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arctic wood rush

rush family

Habit Herbs, perennial, occasionally annual, usually rhizomatous, orsometimes cespitose.

densely cespitose, 5-20 cm.

round or flat.


sheaths brown to straw-colored;

basal leaves to 10 cm × 4 mm;

cauline leaves usually 2, reduced.

mostly basal;

sheath margins fused or overlapping, often with 2 earlike extensions (auricles) at blade junction;

blade flat or round, glabrous or margins hairy.


glomerules 1-3, sessile;

proximal inflorescence bract inconspicuous, brown, much shorter to ± equaling inflorescence, apex often clear, dentate;

bracts deep brown, margins dentate;

bracteoles deep brown, margins dentate.

of headlike clusters or single flowers variously arranged;

bracts subtending inflorescence 1 or more2, mostly leaflike;

bracts subtending inflorescence branches 1–2, reduced;

bracteoles subtending solitary flower 0–2, translucent, reduced.


tepals deep brown with narrow clear margins and apex, 1.7-2.1 mm;

anthers ± equaling filament length.

usually bisexual, radially symmetric;

sepals and petals similar, persistent, green to brown or purplish black;

stamens usually 3 or 6;

anthers persistent, linear;

pistils 1;

ovaries superior, locules 1 or 3, placentas 1 and basal or 3 and axile or parietal;

stigmas generally longer than styles.


capsules, loculicidal.


dark reddish to blackish, shining, spheric, 1.8-2.1 mm, usually exceeding tepals.


translucent, clear brown, broadly elliptic, with few entangled hairs, 1-1.2 mm.

3–many, often with white appendages on 1 or both ends.


= 24.

Luzula arctica


Phenology Flowering and fruiting summer.
Habitat Wet, stony places on slopes and in dwarf shrub heaths in alpine and arctic tundra; circumpolar.
Elevation 0-1200 m (0-3900 ft)
from FNA
AK; BC; LB; MB; NT; NU; QC; YT; Greenland; Eurasia
Arctic and temperate regions; tropical mountains
[BONAP county map]

Genera 9, species ca. 350 (2 genera, 1108 species in the flora).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Leaves glabrous, sheaths open; fruits 1- or 3-chambered; seeds many
1. Leaves generally with hairy margins; fruits 1-chambered; seeds 3
Source FNA vol. 22, p. 263. FNA vol. 22, p. 211. Authors: Ralph E. Brooks, Steven E. Clemants.
Parent taxa Juncaceae > Luzula > subg. Luzula
Sibling taxa
L. acuminata, L. arcuata, L. bulbosa, L. campestris, L. comosa, L. confusa, L. divaricata, L. echinata, L. groenlandica, L. hitchcockii, L. kjellmaniana, L. luzuloides, L. multiflora, L. orestera, L. pallidula, L. parviflora, L. piperi, L. rufescens, L. spicata, L. subcapitata, L. subcongesta, L. wahlenbergii
Subordinate taxa
Juncus, Luzula
Synonyms L. nivalis
Name authority Blytt: in M. N. Blytt and A. G. Blytt, Norges Flora 1: 299. (1861) A. L. Jussieu
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