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Potentilla versicolor

Steens Mountain cinquefoil, varying cinquefoil

Beringian cinquefoil, yurtsev's cinquefoil

Habit Plants rosetted to ± matted; taproots ± fleshy-thickened. Plants ± densely tufted.
Caudex branches

stout, usually columnar, sometimes sheathed with marcescent whole leaves.


prostrate to ascending, (0.7–)1.5–2.5(–4) dm, lengths 2–4(–5) times basal leaves.

erect, (0.2–)0.3–1.5(–2) dm, lengths 1.5–2.5(–3.5) times basal leaves.

Basal leaves

pinnate with distal leaflets ± confluent, 4–12 × 1–2.5(–3.5) cm;

petiole 1–3 cm, straight hairs absent (on early-season petioles) or sparse to common, spreading-ascending to loosely appressed, 1–2 mm, soft, cottony hairs usually absent, glands sparse;

primary lateral leaflets 3–5 per side, on distal (1/3–)1/2–2/3 of leaf axis, overlapping, largest ones cuneate to flabellate, 0.5–1.5(–2) × 0.5–1.5 cm, distal 3/4 to whole margin unevenly incised 2/3 to completely to midvein (blade often medially split as well), ultimate teeth or segments 2–5(–8), ± oblanceolate, 3–11 × 1–3 mm, apical tufts to 1 mm, surfaces green to grayish green, not glaucous, straight hairs sparse to common (sparser adaxially), sometimes absent (except on margins), loosely appressed to ascending, 1–2 mm, soft, cottony hairs absent, glands sparse to common.

(1–)2–10(–15) cm;

petiole (0.5–)1–5(–12) cm, long hairs common to dense, ± ascending to loosely appressed, sometimes spreading, 1–2 mm, ± soft, smooth, crisped/short-cottony hairs usually sparse, sometimes absent or common, glands absent, sparse, or obscured;

leaflets separate to slightly overlapping, central obovate or obtriangular, (0.5–)1–2(–3) × (0.4–)0.8–1.5(–2) cm, sessile or subsessile, base cuneate, margins revolute, distal (1/3–)1/2–2/3(–3/4) incised 1/2–2/3(–3/4) to midvein, teeth 2–3(–4) per side, usually ± distant, surfaces somewhat to more often strongly dissimilar, abaxial yellowish or grayish white to white, long hairs 0.8–1.5 mm, cottony-crisped hairs ± dense, adaxial green to grayish green, long hairs sparse to ± abundant, other hairs usually absent.

Cauline leaves




(1–)3–10-flowered, usually openly cymose.

usually 1(–2)-flowered, rarely to 5-flowered.


1–3(–5) cm, straight to slightly recurved in fruit.

(0.5–)2–4 cm in flower, to 5 cm in fruit.


epicalyx bractlets lanceolate to elliptic, rarely ovate, 2–5 × 1–2 mm, sometimes apically toothed;

hypanthium 3–5 mm diam.;

sepals 4–7 mm, apex acute;

petals 4–7 × 3–5.5 mm;

filaments (1–)1.5–2.5 mm, anthers 0.5–0.8 mm;

carpels 10–25, styles 2 mm.

epicalyx bractlets elliptic-lanceolate to ovate, (3–)4–6(–7) × (0.8–)1.2–2(–2.5) mm, (1/2–)2/3 to as wide as sepals, margins revolute, rarely flat, red glands absent;

hypanthium 2.5–4 mm diam.;

sepals 4–6(–7) mm, apex subacute;

petals (5–)6–9 × (5–)7–9 mm, significantly longer than sepals;

filaments 1–1.3 mm, anthers 0.4–0.6 mm;

carpels 30–40, apical hairs absent, styles narrowly columnar to conic-tapered, papillate-swollen on proximal 1/5(–1/3), 0.9–1.1 mm.


1.5–1.8 mm, smooth to faintly rugose, not carunculate.

1.2–2 mm.


= 28, 42, 49, 56 (Russian Far East).

Potentilla versicolor

Potentilla subgorodkovii

Phenology Flowering summer. Flowering late spring to summer.
Habitat Rocky, alpine meadows, seasonally moist slopes, near streams or snowmelt Dry alpine heaths, exposed ridges and summits, rock outcrops, scree and talus, dry tundra, acidic and calcareous bedrock
Elevation 2100–3200 m (6900–10500 ft) 0–4300 m (0–14100 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
from FNA
AK; CO; MT; UT; WY; AB; BC; NT; NU; YT; Asia (Russian Far East, Sakha [Yakutia])
[BONAP county map]

Potentilla versicolor is most common on Steens Mountain in Harney County, Oregon. Collections are known from other mountain ranges in eastern Oregon (some possibly representing distinct taxa) and from near Island Lake in the Ruby Mountains of northeastern Nevada. The species often grows and, apparently, intergrades with P. breweri; it is usually distinct in its lack of cottony hairs. Petals, filaments, and styles tend to be somewhat shorter in P. versicolor than in P. breweri. Collections of P. versicolor have most often been identified as P. breweri, P. millefolia, or P. ovina.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

The name Potentilla subgorodkovii was coined for a presumed hybrid species resulting from P. crebridens × P. subvahliana; here it is applied in a collective meaning for plants combining characteristics from multiple species of the P. uniflora/villosa and P. nivea groups. Morphologically, this collective entity is much closer to the P. uniflora/villosa group than to the P. nivea group and is clearly different from primary hybrids and clones, which are often observed.

Potentilla subgorodkovii constitutes about half of what previously has been considered P. uniflora in Alaska and Yukon and is the only such entity fully confirmed south of northern British Columbia. These southern populations occur outside the range of possible parental members of the P. uniflora/villosa group and do not support the hybrid hypothesis. They may instead represent a distinct species, not yet described.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 9, p. 171. FNA vol. 9, p. 204.
Parent taxa Rosaceae > subfam. Rosoideae > tribe Potentilleae > Potentilla > sect. Multijugae Rosaceae > subfam. Rosoideae > tribe Potentilleae > Potentilla > sect. Niveae
Sibling taxa
P. albiflora, P. ambigens, P. anachoretica, P. angelliae, P. anglica, P. anserina, P. arenosa, P. argentea, P. arizonica, P. basaltica, P. bicrenata, P. biennis, P. biflora, P. bimundorum, P. bipinnatifida, P. brevifolia, P. breweri, P. bruceae, P. brunnescens, P. canadensis, P. concinna, P. cottamii, P. crantzii, P. crebridens, P. crinita, P. cristae, P. demotica, P. drummondii, P. effusa, P. elegans, P. erecta, P. flabellifolia, P. fragiformis, P. furcata, P. glaucophylla, P. gracilis, P. grayi, P. hickmanii, P. hippiana, P. holmgrenii, P. hookeriana, P. hyparctica, P. inclinata, P. intermedia, P. jepsonii, P. johnstonii, P. lasiodonta, P. litoralis, P. macounii, P. millefolia, P. modesta, P. morefieldii, P. multijuga, P. multisecta, P. nana, P. newberryi, P. nivea, P. norvegica, P. ovina, P. paucijuga, P. pedersenii, P. pensylvanica, P. plattensis, P. pseudosericea, P. pulchella, P. pulcherrima, P. recta, P. reptans, P. rhyolitica, P. rimicola, P. rivalis, P. robbinsiana, P. rubella, P. rubricaulis, P. sanguinea, P. saximontana, P. sierrae-blancae, P. simplex, P. sterilis, P. stipularis, P. subgorodkovii, P. subjuga, P. subvahliana, P. subviscosa, P. supina, P. thurberi, P. thuringiaca, P. tikhomirovii, P. townsendii, P. uliginosa, P. uschakovii, P. vahliana, P. verna, P. villosa, P. villosula, P. vulcanicola, P. wheeleri
P. albiflora, P. ambigens, P. anachoretica, P. angelliae, P. anglica, P. anserina, P. arenosa, P. argentea, P. arizonica, P. basaltica, P. bicrenata, P. biennis, P. biflora, P. bimundorum, P. bipinnatifida, P. brevifolia, P. breweri, P. bruceae, P. brunnescens, P. canadensis, P. concinna, P. cottamii, P. crantzii, P. crebridens, P. crinita, P. cristae, P. demotica, P. drummondii, P. effusa, P. elegans, P. erecta, P. flabellifolia, P. fragiformis, P. furcata, P. glaucophylla, P. gracilis, P. grayi, P. hickmanii, P. hippiana, P. holmgrenii, P. hookeriana, P. hyparctica, P. inclinata, P. intermedia, P. jepsonii, P. johnstonii, P. lasiodonta, P. litoralis, P. macounii, P. millefolia, P. modesta, P. morefieldii, P. multijuga, P. multisecta, P. nana, P. newberryi, P. nivea, P. norvegica, P. ovina, P. paucijuga, P. pedersenii, P. pensylvanica, P. plattensis, P. pseudosericea, P. pulchella, P. pulcherrima, P. recta, P. reptans, P. rhyolitica, P. rimicola, P. rivalis, P. robbinsiana, P. rubella, P. rubricaulis, P. sanguinea, P. saximontana, P. sierrae-blancae, P. simplex, P. sterilis, P. stipularis, P. subjuga, P. subvahliana, P. subviscosa, P. supina, P. thurberi, P. thuringiaca, P. tikhomirovii, P. townsendii, P. uliginosa, P. uschakovii, P. vahliana, P. verna, P. versicolor, P. villosa, P. villosula, P. vulcanicola, P. wheeleri
Name authority Rydberg: in N. L. Britton et al., N. Amer. Fl. 22: 344. (1908) Jurtzev: Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 78: 83. (1993)
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