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woolly meadowfoam

meadowfoam family

Habit Plants 3–25 cm; herbage glabrous or sparsely to densely hairy. Herbs, annual; glabrous or pubescent (not glandular; producing glucosinolates).

erect to ascending or decumbent.

erect, decumbent, or sprawling; unbranched.


1–8 cm;

leaflets 5–11, blade linear to ovate-elliptic, margins entire, irregularly toothed, or lobed.

alternate, simple or compound;

venation pinnate;

stipules absent;

petiole present;

blade margins entire or pinnately lobed, bipinnate, or ternate.


axillary, flowers solitary;

bracts absent.




urn-, cup-, or bell-shaped;

sepals accrescent or not, ovate, obovate, lanceolate, oblong-lanceolate, or lanceolate-ovate, 4–10 mm;

petals white, obovate, oblong, or obovate-cuneate, 4.5–10 mm, 1.6–1.8 times as long as wide, 0.5–1.1 times longer than sepals, apex retuse, obtuse, erose, truncate, or emarginate;

filaments 2–7 mm;

anthers (yellow) 0.4–1.5 mm;

style 1.5–4 mm.

usually bisexual, usually actinomorphic, rotate;

perianth and androecium hypogynous;

sepals usually persistent, 3 or 5 (4 in Limnanthes macounii), distinct or slightly connate basally, equal or unequal;

petals same number as sepals, convolute in bud, distinct, equal;

nectary glands present;

stamens 3, 6, 8, or 10 (same or twice the number of sepals);

filaments distinct, glabrous;

anthers dehiscing by longitudinal slits, introrse or extrorse, tetrasporangiate, pollen shed in single grains, binucleate, 2–4-aperturate, colpate or colporate;

disc absent;

gynophore absent;

pistil 1;

ovary 2–5-carpellate, syncarpous basally (united by gynobasic style);

placentation basal;

ovules 1 per locule, anatropous, unitegmic;

style 1 (gynobasic);

stigmas (2 or) 3–5 (dry, papillate).


schizocarps (mericarps or nutlets), tuberculate, ridged, smooth, or rugulose.



not arillate;

endosperm absent.


dark brown or gray, 3–4.5 mm, tuberculate, tubercles straw-colored, platelike, conic, or awl-shaped.

Limnanthes floccosa


from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
North America
[BONAP county map]

Subspecies 5 (5 in the flora).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Genera 2, species 8 (8 in the flora).

Placement of Limnanthaceae in Brassicales is supported by molecular and chemical data, especially the presence of mustard oils. Traditionally (A. Cronquist 1981), the family has been associated with the Geraniaceae in the Geraniales because of the similarity of habit and floral structure, especially the fruits that separate into mericarps, as do those in Geraniaceae.

Limnanthaceae are endemic to North America. The greatest diversity is in California, where most of the species of Limnanthes occur. Floerkea, with a single species, occurs widely across the continent; it is barely present in the southeastern United States.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Flowers bell- or urn-shaped (petals without marginal hairs basally); anthers usually dehiscing introrsely
→ 2
1. Flowers cup-shaped (petals with marginal hairs basally); anthers usually dehiscing extrorsely (introrsely in subsp. pumila)
→ 3
2. Sepals abaxially and adaxially densely villous; nutlet tubercles awl-shaped.
subsp. floccosa
2. Sepals abaxially and adaxially glabrous or sparsely hairy; nutlet tubercles platelike.
subsp. bellingeriana
3. Herbage densely hairy; sepals abaxially densely hairy.
subsp. californica
3. Herbage glabrous or sparsely hairy; sepals abaxially glabrous or sparsely hairy
→ 4
4. Sepals not accrescent, 7.5-8 mm, adaxially glabrous.
subsp. pumila
4. Sepals accrescent, 8.5-9 mm, adaxially densely hairy.
subsp. grandiflora
1. Petals and sepals 3; petals shorter than sepals; stamens 3 or 6.
1. Petals and sepals (4 or) 5; petals usually longer than sepals; stamens 8 or 10.
Source FNA vol. 7, p. 182. FNA vol. 7, p. 172. Author: Gordon C. Tucker.
Parent taxa Limnanthaceae > Limnanthes > sect. Inflexae
Sibling taxa
L. alba, L. bakeri, L. douglasii, L. macounii, L. montana, L. vinculans
Subordinate taxa
L. floccosa subsp. bellingeriana, L. floccosa subsp. californica, L. floccosa subsp. floccosa, L. floccosa subsp. grandiflora, L. floccosa subsp. pumila
Floerkea, Limnanthes
Name authority Howell: Fl. N.W. Amer., 108. (1897) R. Brown
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