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Chile tarplant, Chile tarweed, Chilean tarplant, Chilean tarweed, coast tarweed, coastal tarweed

Habit Plants (0.3–)35–100(–240) cm, self-compatible (heads not showy). Annuals, perennials, subshrubs, or shrubs, (0.5–)1–250 cm.

hirsute and glandular-pubescent, glands yellowish, purple, or black, lateral branches rarely surpassing main stems.


blades broadly lanceolate to linear-oblong or linear, 2–18 cm × 3–18(–29) mm.

mostly basal, or basal and cauline, or mostly cauline; opposite and/or alternate; usually sessile, rarely petiolate;

blades usually spatulate to oblanceolate or linear to linear-elliptic, sometimes pinnately lobed, ultimate margins entire or toothed, faces usually hairy and glandular (glands sometimes elaborate, apices sometimes gland- or spine-tipped).


ovoid to urceolate, 6–16 mm.

campanulate, cylindric, ellipsoid, globose, fusiform, hemispheric, obconic, or urceolate.


flat or convex to conic, ± paleate (paleae either in 1 series interior to ray florets, then usually connate and persistent, or 1 palea subtending each disc floret, then usually distinct and soon falling, or, in discoid heads, paleae functioning as phyllaries in 1 series and together constituting an “involucre”).

Ray florets


corollas greenish yellow or sometimes purplish red abaxially or throughout, laminae 1.5–4 mm.

0, or 1–75+, pistillate, fertile;

corollas usually yellow or whitish, sometimes proximally yellow and distally whitish, often marked with red or purple or turning red on drying, rarely orange or red-orange (apices usually ± deeply divided, lobes usually 3, sometimes 2).

Disc florets

11–14, bisexual, fertile;

corollas 2–5 mm, pubescent;

anthers ± dark purple.

1–200+, bisexual and fertile, or functionally staminate;

corollas usually yellow, sometimes brown, orange, reddish, or whitish, tubes much shorter than to about equaling cylindric to funnelform throats, lobes 5, deltate;

anther thecae usually dark (reddish to purple, often described as “black”), sometimes pale (yellow to brown);

stigmatic papillae in 2 lines.


hirsute and glandular-pubescent, glands yellowish, purple, or black, apices erect or ± reflexed, flat.

persistent or falling, 1–75+ in 1(–2) series or 0 (the “involucre” then interpreted as constituted of 1 series of receptacular paleae; phyllaries distinct or weakly connate, narrowly ovate to lanceolate or linear, equal or subequal, herbaceous, usually conduplicate, often each partly or wholly investing a subtended floret, apices often attenuate, faces usually glandular).


usually 0, sometimes 2–12+ bractlets (Centromadia, some members of Hemizonia and Lagophylla).


in usually crowded, paniculiform, racemiform, or spiciform arrays.

usually radiate, rarely discoid, usually in corymbiform, glomerulate, paniculiform, spiciform, or ± umbelliform arrays, sometimes borne singly.


obcompressed, compressed, or terete, often obpyramidal, clavate, or fusiform, glabrous or hairy (ray and disc often different);

pappi 0, or persistent or falling, of awns, bristles, or scales (sometimes in combination) in 1–2 series (the elements often ciliate or plumose).

Disc cypselae


Ray cypselae

black or brown, sometimes mottled, dull, compressed, beakless.


mostly persistent, connate 1/2+ their lengths.


= 32.

Madia sativa

Asteraceae tribe Heliantheae subtribe Madiinae

Phenology Flowering May–Oct.
Habitat Grasslands, openings in shrublands and woods, disturbed sites, stream banks, roadsides
Elevation 0–1000 m (0–3300 ft)
from FNA
CA; OR; WA; BC; South America (Argentina, Chile) [Pacific Islands (Hawaii, probably introduced)]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
HI; South America; Mostly w North America

In North America, Madia sativa occurs on the Pacific Coast from California to British Columbia, sporadically in coastal ranges, and rarely eastward. Reports of M. sativa from Ontario and Quebec and from Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Vermont, and Wisconsin are putative waifs or misidentified M. glomerata. Molecular data and greenhouse studies have indicated that plants referable to M. capitata and M. sativa in California are not distinct (B. G. Baldwin, unpubl.). Sampled populations of M. sativa (including M. capitata) from California are somewhat divergent in DNA sequences from sampled Chilean populations, in apparent conflict with earlier suggestions that M. sativa was recently introduced to North America from South America by Europeans (Baldwin, unpubl.). Madia sativa has been cultivated for seed-oil in South America, Europe, Africa, and Asia Minor (E. Zardini 1992).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Genera 24, species 121 (20 genera, 83 species in the flora).

Madiinae has long included the “tarweeds,” which are centered in or restricted to the California Floristic Province, the silversword alliance of the Hawaiian Islands (Argyroxiphium, Dubautia, and Wilkesia), and Raillardella (in a broad sense), which was formerly included in Senecioneae (Carlquist et al. 2003). Such a circumscription was used by H. Robinson (1981) and is followed here. In papers by B. G. Baldwin and B. Wessa (2000) and Baldwin et al. (2002), Madiinae were linked to genera traditionally included in Heliantheae (e.g., Eriophyllum, Hulsea, Lasthenia, Venegasia) and in Senecioneae (e.g., Arnica) and Madiinae plus Arnicinae, Baeriinae, Hulseinae, and Venegasiinae were included in tribe Madieae.

Key to genera of Madiinae here is based on key by B. G. Baldwin (in S. Carlquist et al. 2003).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Ray cypselae obcompressed (each mostly or completely enveloped by a phyllary; if rays 0, plants annuals, pappose)
→ 2
1. Ray cypselae usually compressed, ± terete, or ± 3-angled in cross section (if ± obcompressed, then each ± 1/2 enveloped by a phyllary; if rays 0, perennials, or annuals and epappose)
→ 6
2. Annuals, 1–20 cm; disc florets 1(–2)
2. Annuals or perennials, 2–150 cm; disc florets 3–120+
→ 3
3. Perennials (rhizomatous); disc corollas white
3. Annuals; disc corollas yellow (sometimes reddish with age)
→ 4
4. Pappi of 10 apically obtuse scales
4. Pappi 0 or of bristles or apically acute scales
→ 5
5. Calyculi 0 or of 2–5 bractlets; ray florets 5; disc florets 6, functionallystaminate; disc pappi 0
5. Calyculi 0; ray florets 0 or 3–27; disc florets 4–120+, bisexual; disc pappiusually of 2–32 bristles or scales, rarely 0
6. Annuals (styles of discs hairy proximal to minute branches; receptacles paleate throughout, ray corollas white with abaxial purple lines, pappi of subulate, plumose scales)
6. Annuals, perennials, subshrubs, or shrubs (styles of discs glabrous proximal to branches)
→ 7
7. Perennials (± scapiform); disc pappi of subulate, ciliate-plumose scales
7. Annuals, perennials (leafy-stemmed), subshrubs, or shrubs; disc pappi 0 or of scales (scales seldom both subulate and ciliate-plumose)
→ 8
8. Annuals or perennials; peduncular bracts without terminal pit-glands, tack-glands, or spines; heads radiate or discoid; ray corollas yellow; ray cypselae usually compressed, rarely terete (cross sections usually ± 3-angled, then abaxial sides relatively broad, ± rounded, adaxial sides ± 2-faced, angles between those faces 15–70°; each ray cypsela usually completely or mostly enveloped by phyllary)
→ 9
8. Annuals, subshrubs, or shrubs; peduncular bracts sometimes each with terminal pit-gland, tack-gland, or spine (or apiculus); heads radiate; ray corollas yellow, whitish, or rose; ray cypselae terete to subterete or ± obcompressed (cross sections nearly circular with adaxial sides ± flattened to slightly bulging, or ± 3-angled, then abaxial sides usually ± broadly 2-faced, angles between those faces usually 90+° and adaxial sides ± flattened to slightly bulging; in Centromadia spp., distal leaves spine-tipped, each cypsela ± enveloped by phyllary, cypselae sometimes compressed).
→ 14
9. Disc pappi 0
9. Disc pappi of 5–21 scales (scales sometimes subulate to setiform, bristlelike)
→ 10
10. Heads discoid
10. Heads (all or some) radiate
→ 11
11. Perennials
→ 12
11. Annuals
→ 13
12. Involucres campanulate to hemispheric; anthers ± dark purple; ray cypselae not beaked
12. Involucres campanulate, ellipsoid, or globose; anthers yellowto brownish; ray cypselae beaked
13. Anthers yellow to brownish
13. Anthers ± dark purple
14. Annuals; leaves filiform to narrowly linear, margins often strongly revolute; peduncular bracts usually with tack-glands; ray corolla lobes (at least the lateral) often spreading (lengths often 1/2–5/6 of total laminae)
→ 15
14. Annuals, subshrubs, or shrubs; leaves linear or broader, margins seldom strongly revolute; peduncular bracts usually without tack-glands; ray corolla lobes ± parallel (lengths usually 1/10–1/2 of total laminae)
→ 16
15. Ray cypselae beaked; tack-glands absent
15. Ray cypselae not beaked; tack-glands present
16. Ray corollas usually white, sometimes yellow, often with abaxial purple lines; cypselae not beaked or each with an inconspicuous, straight beak (beak lengths less than diams.)
→ 17
16. Ray corollas yellow (without abaxial purple lines); cypselae each with an adaxial, ascending beak (beak lengths greater than diams.)
→ 18
17. Receptacles: paleae restricted to bases of outermost disc florets; disc florets bisexual; cypselae hairy
17. Receptacles: paleae throughout; disc florets functionally staminate; cypselae glabrous
18. Peduncular bracts apiculate or each with an apical spine
18. Peduncular bracts not apiculate, without apical spines
→ 19
19. Annuals; peduncular bracts each with an apical pit-gland; receptacles paleatethroughout
19. Annuals, subshrubs, or shrubs; peduncular bracts without pit-glands; receptacles: paleae usually restricted to bases of outermost disc florets (if in 2–3+ series, subshrubs or shrubs)
Source FNA vol. 21, p. 308. FNA vol. 21, p. 254.
Parent taxa Asteraceae > tribe Heliantheae > subtribe Madiinae > Madia Asteraceae > tribe Heliantheae
Sibling taxa
M. anomala, M. citrigracilis, M. citriodora, M. elegans, M. exigua, M. glomerata, M. gracilis, M. radiata, M. subspicata
Subordinate taxa
Achyrachaena, Anisocarpus, Blepharipappus, Blepharizonia, Calycadenia, Carlquistia, Centromadia, Deinandra, Harmonia, Hemizonella, Hemizonia, Holocarpha, Holozonia, Jensia, Kyhosia, Lagophylla, Layia, Madia, Osmadenia, Raillardella
Synonyms M. capitata
Name authority Molina: Sag. Stor. Nat. Chili, 136. (1782) Bentham & Hooker f.: Gen. Pl. 2: 198. (1873)
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