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purple morning-glory

camote, sweet potato, wild sweet potato

Habit Perennials. Perennials, root relatively large, tuberlike.

usually ascending to erect, sometimes trailing.

± trailing, rarely twining.


blades palmatisect, lobes 5–9, filiform to linear, (3–)5–15(–25) × 0.2–1 mm.

blades cordate, broadly ovate, or 5–7-lobed, 50–100+ × 40–100 mm overall, base cordate, surfaces glabrous or hairy.



glabrous or hairy, hairs appressed.


sepals elliptic, oblong, or ovate, 5–6 × 2–3 mm, chartaceous or coriaceous, abaxial surface muricate or smooth;

corolla lavender to red-purple, funnelform, 30–40 mm, limb 20–25 mm diam.

sepals lanceolate to oblong, 8–15 mm, chartaceous;

corolla usually lavender, pink, or purplish, sometimes white, throat usually darker inside, funnelform, (30–)40–70 mm.




= 60, 84, 90.

Ipomoea capillacea

Ipomoea batatas

Phenology Flowering Jul–Sep. Flowering year-round.
Habitat Oak woodlands, plains, pon­derosa pine zones. Abandoned plantings, thickets.
Elevation 1500–2500 m. (4900–8200 ft.) 0–200+ m. (0–700+ ft.)
from FNA
AZ; NM; TX; Mexico; Central America; South America
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
FL; KS; LA; MS; NC; NY; PA; SC; TX; UT; VA; Mexico; Central America; South America; West Indies [Introduced in North America; introduced also in Asia, Africa]
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

The report of Ipomoea capillacea from Alabama (J. T. Kartesz and C. A. Meacham 1999) was probably based on a specimen of I. muricata.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Reports of Ipomoea batatas from northern parts of the flora area appear to be based on ephemerals.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 14. FNA vol. 14.
Parent taxa Convolvulaceae > Ipomoea Convolvulaceae > Ipomoea
Sibling taxa
I. alba, I. amnicola, I. aquatica, I. asarifolia, I. barbatisepala, I. batatas, I. cairica, I. cardiophylla, I. carnea, I. coccinea, I. cordatotriloba, I. costellata, I. cristulata, I. dumetorum, I. hederacea, I. hederifolia, I. imperati, I. indica, I. lacunosa, I. leptophylla, I. lindheimeri, I. longifolia, I. macrorhiza, I. microdactyla, I. muricata, I. nil, I. pandurata, I. pes-caprae, I. plummerae, I. pubescens, I. purpurea, I. quamoclit, I. rupicola, I. sagittata, I. setosa, I. shumardiana, I. sloteri, I. tenuiloba, I. tenuissima, I. ternifolia, I. thurberi, I. tricolor, I. triloba, I. violacea, I. wrightii, I. ×leucantha
I. alba, I. amnicola, I. aquatica, I. asarifolia, I. barbatisepala, I. cairica, I. capillacea, I. cardiophylla, I. carnea, I. coccinea, I. cordatotriloba, I. costellata, I. cristulata, I. dumetorum, I. hederacea, I. hederifolia, I. imperati, I. indica, I. lacunosa, I. leptophylla, I. lindheimeri, I. longifolia, I. macrorhiza, I. microdactyla, I. muricata, I. nil, I. pandurata, I. pes-caprae, I. plummerae, I. pubescens, I. purpurea, I. quamoclit, I. rupicola, I. sagittata, I. setosa, I. shumardiana, I. sloteri, I. tenuiloba, I. tenuissima, I. ternifolia, I. thurberi, I. tricolor, I. triloba, I. violacea, I. wrightii, I. ×leucantha
Synonyms Convolvulus capillaceus, 3(qto.): 97. Convolvulus batatas
Name authority (Kunth) G. Don: Gen. Hist. 4: 267. (1837) (Linnaeus) Lamarck in J. Lamarck and J. Poiret: Tabl. Encycl. 1: 465. (1793)
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