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Lilium bolanderi

Bolander's lily

Michigan lily


± ovoid, 3.5–7.9 × 2.6–5.3 cm, 0.9–2.1 times taller than long;

scales unsegmented, longest 3–5.7 cm;

stem roots absent.

usually yellowish, rhizomatous, unbranched, 1.6–5.8 × 4.9–14.1 cm, 0.3–0.5 times taller than long, 2 years’ growth evident as annual bulbs, scaleless sections between these 2.6–6.2 cm;

scales unsegmented, longest 1–3 cm;

stem roots present or absent.


to 1.1 m, glaucous.

to 1.9 m. Buds rounded in cross section.


rounded in cross section.


in 1–5(–6) whorls or partial whorls, 3–19 leaves per whorl, ascending and often cupping stem, 1.8–7.1 × 0.7–2.8 cm, 2.2–4.8 times longer than wide;

blade ± obovate, oblanceolate, or occasionally elliptic, noticeably glaucous, margins nearly always undulate, apex widely acute;

veins and margins ± smooth abaxially.

in 4–12 whorls or partial whorls, 3–13 leaves per whorl, ± horizontal or ascending in sun, drooping at tips, 4.6–15.3 × 0.6–2.3 cm, 3.5–13.7 times longer than wide;

blade narrowly elliptic, occasionally linear or slightly lanceolate, margins not undulate, apex acute, acuminate in distal leaves;

principal and some secondary veins impressed adaxially, veins and margins noticeably roughened abaxially with tiny ± deltoid epidermal spicules, especially on proximal leaves.


usually umbellate in small plants, in large plants racemose or in 2 whorls, 1–9-flowered.

racemose, 1–11-flowered.


nodding to horizontal, not fragrant;

perianth ± campanulate or funnelform;

sepals and petals somewhat recurved 3/5–4/5 along length from base, red or magenta, occasionally salmon pink or pale yellow, with maroon spots, often yellowish on proximal 1/3–1/2, not distinctly clawed;

sepals not ridged abaxially, 3.1–4.7 × 0.7–1.2 cm;

petals 3–4.5 × 0.7–1.1 cm;

stamens included;

filaments barely spreading, diverging 0°–12° from axis;

anthers reddish or magenta, 0.3–0.8 cm;

pollen rust, orange, or yellow;

pistil 2.1–3.5 cm;

ovary 1–2.1 cm;

style green, rarely reddish purple;

pedicel 0.8–14.2 cm.

± pendent, not fragrant;

perianth Turk’s-cap-shaped;

sepals and petals reflexed 1/4–2/5 along length from base, yellow-orange or sometimes orange-yellow or orange proximally, red-orange distally, with maroon, often large spots, red-orange or occasionally red or orange-red abaxially, not distinctly clawed;

sepals not ridged abaxially, 5.5–9.3 × 1.2–2 cm;

petals 5.3–9.1 × 1.5–2.2 cm;

stamens moderately exserted;

filaments parallel at first, then ± widely spreading, diverging 13°–23° from axis, pale yellow-green;

anthers magenta or occasionally pink-magenta, 0.6–1.3 cm;

pollen orange-rust, sometimes orange, rust, or rust-brown;

pistil 3.4–6.5 cm;

ovary 1.5–2.9 cm;

style red entirely or only distally;

pedicel 11–22 cm.


2–4.1 × 1.2–2.1 cm, 1.4–3 times longer than wide.

2.8–5 × 1.5–2.6 cm, 1.4–2.8 times longer than wide.



not counted.


= 24.

= 24.

Lilium bolanderi

Lilium michiganense

Phenology Flowering summer (mid Jun–mid Aug). Flowering summer (mid Jun–Jul).
Habitat Dry serpentine soils in chaparral, gaps in open mixed conifer or Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirbel) Franco] forests, associated with bear-grass [Xerophyllum tenax (Pursh) Nuttall] Tallgrass prairies, streamsides, swamps and bottoms, moist woodland edges, lakeshores, ditches along roads and railways, often calciphilic
Elevation 100–1500 m (300–4900 ft) 100–600 m (300–2000 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

I. M. Johnston (1923) noted that Lilium bolanderi Watson was based on a mixed collection including L. kelloggii, and he argued that Watson intended the name to apply primarily to the latter species. Thus he proposed the name L. howellii for this diminutive, red-flowered, serpentine endemic. A. D. Cotton (1936) correctly concluded that Watson’s description applied primarily to the specimens here called L. bolanderi, and this view is now widely accepted.

Lilium bolanderi hybridizes with L. rubescens, L. washingtonianum subsp. purpurascens, and subspecies of L. pardalinum.

Bolander’s lily is primarily pollinated by Allen’s and rufous hummingbirds (Selasphorus spp., family Trochilidae).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

B. Boivin and W. J. Cody (1956) proposed uniting Lilium michiganense and L. superbum as subspecies of L. canadense on the basis of overall similarity, though it is now well accepted that L. superbum does not belong there. There can be little doubt as to the close relationship between L. michiganense and L. canadense, however, and vegetatively the two are often indistinguishable. Hybrid intermediates occur across a wide band where the distributions meet in central Ohio and northwestern New York (R. M. Adams and W. J. Dress 1982). It would not be unreasonable to include L. grayi and treat them as subspecies, but floral differences among the three are comparable to those between other species in the genus.

Farwell’s proposed varieties uniflorum and umbelliferum were described from young plants with single flowers and umbellate inflorescences respectively, but young plants with these characteristics are found throughout the range of this species.

Plants examined from east-central Tennessee (e.g., Wayne and Coffee counties) that were previously referred to Lilium michiganense are L. superbum in some cases, in others L. canadense perhaps introgressed with L. michiganense.

The Michigan lily often co-occurs in tallgrass prairies with Lilium philadelphicum; here as everywhere it usually blooms much later. However, it flowers earlier than L. canadense where their ranges are contiguous in Ohio (E. L. Braun 1967).

Lilium michiganense is pollinated primarily by swallowtail butterflies; in the southern part of its range these include the pipevine [Battus philenor (Linnaeus), family Papilionidae]. Great spangled fritillaries [Speyeria cybele (Fabricius), family Nymphalidae] also visit this species and carry its pollen, though it is unlikely that this brushfooted butterfly is a major pollinator.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 26, p. 185. FNA vol. 26, p. 195.
Parent taxa Liliaceae > Lilium Liliaceae > Lilium
Sibling taxa
L. canadense, L. catesbaei, L. columbianum, L. grayi, L. humboldtii, L. iridollae, L. kelleyanum, L. kelloggii, L. lancifolium, L. maritimum, L. michauxii, L. michiganense, L. occidentale, L. pardalinum, L. parryi, L. parvum, L. philadelphicum, L. pyrophilum, L. rubescens, L. superbum, L. washingtonianum
L. bolanderi, L. canadense, L. catesbaei, L. columbianum, L. grayi, L. humboldtii, L. iridollae, L. kelleyanum, L. kelloggii, L. lancifolium, L. maritimum, L. michauxii, L. occidentale, L. pardalinum, L. parryi, L. parvum, L. philadelphicum, L. pyrophilum, L. rubescens, L. superbum, L. washingtonianum
Synonyms L. howellii L. canadense subsp. michiganense, L. canadense var. umbelliferum, L. michiganense var. umbelliferum, L. michiganense var. uniflorum
Name authority S. Watson: Proc. Amer. Acad. Arts 20: 377. (1885) Farwell: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 42: 353. (1915)
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