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barbary fig, Indian-fig pricklypear, mission prickly-pear, nopal de castilla, tuna, tuna cactus

cactus apple, Engelmann's prickly pear

Habit Trees, 3–6 m; trunk to 30–45 cm diam. Shrubs or trees, with short trunk, spreading to sometimes decumbent, 1–3 m. Stem segments not disarticulating, yellow-green to blue-green, flattened, circular to obovate to rhombic, or apex tapering, elongate, 15–40(–120) × 10–40 cm, ± tuberculate, glabrous, often glaucous; areoles 5–8 per diagonal row across mid-stem segments, evenly distributed on stem segment to absent, subcircular to obovate, 4–7 × 4–6 mm; wool tawny, aging blackish.

segments green, broadly oblong to ovate to narrowly elliptic, (20–)4–60 × 2–3+ cm, low tuberculate;

areoles 7–11 per diagonal row across midstem segment, rhombic to subcircular, 2–4(–5) mm diam.;

wool brown.


1–6 per areole, absent or very highly reduced, or in marginal to nearly all areoles, erect to spreading, whitish, tan, or brown, setaceous only or setaceous and subulate, straight to slightly curved, basally angular-flattened, 1–10(–40) mm; 0–2 small bristlelike deflexed spines to 5 mm.

(0–)1–6(–12) per areole, white to yellow, usually red to dark brown at extreme bases, aging gray to ± black, subulate, straight to curved, flattened to angular at least near base, the longest spreading to strongly reflexed, 10–30(–50) mm.


along adaxial margin of areole and small, inconspicuous tuft, yellowish, aging brown, less than 2 mm.

widely spaced, sparse in crescent at adaxial edge, encircling areole or nearly so, and scattered in subapical tuft, yellow to red-brown, aging gray to blackish, of irregular lengths, to 10 mm.


inner tepals yellow to orange throughout, 25–50 mm;

filaments and anthers yellow;

style bright red;

stigma lobes yellow.

inner tepals uniformly yellow to buff, sometimes orange to pink to red (rarely whitish), 30–40 mm;

filaments, anthers, and style whitish to cream;

stigma lobes yellow-green to green.


yellow to orange to purple, 50–100 × 40–90 mm, fleshy to ± juicy, glabrous, usually spineless;

areoles 45–60, evenly distributed on fruit.

dark red to purple throughout, sometimes stipitate, ovate-elongate to barrel-shaped, 35–90 × 20–40 mm, juicy (bleeding and staining), glabrous, spineless;

areoles 20–32 usually toward apex.


pale tan, subcircular, 4–5 mm diam., warped;

girdle protruding to 1 mm.

tan to grayish, subcircular to deltoid, flattened, 2.5–6 × 2–5 mm;

girdle protruding 0.3–0.5 mm.


= 88.

Opuntia ficus-indica

Opuntia engelmannii

Phenology Flowering spring (Apr).
Habitat Coastal chaparral, sage scrub, arid uplands, washes, canyons, disturbed sites
Elevation 0-300 m (0-1000 ft)
from FNA
AZ; CA; Mexico [Introduced in North America]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
AZ; CA; LA; NM; NV; TX; UT; n Mexico
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

R. P. Wunderlin (1998) listed this taxon in Florida, but I have not seen specimens.

Opuntia ficus-indica, cultivated nearly worldwide, is presumed to be a native of Mexico, but is definitely known only from cultivation or escapes from cultivation. The species has been used for cattle feed, ornament, and fuel. As human food, the young stem segments, “nopalitos,” are eaten as salad or pickled as a vegetable, and the large delicious fruits, “tunas,” are enjoyed in tropical and subtropical regions worldwide.

This species probably originated through selection by native peoples of Mexico for spineless forms of Opuntia streptacantha (also 2n = 88) to ease the culturing and collection of cochineal scale insects for their red dye. Numerous cultivar names are known.

Naturalized Opuntia ficus-indica (octoploid, spiny morphotype) is known to hybridize in central California with O. phaeacantha (hexaploid), forming a heptaploid with usually intermediate morphology.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Varieties 5 (5 in the flora).

The basal portions of stems seedlings of Opuntia engelmannii bear long hairlike spines.

The name Opuntia dillei Griffiths has been used for a spineless or nearly spineless morphotype of O. engelmannii.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Stem segments becoming very elongate, 2+ times longer than wide, lanceolate to linear-lanceolate, often falcate
var. linguiformis
1. Stem segments to 1.5 times longer than wide, commonly circular to obovate to rhomboid
→ 2
2. Spines chalky white, yellow when wetted, with dark red-brown extreme bases.
var. engelmannii
2. Spines pale to dark yellow, not chalky white, at times with red-brown extreme bases
→ 3
3. Stem segments with spines straight or slightly curving, spreading
var. lindheim
3. Stem segments with spines strongly deflexed or arching downward near bases
→ 4
4. Spines arching downward near bases; sc Ari- zona
var. flavispi
4. Spines strongly deflexed; s Texas.
var. flexispi
Source FNA vol. 4, p. 142. FNA vol. 4, p. 135.
Parent taxa Cactaceae > subfam. Opuntioideae > Opuntia Cactaceae > subfam. Opuntioideae > Opuntia
Sibling taxa
O. aciculata, O. atrispina, O. aurea, O. aureispina, O. basilaris, O. chisosensis, O. chlorotica, O. cubensis, O. ellisiana, O. engelmannii, O. fragilis, O. humifusa, O. littoralis, O. macrocentra, O. macrorhiza, O. microdasys, O. oricola, O. phaeacantha, O. pinkavae, O. polyacantha, O. pottsii, O. pusilla, O. rufida, O. santa-rita, O. stricta, O. strigil, O. tortispina, O. triacantha, O. ×columbiana, O. ×curvispina, O. ×occidentalis, O. ×spinosibacca, O. ×vaseyi
O. aciculata, O. atrispina, O. aurea, O. aureispina, O. basilaris, O. chisosensis, O. chlorotica, O. cubensis, O. ellisiana, O. ficus-indica, O. fragilis, O. humifusa, O. littoralis, O. macrocentra, O. macrorhiza, O. microdasys, O. oricola, O. phaeacantha, O. pinkavae, O. polyacantha, O. pottsii, O. pusilla, O. rufida, O. santa-rita, O. stricta, O. strigil, O. tortispina, O. triacantha, O. ×columbiana, O. ×curvispina, O. ×occidentalis, O. ×spinosibacca, O. ×vaseyi
Subordinate taxa
O. engelmannii var. engelmannii, O. engelmannii var. flavispi, O. engelmannii var. flexispi, O. engelmannii var. lindheim, O. engelmannii var. linguiformis
Synonyms Cactus ficus-indica, Cactus opuntia, O. compressa, O. vulgaris
Name authority (Linnaeus) Miller: Gard. Dict. ed. 8, Opuntia no. 2. (1768) Salm-Dyck ex Engelmann: Boston J. Nat. Hist. 6: 207. (1850)
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