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Drummond's stitchwort

minuartie de Dawson, rock stitchwort

Habit Plants annual. Plants perennial, sometimes mat-forming, green.


filiform to somewhat thickened.


erect to ascending, green, 5–20 cm, stipitate-glandular, often densely so, internodes of all stems 1–3 times as long as leaves.

erect to ascending, green, 4–30 cm, glabrous, internodes of flowering stems 1–10 times as long as leaves.


overlapping proximally, perfoliate proximally, with ± loose, scarious to herbaceous sheath 0.5–1 mm;

blade green, flat, 1-veined, oblanceolate to cuneate (proximal) to oblong-lanceolate to ovate (remaining cauline), 5–30(–35) × 2–4 mm, flexuous, margins not thickened, ± scarious, smooth, apex green to purple, obtuse to abruptly pointed, dull, glabrous;

axillary leaves absent.

overlapping or crowded proximally, variably spaced distally, connate proximally, with tight, scarious to herbaceous sheath 0.2–0.5 mm;

blade straight to slightly outwardly curved, green, flat, 1-veined, occasionally 3-veined abaxially, linear to subulate, 4–15 × 0.5–2 mm, flexuous, margins not thickened, scarious, smooth, apex green or purple, mostly rounded, slightly navicular, shiny, glabrous;

axillary leaves present among proximal cauline leaves.


7–12-flowered, open cymes, or rarely solitary, terminal;

bracts ± lanceolate, herbaceous, sometimes scarious-margined proximally.

7–15-flowered (rarely fewer), open cymes;

bracts subulate, herbaceous.


reflexed in fruit, 0.5–2.5 cm, stipitate-glandular.

0.3–2.5 cm, glabrous.


hypanthium disc-shaped;

sepals obscurely veined, ovate to broadly elliptic (herbaceous portion ovate to broadly elliptic), 3–6 mm, to 7 mm in fruit, apex green or purple, acute to acuminate, not hooded, stipitate-glandular;

petals obovate to oblanceolate, 2–2.5 times as long as sepals, apex rounded, broadly notched.

hypanthium disc-shaped;

sepals prominently 3-veined, ovate to broadly lanceolate (herbaceous portion ovate to broadly lanceolate), 2.5–3.2 mm, to 4 mm in fruit, apex green to purple, acute to apiculate, not hooded, glabrous;

petals lancolate to spatulate, 0.5–0.8 times as long as sepals, apex rounded, entire, or petals absent.


sessile, broadly ellipsoid, 6–7.5 mm, equaling or longer than sepals.

on stipe ca. 0.2 mm, ovoid, 3.5–4.5 mm, longer than sepals.


dark brown to blackish, orbiculate with radicle prolonged into beak, only slightly compressed, 0.7–0.8 mm, echinate with rounded tubercles.

dark brown to black, suborbiculate with radicle prolonged into tiny beak, 0.5–0.6 mm, tuberculate;

tubercles low, rounded, somewhat elongate.


= 30, 60.

Minuartia drummondii

Minuartia dawsonensis

Phenology Flowering late winter–early summer. Flowering late spring–summer.
Habitat Open grassy woodlands, sandy soils Moist, calcareous ledges and gravelly areas (dry, open, and sometimes disturbed slopes, calcareous-gravel raised beach ridges, thin soil over limestone) in mesic forest openings and meadows in montane and subalpine areas and boreal plains, dry, open outcrops in oak or juniper savannas or prairies
Elevation 0-500 m (0-1600 ft) 0-900 m (0-3000 ft)
from FNA
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

Minuartia drummondii is easily recognized by the proportionally large corollas (petals to three times as long as sepals) and pedicels reflexing in fruit.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Although sometimes included in Minuartia michauxii [e.g., H. J. Scoggan’s (1978–1979, part 3) treatment of Arenaria stricta], M. dawsonensis is more closely related to the circumpolar M. stricta.

Minuartia litorea, known from Quebec and Ontario, may deserve recognition. An unpublished chromosome count suggests that it is a recent allopolyploid derived from M. dawsonensis and M. rubella (L. Brouillet, pers. comm.).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 5, p. 124. FNA vol. 5, p. 123.
Parent taxa Caryophyllaceae > subfam. Alsinoideae > Minuartia Caryophyllaceae > subfam. Alsinoideae > Minuartia
Sibling taxa
M. arctica, M. austromontana, M. biflora, M. californica, M. caroliniana, M. cismontana, M. cumberlandensis, M. dawsonensis, M. decumbens, M. douglasii, M. elegans, M. glabra, M. godfreyi, M. groenlandica, M. howellii, M. macrantha, M. macrocarpa, M. marcescens, M. michauxii, M. muscorum, M. nuttallii, M. obtusiloba, M. patula, M. pusilla, M. rosei, M. rossii, M. rubella, M. stolonifera, M. stricta, M. tenella, M. uniflora, M. yukonensis
M. arctica, M. austromontana, M. biflora, M. californica, M. caroliniana, M. cismontana, M. cumberlandensis, M. decumbens, M. douglasii, M. drummondii, M. elegans, M. glabra, M. godfreyi, M. groenlandica, M. howellii, M. macrantha, M. macrocarpa, M. marcescens, M. michauxii, M. muscorum, M. nuttallii, M. obtusiloba, M. patula, M. pusilla, M. rosei, M. rossii, M. rubella, M. stolonifera, M. stricta, M. tenella, M. uniflora, M. yukonensis
Synonyms Arenaria drummondii Arenaria dawsonensis, Alsinopsis dawsonensis, Arenaria litorea, Arenaria stricta var. dawsonensis, Arenaria stricta var. litorea, M. litorea, Sabulina dawsonensis
Name authority (Shinners) McNeill: Notes Roy. Bot. Gard. Edinburgh 24: 147. (1962) (Britton) House: Amer. Midl. Naturalist 7: 132. (1921)
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