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round-fruit St. John's-wort, roundseed St. Johnswort

straggling St. John's-wort

Habit Herbs (perennial) or subshrubs, erect or decumbent, not or rarely rhizomatous, unbranched or branched proximally, 2–6 dm. Subshrubs, decumbent and woody (not rooting) at base, branching at base or throughout, 1.5–5 dm, bark thin.

internodes 2–4-lined.

internodes 4-lined at first, then 2-lined to terete.


blades narrowly elliptic or narrowly oblong to linear, 30–70 × 3–15 mm, base not articulated, narrowly cuneate to linear, margins plane to revolute, apex subacute to rounded, midrib with 0–4 pairs of branches.

blades linear-elliptic or linear-oblong to linear, 20–35 × 3–5 mm (main stem), base not articulated, narrowly cuneate to rounded, margins recurved to revolute, apex obtuse to acute, midrib unbranched.


rounded-corymbiform, 7–70-flowered, narrowly branched, sometimes with dichasia or branches from to 8 proximal nodes.

obconic, (1–)3–20-flowered, ± widely branched, sometimes with single flowers at immediately proximal nodes.


10–15 mm diam.;

sepals persistent, not enclosing capsule, 5, broadly ovate to oblong-elliptic, ± unequal, 2.5–5 × 1.5–3 mm;

petals 5, bright yellow, oblanceolate-elliptic to elliptic, 5–9 mm;

stamens persistent, 45–85;

ovary 3-merous, placentation parietal.

15–20 mm diam.;

sepals persistent, not enclosing capsule, 5, ovate-lanceolate to lanceolate, ± foliaceous, unequal, 5–8(–15) × 2–3(–8)mm;

petals 5, yellow, curved-dolabriform, 10–13 mm;

stamens deciduous, 120–200;

ovary 3-merous.


broadly ovoid to depressed-globose, 4.5–8 × 4–7 mm.

ovoid-conic, rostrate, 4–9 × 3–4 mm.


carinate, 2–2.7 mm;

testa coarsely reticulate.

carinate, 1.5–1.8 mm;

testa reticulate-scalariform.


= 18.

Hypericum sphaerocarpum

Hypericum dolabriforme

Phenology Flowering summer (Jun–Aug). Flowering summer (Jun–Sep).
Habitat Rocky outcrops or embankments, prairies, stream banks, usually wet or moist, railroad embankments Limestone outcrops, cedar glades, dry, rocky stream beds
Elevation 500–1000 m (1600–3300 ft) 0–500 m (0–1600 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from FNA
[BONAP county map]

Hypericum sphaerocarpum differs from H. cistifolium and H. nudiflorum in its semiherbaceous habit and more northwestern distribution, as well as in its combination of relatively long, narrow leaves, persistent sepals, globose and apiculate to rounded capsules, and relatively large seeds. The narrow-leaved, bushy form from eastern parts of the range (var. turgidum) merges with the typical form.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Hypericum dolabriforme is superficially similar to H. sphaerocarpum, to which W. P. Adams (1962) related it. Apart from the narrow leaves and unequal sepals, it is much nearer morphologically to H. myrtifolium (for example, in the wide-spreading inflorescence, numbers of stamens, and ovoid-conic capsules). Hypericum bissellii, described from a plant growing in Southington, Connecticut, is unlikely to be indigenous in that state.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 6, p. 83. FNA vol. 6, p. 84.
Parent taxa Hypericaceae > Hypericum > sect. Myriandra Hypericaceae > Hypericum > sect. Myriandra
Sibling taxa
H. adpressum, H. anagalloides, H. apocynifolium, H. ascyron, H. boreale, H. brachyphyllum, H. buckleyi, H. canadense, H. canariense, H. chapmanii, H. cistifolium, H. concinnum, H. crux-andreae, H. cumulicola, H. densiflorum, H. denticulatum, H. dolabriforme, H. drummondii, H. edisonianum, H. ellipticum, H. erythreae, H. fasciculatum, H. frondosum, H. galioides, H. gentianoides, H. graveolens, H. gymnanthum, H. harperi, H. hypericoides, H. kalmianum, H. lissophloeus, H. lloydii, H. lobocarpum, H. maculatum, H. majus, H. microsepalum, H. mutilum, H. myrtifolium, H. nitidum, H. nudiflorum, H. paucifolium, H. perforatum, H. prolificum, H. pseudomaculatum, H. punctatum, H. radfordiorum, H. scouleri, H. setosum, H. suffruticosum, H. tenuifolium, H. tetrapetalum, H. virgatum, H. ×mitchellianum
H. adpressum, H. anagalloides, H. apocynifolium, H. ascyron, H. boreale, H. brachyphyllum, H. buckleyi, H. canadense, H. canariense, H. chapmanii, H. cistifolium, H. concinnum, H. crux-andreae, H. cumulicola, H. densiflorum, H. denticulatum, H. drummondii, H. edisonianum, H. ellipticum, H. erythreae, H. fasciculatum, H. frondosum, H. galioides, H. gentianoides, H. graveolens, H. gymnanthum, H. harperi, H. hypericoides, H. kalmianum, H. lissophloeus, H. lloydii, H. lobocarpum, H. maculatum, H. majus, H. microsepalum, H. mutilum, H. myrtifolium, H. nitidum, H. nudiflorum, H. paucifolium, H. perforatum, H. prolificum, H. pseudomaculatum, H. punctatum, H. radfordiorum, H. scouleri, H. setosum, H. sphaerocarpum, H. suffruticosum, H. tenuifolium, H. tetrapetalum, H. virgatum, H. ×mitchellianum
Synonyms Brathydium chamaenerium, B. sphaerocarpum, H. chamaenerium, H. sphaerocarpum var. turgidum, H. turgidum Brathydium dolabriforme, H. bissellii, H. procumbens
Name authority Michaux: Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 78. (1803) Ventenat: Descr. Pl. Nouv., plate 45. (1801)
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