

Pyrrocoma crocea

Pyrrocoma carthamoides

from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Varieties 2 (2 in the flora).

Pyrrocoma crocea is recognized by its thick stems, large, firm leaves, and large heads with oblong to spatulate phyllaries. H. M. Hall (1928) considered it the ancestral form of Pyrrocoma because of its large heads, numerous florets, long rays, and short style-branch appendages. R. A. Mayes (1976) suggested it is closely related to P. integrifolia.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Varieties 3 (3 in the flora).

Pyrrocoma carthamoides is recognized by its erect, leafy, and villous stems, hispidulous leaves and phyllaries, and large, usually single heads with somewhat loose phyllaries. The ray florets are usually reduced but sometimes are lacking altogether.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Plants 30–80 cm, robust; heads usually borne singly; involucres 15–20 × 20–40 mm; ray florets 13–30 mm
var. crocea
1. Plants 10–30 cm, slender; heads usually 2–6, occasionally 1; involucres 10–15 × 15–20 mm; ray florets 9–12 mm
var. genuflexa
1. Phyllary apices broad, truncate, abruptly muc-ronate, mucro usually recurved
var. subsquarrosa
1. Phyllary apices acute to acuminate, mucro erect
→ 2
2. Involucres hemispheric, 20–35 mm wide; phyllaries ± overlapping, broadly oblong to obovate
var. carthamoides
2. Involucres campanulate or turbinate, 15–20 mm wide; phyllaries loose, scarcely overlap-ping, lanceolate
var. cusickii
Source FNA vol. 20, p. 417. FNA vol. 20, p. 415.
Parent taxa Asteraceae > tribe Astereae > Pyrrocoma Asteraceae > tribe Astereae > Pyrrocoma
Sibling taxa
P. apargioides, P. carthamoides, P. clementis, P. hirta, P. insecticruris, P. integrifolia, P. lanceolata, P. liatriformis, P. linearis, P. lucida, P. racemosa, P. radiata, P. uniflora
P. apargioides, P. clementis, P. crocea, P. hirta, P. insecticruris, P. integrifolia, P. lanceolata, P. liatriformis, P. linearis, P. lucida, P. racemosa, P. radiata, P. uniflora
Subordinate taxa
P. crocea var. crocea, P. crocea var. genuflexa
P. carthamoides var. carthamoides, P. carthamoides var. cusickii, P. carthamoides var. subsquarrosa
Synonyms Haplopappus croceus Haplopappus carthamoides
Name authority (A. Gray) Greene: Erythea 2: 69. (1894) Hooker: Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1: 307, plate 107. (1803)
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