| O. dichondrifolia |
| → 2 |
2. Leaves basal; plants acaulous. | → 3 |
3. Petals deep golden yellow. | O. pes-caprae |
3. Petals white to pink, salmon, red, lavender, purple, or violet, sometimes yellow or greenish yellow basally or proximally. | → 4 |
4. Rhizomes present; bulbs or bulblets present or absent. | → 5 |
5. Leaflets dark purple, often with lighter violet splotches radiating from midvein adaxially, lobes apically truncate to slightly convex; rhizomes short, branching, covered with thickened, overlapping scales. | O. triangularis |
5. Leaflets usually green, sometimes purplish to deep purple abaxially, lobes apically convex or leaflets not lobed; rhizomes woody and irregularly nodulate-segmented, or fleshy-thickened. | → 6 |
6. Sepal apices with 2 orange tubercles; rhizomes thick, woody, irregularly nodulate-segmented, often with persistent, thickened, woody petiole bases. | O. articulata |
6. Sepal apices without tubercles; rhizomes slender or fleshy-thickened, sparsely or densely scaly or nonscaly. | → 7 |
7. Bulbs or bulblets present; rhizomes slender or thickened, sparsely scaly. | → 8 |
8. Inflorescences 1-flowered; scapes 1.5–6(–8) cm, sparsely to moderately villous (hairs eglandular); bulbs 1–2.5 cm or plants with clustered bulblets; leaflets not lobed. | O. purpurea |
8. Inflorescences 4–12-flowered; scapes 15–20 cm, densely glandular-puberulent; bulbs 2–4 cm; leaflets lobed. | O. bowiei |
7. Bulbs or bulblets absent; rhizomes fleshy-thickened, densely scaly. | → 9 |
9. Inflorescences 2–9(–15)-flowered; petals white to pinkish, sometimes greenish proximally, without prominent veins; capsules narrowly fusiform, 15–25(–30) mm. | O. trilliifolia |
9. Inflorescences 1-flowered; petals white to deep pink, usually with yellow spot sub-basally and rose colored or purple veins; capsules subglobose to ovoid, 2–8(–12) mm. | → 10 |
10. Scapes 4–15 cm; petals 10–15 mm; capsules 2–4 mm; e North America. | O. montana |
10. Scapes (6–)11–25 cm; petals (8–)15–25 mm; capsules 6–8(–12) mm; w North America. | O. oregana |
4. Rhizomes absent (rarely present in O. violacea, where slender, scaly, bearing bulblets at tips); bulbs or bulblets present. | → 11 |
| → 12 |
12. Leaflets (3–)4(–5), obtriangular to obcordate, 5–22 mm, lobed 1/5–1/2 length; bulb scales (3–)5–7-nerved. | O. caerulea |
12. Leaflets (3–)5–11, narrowly oblong-oblanceolate to narrowly oblong or linear, (10–)12–38(–72) mm, lobed (1/6–)1/2–2/3(–9/10) length; bulb scales 9–15+-nerved. | O. decaphylla |
| → 13 |
13. Leaflets: oxalate deposits in dots at least around distal margins, often evenly over surface, abaxial surfaces hirsute. | O. debilis |
13. Leaflets: oxalate deposits absent or in band or lines along margins at base of notch, abaxial surfaces glabrous, strigose, or hirsute-strigose, sometimes densely hirsute at very base. | → 14 |
14. Leaflets obtriangular to broadly obtriangular, lobes apically truncate; stolons often present, with bulblets at tips; bulbs usually clustered, sometimes solitary. | O. intermedia |
14. Leaflets obtriangular to obcordate, rounded-obcordate, obreniform, or obdeltate, lobes apically rounded to convex or nearly truncate; stolons absent; bulbs solitary or clustered. | → 15 |
15. Petals with dark purple veins proximally; leaflet abaxial surfaces strigose to hirsute-strigose, sometimes densely hirsute at very base. | → 16 |
16. Leaflet abaxial surfaces strigose to hirsute-strigose, densely hirsute at very base, margins prominently ciliate with stiff, sharp-pointed hairs; outer bulb scales 3[–5]-nerved; sepal apices with 2 elongate, orange tubercles. | O. hispidula |
16. Leaflet abaxial surfaces sparsely but evenly strigose with fine hairs, margins glabrous to sparsely irregularly ciliate with loose, fine hairs; outer bulb scales 5–8[–13]-nerved; sepal apices without tubercles. | O. brasiliensis |
15. Petals with green veins proximally; leaflet abaxial surfaces glabrous. | → 17 |
17. Bulbs usually surrounded by cluster of bulblets; leaflets: oxalate deposits usually in narrow band 0.5–1.5 mm along margins at base of notch, sometimes evident on one surface but not other, rarely apparently absent. | O. metcalfei |
17. Bulbs solitary, bulblets absent or rarely at tips of rhizomes; leaflets: oxalate deposits absent or in lines along margins at base of notch. | → 18 |
18. Bulb scales (5–)7–9(–11)-nerved; sepal apices with tubercles not confluent; sw United States. | O. latifolia |
18. Bulb scales 3-nerved; sepal apices with tubercles apically confluent; primarily e and s central United States. | → 19 |
19. Leaflets obtriangular to obcordate, (6–)14–34 mm, oxalate deposits absent. | O. drummondii |
19. Leaflets rounded-obcordate to obreniform, (5–)8–15(–20) mm, oxalate deposits in lines along margins at base of notch. | O. violacea |
2. Leaves cauline or basal and cauline; plants caulescent. | → 20 |
20. Petals white to pink, rosy purple, or pinkish purple. | → 21 |
21. Petioles 0–0.2 cm; stems villous; leaflets linear to narrowly oblanceolate or oblong-cuneate, not lobed, abaxial surfaces villous; axillary bulblets absent; petals rosy purple to pink or white. | O. hirta |
21. Petioles 2–5(–7) cm; stems glabrous; leaflets obcordate, lobed 1/4 length, abaxial surfaces glabrous; axillary bulblets often present; petals white to pale pinkish purple. | O. incarnata |
20. Petals yellow, sometimes with red lines. | → 22 |
22. Leaves pinnately compound (terminal leaflets on extended petiolules); leaflets cuneate to obovate or oblong-obovate, not lobed. | O. frutescens |
22. Leaves palmately compound; leaflets obcordate, lobed 1/5–1/3 length. | → 23 |
23. Inflorescences racemes; plants annual; capsules 3–5 mm. | O. laxa |
23. Inflorescences cymes; plants perennial (annual in O. corniculata, sometimes annual in O. stricta); capsules 6–20(–25) mm. | → 24 |
24. West of the Mississippi River. | → 25 |
25. Stipule margins with wide, free flanges, apical auricles free; stems prostrate or decumbent, often rooting at nodes; rhizomes absent. | O. corniculata |
25. Stipules rudimentary or margins narrowly to very narrowly flanged or without free portions, apical auricles slightly free or absent; stems erect, ascending, decumbent, or prostrate, rooting at nodes or not; rhizomes present or absent. | → 26 |
26. Stems villous; petioles, and usually stems, with septate and nonseptate hairs; rhizomes present; stems 1(–3) from base. | → 27 |
27. Petals (6–)8–11 mm; inflorescences (1–)5–7(–15)-flowered, regular or irregular cymes; stems 20–60(–90) cm; rhizomes short. | O. stricta |
27. Petals 12–20 mm; inflorescences 1–3-flowered, umbelliform cymes; stems 10–25 cm; rhizomes long. | O. suksdorfii |
26. Stems usually strigose, strigillose, puberulent, hirtellous-puberulent, pilose, rarely villous proximally (O. florida, O. texana), or glabrous; petioles and stems glabrous or with nonseptate hairs; rhizomes present or absent; stems (1–)2–8 from base (usually 1 in O. florida). | → 28 |
28. Stems usually strigillose or strigose, hairs straight, antrorsely appressed to closely ascending, Louisiana plants rarely villous proximally, hairs spreading. | → 29 |
29. Inflorescences 1–3(–8)-flowered; flowers mostly homostylous; petals without red lines, (2.5–)4–8 mm. | O. dillenii |
29. Inflorescences (2–)3–5(–8)-flowered; flowers distylous; petals with prominent red lines proximally, (10–)12–16(–17) mm. | O. texana |
28. Stems glabrous or puberulent, hirtellous-puberulent, pilose, or sparsely to moderately strigose, hairs curved or crisped, or, if straight, spreading. | → 30 |
| → 31 |
31. Stems usually glabrate to sparsely or moderately strigose, sometimes sparsely villous proximally; stipules rudimentary; inflorescences 1–2(–3)-flowered; Arkansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Texas. | O. florida |
31. Stems glabrous or very sparsely short-puberulent; stipules oblong; inflorescences 1(–3)-flowered; Arizona, California. | O. californica |
30. Sepals strigose to hirsute-strigose. | → 32 |
32. Stems puberulent to hirtellous-puberulent, hairs usually antrorsely curved or crisped, sometimes ± straight, longer hairs 0.2–0.3(–0.8) mm. | O. albicans |
32. Stems sparsely to densely pilose, hairs spreading irregularly to ± deflexed, longer hairs 0.6–1.2 mm. | O. pilosa |
24. East of the Mississippi River. | → 33 |
33. Stems prostrate or decumbent, rooting at nodes; rhizomes and stolons absent; stipules oblong, margins with wide, free flanges, apical auricles free; seeds brown, transverse ridges brown. | O. corniculata |
33. Stems erect to ascending, sometimes decumbent, rarely rooting at nodes; rhizomes or stolons usually present; stipules rudimentary or apparently absent, or, if oblong, margins narrowly to very narrowly flanged or without free portions, apical auricles slightly free or absent; seeds brown to blackish brown, transverse ridges brown, white, or with grayish or white lines. | → 34 |
34. Stems strigose or strigillose, hairs straight, antrorsely appressed to closely ascending (central Louisiana populations of O. texana rarely irregularly villous proximally). | → 35 |
35. Inflorescences 1–3(–8)-flowered; flowers mostly homostylous; petals (2.5–)4–8 mm, without red lines. | O. dillenii |
35. Inflorescences (2–)3–5(–8)-flowered; flowers distylous; petals 11–15 mm (Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas) or 6–12 mm (Alabama), with red lines proximally. | O. texana |
34. Stems glabrate or villous-hirsute, hirsute-pilose, pilose, villous, or strigose, hairs ± straight or slightly curved (if stems strigose), spreading, deflexed, or antrorse. | → 36 |
36. Stems usually sparsely to moderately strigose or glabrate distally, sometimes sparsely villous proximally, hairs slightly curved, antrorse; petals 4–8 mm. | O. florida |
36. Stems villous, villous-hirsute, hirsute-pilose, or pilose, sometimes glabrate on at least proximal 2/3, hairs curved or ± straight, spreading or deflexed; petals (6–)8–20(–23) mm. | → 37 |
37. Petioles and stems with nonseptate hairs; inflorescences umbelliform cymes; flowers well above level of leaves. | → 38 |
38. Petals (13–)15–20(–23) mm; pedicels villous, hairs long, spreading; capsules sparsely to densely hirsute-pilose, hairs long; plants strongly colonial; limestone and chalk habitats. | O. macrantha |
38. Petals 9–15 mm; pedicels strigose, hairs short, curved antrorsely; capsules glabrate to puberulent or sparsely hirsute-strigose, hairs short; plants cespitose or weakly colonial; wide variety of habitats, including limestone. | O. colorea |
37. Petioles, and usually stems, with septate and nonseptate hairs; inflorescences regular, irregular, or umbelliform cymes; flowers above or at level of leaves. | → 39 |
39. Petals (6–)8–11 mm; inflorescences (1–)5–7(–15)-flowered. | O. stricta |
39. Petals 10–18 mm; inflorescences 1–4(–8)-flowered. | → 40 |
40. Petals 10–14 mm, with or without faint red lines proximally; rhizomes becoming woody, without tubers; leaflet lobes apically usually rounded, rarely ± truncate, margins green or brownish purple; flowers above level of leaves. | O. grandis |
40. Petals 12–18 mm, with prominent red lines proximally; rhizomes herbaceous, with tubers or tuberlike thickenings; leaflet lobes apically truncate, margins green; flowers mostly at level of leaves. | O. illinoensis |