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tundra woodrush

Colorado woodrush


short, stocky.


loosely cespitose, light green, 15–25 cm.

cespitose, 8–40 cm ×1 mm, base thickened, glabrous.


sheaths dull brown-gray at base, becoming green distally, throats hairless;

basal leaves flat toward base, channeled toward apex, 4–16 cm × 3–8 mm, apex abruptly pointed, callous, glabrous.

basal leaves to 13 cm;

cauline leaves 1–3, mostly less than 5 cm × 5–10 mm, apex involute, glabrous.


asymmetric in appearance;

glomerules (1–)2–5, central glomerules sessile or nearly sessile, 3–9 × 2.5–6 mm;

capillary branches 2–8, arched in 1 direction, to 3.5 cm;

proximal inflorescence bract bladeless.

compact, irregular in shape;

glomerules 6–10, sessile;

branches few or none;

proximal inflorescence bract conspicuous, leaflike, lanceolate, equal to or exceeding inflorescences;

bracteoles clear, 1/2 tepal length.


tepals brownish translucent (apex lacerate to entire), 2–3 mm, apex lacerate to entire;

anthers equal to or exceeding filaments.

tepals shining brown, with thin clear margins, 1.5–2 mm;

outer and inner whorls nearly equal, (outer whorl slightly keeled);

anthers longer than filaments;

stigmas much longer than styles.


light chestnut brown, broadly 3-angled, shorter than tepals.

deep purplish brown at maturity, globose (apex rounded), ± equaling tepals, apex rounded.


most failing to mature, brown (with few hairs present), 3-angled, 0.9–1.1 mm, few hairs present;

caruncle barely visible.

brown, cylindric, 1.3 mm;

caruncle absent.


= 36.

Luzula kjellmaniana

Luzula subcapitata

Phenology Flowering and fruiting summer. Flowering and fruiting summer.
Habitat Tundra Subalpine and alpine bogs
Elevation 50–2000 m (200–6600 ft) 3200–3700 m (10500–12100 ft)
from FNA
AK; BC; NT; YT; ne Asia
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[BONAP county map]

Luzula kjellmaniana has light green culms, sheath throats essentially without hairs, and glabrous basal leaves that are flat toward the base and channeled toward the apex (the apex is abruptly pointed). Most seeds fail to mature.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

The rhizomes of Luzula subcapitata are stocky, and the culms have thickened, glabrous bases. The species has 1–3 cauline leaves, which are glabrous with narrow inrolled involute or revolute?? apices. The flowers are characterized by stigmas that are much longer than the styles.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 22. FNA vol. 22.
Parent taxa Juncaceae > Luzula > subg. Luzula Juncaceae > Luzula > subg. Luzula
Sibling taxa
L. acuminata, L. arctica, L. arcuata, L. bulbosa, L. campestris, L. comosa, L. confusa, L. divaricata, L. echinata, L. groenlandica, L. hitchcockii, L. luzuloides, L. multiflora, L. orestera, L. pallidula, L. parviflora, L. piperi, L. rufescens, L. spicata, L. subcapitata, L. subcongesta, L. wahlenbergii
L. acuminata, L. arctica, L. arcuata, L. bulbosa, L. campestris, L. comosa, L. confusa, L. divaricata, L. echinata, L. groenlandica, L. hitchcockii, L. kjellmaniana, L. luzuloides, L. multiflora, L. orestera, L. pallidula, L. parviflora, L. piperi, L. rufescens, L. spicata, L. subcongesta, L. wahlenbergii
Synonyms L. beeringiana, L. multiflora subsp. kjellmanniana, L. nivalis var. latifolia, L.uzula tundricola Juncoides subcapitataum
Name authority Miyabe & Kudo: Transactions of the Sapporo Natural History Society 5: 38. (1913) (Rydberg) H. D. Harrington: Man. Pl. Colorado 641. (1954)
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