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Florida pellitory

California pellitory, pelitory, rillita pellitory, unknown

Habit Herbs, annual or short-lived perennial, 1-4 dm. Herbs, annual, 0.2-5.5 dm.

10-20-branched, decumbent to ascending.

simple or freely branched, sometimes densely matted, prostrate, decumbent, ascending, or erect.


blades orbiculate to deltate, 0.7-2.7 × 0.5-1.7 cm, base truncate, rounded, or very broadly cuneate, apex smoothly attenuate or occasionally slightly acuminate.

blades narrowly to very broadly ovate, oblong, orbiculate, or reniform, 0.2-4.5 × 0.2-2.7 cm, base broadly cuneate, rounded, truncate, or nearly cordate, apex acuminate, acute, obtuse, or rounded;

proximal pair of lateral veins arising at junction of blade and petiole.


involucral bracts 1.5-2 mm;

tepals ca. 1.5 mm, nearly equal to bracts.

involucral bracts 1-4.5 mm;

tepals 2-2.8 mm, shorter or longer than bracts.


light brown, symmetric, 0.5-0.8 × 0.3-0.6 mm or less, apex obtuse, mucro ±apical;

stipe centered, short-cylindric, abruptly flared basally.

light brown, symmetric, 0.9-1.2 × 0.6-0.7 mm, apex obtuse, mucro apical;

stipe centered, short-cylindric, basally dilated.

Parietaria floridana

Parietaria hespera

Phenology Flowering winter–spring.
Habitat Weedy places, around masonry, woodland and shrub borders, shell mounds, sandy beaches, roadsides, Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains
Elevation 0-30 m (0-100 ft)
from FNA
DE; FL; GA; LA; MS; NC; SC; TX; Mexico; South America; West Indies
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
AZ; CA; NM; NV; UT; Mexico
[WildflowerSearch map]

Parietaria praetermissa has been misidentified as P. floridana by some authors.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Varieties 2 (2 in the flora).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Tepals erect, loosely connivent, apex acute; leaf blades conspicuously longer than wide, base broadly cuneate, rounded, or truncate.
var. hespera
1. Tepals spreading or recurved and twisted at maturity, distinct, apex long-acuminate, attenuate, or caudate; leaf blades as long as or slightly longer than wide, base rounded to nearly cordate.
var. californica
Source FNA vol. 3. FNA vol. 3.
Parent taxa Urticaceae > Parietaria Urticaceae > Parietaria
Sibling taxa
P. hespera, P. judaica, P. pensylvanica, P. praetermissa
P. floridana, P. judaica, P. pensylvanica, P. praetermissa
Subordinate taxa
P. hespera var. californica, P. hespera var. hespera
Synonyms P. nummularia
Name authority Nuttall: Gen. N. Amer. Pl. 2: 208. (1818) B. D. Hinton: Sida 3: 293. (1969)
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