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hairy ground-cherry, husk tomato


Habit Herbs annual, taprooted, ± glabrous to villous, hairs simple, jointed, glandular and eglandular, of varying lengths, all shorter than 0.5 mm, plants from southwestern United States all glandular, green in appearance when dry. Herbs [shrubs], annual or perennial, taprooted or rhizomatous, glabrous or pubescent, hairs simple, forked, or dendroid-stelliform, sometimes multicellular and appearing jointed, glandular or eglandular.

erect, branching at most nodes, branches spreading, 0.5–8 dm.

erect to weakly decumbent, branching.



petiole 1/5 to as long as blade;

blade broadly ovate to orbiculate, (1.6–)2.5–8(–9.5) × (1–)2–7 cm, base rounded to slightly cordate, margins entire or coarsely dentate, teeth fewer than 8 per side.

alternate, sometimes geminate, petiolate or sessile;

blade simple, margins entire, dentate, or sinuate.


axillary, solitary flowers [fascicles of 2–5].


slender, 3.5–9 mm, 5–15 mm in fruit.


calyx 3–6(–7) mm, lobes 1–3.5 mm;

corolla yellow with 5 large, dark purple-brown-black spots, campanulate-rotate, 6–11 mm;

anthers blue, rarely yellow or blue-tinged, not twisted after dehiscence, 1–2 mm.

5-merous, (pendent or nodding);

calyx campanulate with 5 broadly to narrowly triangular lobes, accrescent and inflated in fruit, becoming reticulate-membranous and bladderlike with narrow orifice and completely enclosing berry;

corolla yellow or pale cream-yellow to nearly white, often with 5 large spots or smudges or star-shaped tinge of color in throat, and mat of white hairs at base of throat, radial, rotate or campanulate-rotate, limb sometimes widely flaring or reflexed at maturity, 5-angulate or obscurely 5-lobed, (P. solanacea dark purple or rarely yellowish or greenish with large purple spots, urceolate, with 5 shallow teeth) [campanulate with open limb];

stamens inserted at base of corolla tube, equal;

anthers basifixed, oblong to narrowly elliptic, dehiscing by longitudinal slits;

ovary 2-carpellate;

style straight, slender, sometimes expanding distally;

stigma minutely capitate or truncate.

Fruiting calyces

loosely enclosing berry, sharply 5-angled, 20–35 × 15–25(–30) mm, always noticeably longer than wide.


berries, globose, juicy [somewhat dry], completely enclosed by inflated fruiting calyx.


reniform, flattened [oblique-triangular].


= 12, 24.


= 24.

Physalis pubescens


Phenology Flowering year-round in areas without frost, mostly May–Oct.
Habitat Low woods, edges of swamps, stream banks, floodplains, hammocks, disturbed habitats.
Elevation 0–900 m. [0–3000 ft.]
from FNA
AL; AR; AZ; CA; DC; FL; GA; IA; IL; IN; KS; KY; LA; MD; MI; MO; MS; NC; NJ; NM; OH; OK; PA; SC; TN; TX; UT; VA; WI; WV; Mexico; Central America; South America; West Indies [Introduced in Australia]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from USDA
North America; Mexico; Central America; South America; West Indies; Bermuda [Introduced in Asia, Africa, Pacific Islands, Australia]
[BONAP county map]

Fresh plants of Physalis pubescens reportedly have a strong fetid odor (M. Martínez 1998). This widespread species exhibits considerable variability in the character of the leaf margins and degree of indument. The fruits of P. pubescens are reportedly gathered for food.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species ca. 90 (24, including 1 hybrid, in the flora).

Physalis is recognizable by the fruiting calyx that enlarges and inflates to completely enclose the berry, and pendent or nodding flowers borne singly at each node; most members also have an unlobed, yellow or cream-yellow, campanulate-rotate corolla. Physalis solanacea is atypical in having an urceolate corolla that is mostly or completely lurid purple; the molecular phylogenetic analysis by M. Whitson and P. S. Manos (2005) showed that it is part of a clade of more typical species. Their study also supported treatment of Calliphysalis and Alkekengi as genera distinct from Physalis.

The variable morphology of Physalis species has resulted in many misidentified herbarium specimens. Hair morphology is important in identifying most taxa.

Two species occur as waifs in the flora area: Physalis minima Linnaeus, native to the New World tropics, has been collected as a weed in sugarcane fields and sandy open pastures in Louisiana; and P. ixocarpa Brotero ex Hornemann [including var. parviflora (Waterfall) Kartesz & Gandhi and var. immaculata (Waterfall) Kartesz & Gandhi], native to Mexico, has been collected sporadically from disturbed sites in the United States and Canada.

Several species of Physalis are commonly cultivated for their edible berries: P. philadelphica (tomatillo) has fruits with a flavor reminiscent of tomato and is used in Mexican-style salsa; P. minima (pygmy groundcherry) has fruits similar to a cherry tomato; and P. peruviana Linnaeus (cape gooseberry) and P. grisea (strawberry tomato) have sweet fruits that are used in pies, jams, sauces, and as a garnish. The berries of many wild-growing species are eaten as well. Fruits of P. minima and P. peruviana are also used worldwide as an antispasmodic, diuretic, antiseptic, sedative, and analgesic. Unripe fruits and foliage of Physalis species contain solanine and other solanidine alkaloids and are toxic if ingested in large quantities.

After this manuscript was completed, Physalis macrosperma Pyne, E. L. Bridges & Orzell was published describing plants similar to P. heterophylla but with larger fruiting calyces and seeds. Further study is needed to clarify the disposition of this taxon.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Corollas urceolate, 2.5–4.5 mm; pedicels 1.5–3 mm in flower, 3–5 mm in fruit; fruiting calyx 5-ribbed.
P. solanacea
1. Corollas rotate to campanulate-rotate, 5–20 mm; pedicels 2–46 mm in flower, 3–60 mm in fruit; fruiting calyx 10-ribbed or sharply 5-angled.
→ 2
2. Anthers strongly twisted after dehiscence; fruiting calyx filled, and often burst, by berry.
P. philadelphica
2. Anthers not twisted after dehiscence; fruiting calyx loosely enclosing, or nearly filled, by berry.
→ 3
3. Plants pubescent, hairs 2- or 3-branched or dendroid-stelliform, or glabrous except for dendroid-stelliform hairs on leaf margins and calyx.
→ 4
4. Hairs predominantly 2- or 3-branched.
→ 5
5. Hairs to 0.5 mm, appressed, giving plants a grayish appearance; pedicels 3–11(–17) mm in flower, 10–15(–20) mm in fruit.
P. fendleri
5. Hairs 0.5–2 mm, divergent; pedicels 8–46 mm in flower, 15–55 mm in fruit.
P. pumila
4. Hairs predominantly dendroid-stelliform.
→ 6
6. Plants glabrous except for leaf margins and calyx.
→ 7
7. Leaves sessile; blade linear-lanceolate (sometimes folded along midrib), 0.2–0.8(–1) cm wide.
P. angustifolia
7. Leaves sessile or petiole to 1/10 blade; blade narrowly spatulate to linear-lanceolate, 0.2–1.5(–2) cm wide.
Physalis × elliottii
6. Plants pubescent.
→ 8
8. Leaves sessile or petiole to 1/10 blade; blade elliptic or spatulate to linear-lanceolate.
→ 9
9. Leaf blades 1–4 cm wide; corollas with dark purple-black spots; coastal Louisiana, Texas.
P. cinerascens
9. Leaf blades 0.2–1.5(–2) cm wide; corollas with pale brown, ochre, or green spots or smudges; Florida.
Physalis × elliottii
8. Leaves petiolate, petioles 1/5 to as long as blade; blades orbiculate to broadly ovate or elliptic.
→ 10
10. Leaf blades broadly elliptic to ovate, base rounded, margins usu­ally entire or rarely shallowly sinuate.
P. walteri
10. Leaf blades orbiculate to ovate, base truncate to slightly attenuate, margins usually dentate or sinuate, sometimes entire.
→ 11
11. Plants sparsely to somewhat densely pubescent, hairs to 1 mm.
P. cinerascens
11. Plants densely pubescent, hairs to 1 mm (obscuring plant surface on younger growth), sometimes also with 2–4 mm branched or simple hairs.
P. mollis
3. Plants pubescent, hairs simple, or glabrous except for simple hairs on pedicels and calyx, or glabrous.
→ 12
12. Annuals, taprooted; fruiting calyces sharply 5-angled or 10-ribbed.
→ 13
13. Corollas rotate; flowering pedicels (13–)20–34(–40) mm.
P. acutifolia
13. Corollas campanulate-rotate; flowering pedicels 2–17(–22) mm.
→ 14
14. Corollas without spots or smudges, or only tinged purple; fruiting calyces 10-ribbed.
→ 15
15. Plants glabrous or sparsely pubescent, hairs eglandular; leaf blades narrowly elliptic-ovate to linear-lanceolate; pedicels 7–17(–22) mm in flower, 15–30 mm in fruit.
P. angulata
15. Plants sparsely to densely pubescent, hairs intermixed glandular and eglandular; leaf blades broadly ovate to orbiculate; pedicels 4–7 mm in flower, 5–10 mm in fruit.
P. missouriensis
14. Corollas with 5 large, dark purple-black spots or smudges; fruiting calyces sharply 5-angled.
→ 16
16. Leaf margins coarsely dentate, teeth 10+ per side; pedicels (10–)15–35 mm in fruit.
P. cordata
16. Leaf margins entire, irregularly crenate-dentate, or coarsely den­tate, teeth fewer than 10 per side; pedicels 5–15 mm in fruit.
→ 17
17. Plants villous, hairs intermixed with stalked and sessile glands; leaf blades gray-green, usually drying orange or with orange patches.
P. grisea
17. Plants ± glabrous to villous, hairs glandular and/or eglandular; leaf blades green, drying green or grayish-brownish.
→ 18
18. Pedicels noticeably stout, especially in fruit; fruiting calyces nearly spheric.
P. neomexicana
18. Pedicels slender; fruiting calyces always noticeably longer than wide.
P. pubescens
12. Perennials, rhizomatous; fruiting calyces 10-ribbed.
→ 19
19. Plants becoming suffrutescent, pubescent, hairs divergent, to 0.5 mm; flowering calyces (3–)4–7(–8) mm.
P. crassifolia
19. Plants remaining herbaceous, glabrous to densely pubescent, hairs appressed or not, 0.5+ mm; flowering calyces 5–14 mm.
→ 20
20. Leaf blades broadly ovate to orbiculate; plants often glandular.
→ 21
21. Pedicels 4–8(–13) mm in flower, 5–15 mm in fruit.
P. hederifolia
21. Pedicels (8–)9–17(–25) mm in flower, 15–30(–35) mm in fruit.
→ 22
22. Plants glabrous to villous, hairs antrorse, to 1 mm, sometimes also simple, jointed, divergent, 1–2 mm; often with slender, shallowly buried rhizomes.
P. arenicola
22. Plants villous, hairs divergent, 1–2 mm, sometimes also with shorter glan­dular hairs; all rhizomes stout and deeply buried.
P. heterophylla
20. Leaf blades ovate to elliptic, broadly lanceolate, or oblanceolate; plants not glandular.
→ 23
23. Plants pubescent, hairs 1–3 mm; anthers usually dark purple to blue, rarely yellow.
P. caudella
23. Plants glabrous or pubescent, hairs to 0.5 mm; anthers yellow or with blue or purple tinge.
→ 24
24. Plants pubescent, hairs mostly simple with some 2- or 3-branched intermixed.
P. fendleri
24. Plants glabrous or pubescent, hairs simple only.
→ 25
25. Plants glabrous or sparsely strigose, hairs antrorse, to 0.5 mm.
P. longifolia
25. Plants sparsely to densely pubescent, hairs divergent, 1–1.5 mm, and antrorse or retrorse, to 0.5 mm.
→ 26
26. Stems erect; leaf blade margins coarsely to shallowly dentate or entire; hairs divergent and retrorse.
P. virginiana
26. Stems erect to decumbent; leaf blade margins entire or sinuate; hairs divergent and antrorse.
→ 27
27. Leaf blades oblanceolate; eastern coastal plain.
P. lanceolata
27. Leaf blades elliptic-ovate to ovate-lanceolate; Great Plains.
P. pumila
Source FNA vol. 14. FNA vol. 14. Author: Janet R. Sullivan.
Parent taxa Solanaceae > Physalis Solanaceae
Sibling taxa
P. acutifolia, P. angulata, P. angustifolia, P. arenicola, P. caudella, P. cinerascens, P. cordata, P. crassifolia, P. fendleri, P. grisea, P. hederifolia, P. heterophylla, P. lanceolata, P. longifolia, P. missouriensis, P. mollis, P. neomexicana, P. philadelphica, P. pumila, P. solanacea, P. virginiana, P. walteri, P. ×elliottii
Subordinate taxa
P. acutifolia, P. angulata, P. angustifolia, P. arenicola, P. caudella, P. cinerascens, P. cordata, P. crassifolia, P. fendleri, P. grisea, P. hederifolia, P. heterophylla, P. lanceolata, P. longifolia, P. missouriensis, P. mollis, P. neomexicana, P. philadelphica, P. pubescens, P. pumila, P. solanacea, P. virginiana, P. walteri, Physalis × elliottii
Synonyms P. barbadensis, P. barbadensis var. glabra, P. floridana, P. latiphysa, P. pubescens var. glabra, P. pubescens var. integrifolia, P. turbinata Margaranthus
Name authority Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 1: 183. (1753) Linnaeus: Sp. Pl. 1: 182. (1753): Gen. Pl. ed. 5, 85. (1754)
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