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southern pokeweed

red inkplant

Habit Plants to 2 m. Leaves: petiole 0.5–3(–4) cm; blade broadly lanceolate to elliptic, to 18 × 7 cm, base obtuse to attenuate, apex acute to acuminate. Plants to 2 m. Leaves: petiole 0.5–3 cm; blade lanceolate to elliptic, to 22 × 7.5 cm, base obtuse to attenuate, apex acute to acute-acuminate, sometimes mucronate.

dense, proximalmost pedicels sometimes bearing 2–few flowers, to 20 cm;

peduncle to 5(–8) cm;

pedicel 2–4 mm.


axillary or terminal spikes or spikelike, equaling or shorter than subtending leaves, to 14 cm;

peduncle to 3 cm;

pedicel absent or to 2 mm.


sepals 5, white to red, oblong to ovate, subequal, 2–3 × 1.2–2 mm;

stamens 7–12, in 1 whorl (rarely, partial 2d whorl present);

carpels 7–10, fully connate or sometimes connate only in proximal 1/2;

ovary 7–10-loculed.

sepals 5, white to pinkish or reddish, oblong to ovate, subequal, 2–3 × 1.2–2 mm;

stamens (7–)8–10, in 1 whorl;

carpels 7–10, connate;

ovary 7–10-loculed.


green-brown becoming dark brown, 5–8 mm diam.

greenish, 4.5–6 mm diam.


black, thickly lenticular, 2.5–3.3 mm, shiny.

black, lenticular, 2 mm, shiny.


= 36.

Phytolacca bogotensis

Phytolacca octandra

Phenology Flowering; fruiting summer–fall. Flowering summer–fall northward, probably year-round southward.
Habitat Chrome ore piles Disturbed areas
Elevation 10 m (0 ft) 200-1000 m (700-3300 ft)
from FNA
MD; South America [Introduced in North America]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
AZ; WI; Mexico; Central America; South America; West Indies; Asia; Africa; Pacific Islands

Phytolacca octandra is a species with nearly worldwide distribution. It is closely similar to, and perhaps not specifically distinct from, P. icosandra (J. I. Davis 1985).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 4, p. 8. FNA vol. 4, p. 9.
Parent taxa Phytolaccaceae > Phytolacca Phytolaccaceae > Phytolacca
Sibling taxa
P. acinosa, P. americana, P. heterotepala, P. icosandra, P. octandra
P. acinosa, P. americana, P. bogotensis, P. heterotepala, P. icosandra
Name authority Kunth: in A. von Humboldt et al., Nov. Gen. Sp. 2: 183. (1817) Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. ed. 2, 1: 631. (1762)
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