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wing-stem camphorweed

stinking camphorweed

Habit Perennials, 50–200 cm; fibrous-rooted. Annuals or perennials, 40–100 cm; fibrous-rooted, sometimes rhizomatous.

minutely hirtellous to strigillose and sessile-glandular (winged by decurrent leaf bases).

(often dark purplish) arachnose, glandular.



blades usually lanceolate to lance-elliptic (proximal sometimes spatulate or oblanceolate), mostly 5–15 × 1–3(–4) cm, margins shallowly and closely toothed, faces minutely hirtellous to strigillose and sessile-glandular.


blades (thick, reticulate-veined) oblong to elliptic, lance-ovate, or ovate, mostly 3–10(–13) × 1–4 cm (bases clasping), margins denticulate (apices rounded to acute), faces minutely sessile-glandular.


hemispheric to cupulate, 4–7 × 8–10 mm.

usually cupulate to campanulate, sometimes turbinate-campanulate, 5–10 × 6–9(–12) mm (bases mostly rounded to impressed, sometimes obtuse).


white or rose-purple.

creamy white to yellowish or pale pink.


greenish to cream, ± stipitate-glandular (outer oval-oblong to linear-attenuate).

usually creamy white, sometimes cream, greenish, pinkish, rose-purplish, purplish, yellowish, or pale pink, thinly arachnoid-pubescent and sessile-glandular (the outer ovate to ovate-lanceolate, lengths mostly 0.2–0.6 times inner).


in corymbiform arrays.

in loose to dense, corymbiform arrays.


persistent, bristles distinct.

persistent, bristles distinct.


= 20.

Pluchea sagittalis

Pluchea foetida

Phenology Flowering Jul–Aug. Late Jul–Oct (year-round in south).
Habitat Moist or wet, open habitats, ballast deposit areas Seasonally wet soil, pond and lake edges, ditches, borrow pits, swampy woods, bogs, other freshwater wetlands
Elevation 0–10 m (0–0 ft) 0–20 m (0–100 ft)
from FNA
AL; FL; South America; West Indies [Introduced in North America]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
AL; AR; DE; FL; GA; LA; MD; MO; MS; NC; NJ; OK; SC; TX; VA; Mexico; West Indies (Hispaniola)
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Pluchea sagittalis is adventive, probably a waif; it was collected as a ballast weed by C. Mohr near Mobile (1891, 1894, 1896) and by A. H. Curtiss near Pensacola (1886, 1901).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Pluchea foetida var. imbricata has not been treated as distinct from typical P. foetida by recent authors (e.g., A. Cronquist 1980; R. K. Godfrey and J. W. Wooten 1981; R. P. Wunderlin et al. 1996). Although plants similar to the type can be found scattered in Florida and Georgia, a populational integrity does not appear to occur, and intermediate forms exist. Nevertheless, field biologists should be aware of the putative distinctions of var. imbricata to make more critical observations regarding its status.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Distalmost leaves triangular-ovate; heads in tight, rounded clusters at ends of branches; involucres turbinate-campanulate, 9–10 mm; phyllaries pink- ish to rose-purplish
var. imbricata
1. Distalmost leaves mostly oblong-elliptic; heads in paniculiform arrays of usually flat-topped cymiform clusters; involucres broadly campanulate, 5–8 mm; phyllaries cream to greenish
var. foetida
Source FNA vol. 19, p. 480. FNA vol. 19, p. 482.
Parent taxa Asteraceae > tribe Plucheeae > Pluchea Asteraceae > tribe Plucheeae > Pluchea
Sibling taxa
P. baccharis, P. camphorata, P. carolinensis, P. foetida, P. longifolia, P. odorata, P. sericea, P. yucatanensis
P. baccharis, P. camphorata, P. carolinensis, P. longifolia, P. odorata, P. sagittalis, P. sericea, P. yucatanensis
Subordinate taxa
P. foetida var. foetida, P. foetida var. imbricata
Synonyms Conyza sagittalis, P. quitoc, P. suaveolens Baccharis foetida, P. eggersii, P. foetida var. imbricata, P. imbricata, P. tenuifolia
Name authority (Lamarck) Cabrera: Bol. Soc. Argent. Bot. 3: 36. (1949) (Linnaeus) de Candolle: in A. P. de Candolle and A. L. P. P. de Candolle, Prodr. 5: 452. (1836)
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