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round-fruit St. John's-wort, roundseed St. Johnswort

St. John's wort family

Habit Herbs (perennial) or subshrubs, erect or decumbent, not or rarely rhizomatous, unbranched or branched proximally, 2–6 dm. Herbs, annual or perennial, subshrubs, or shrubs [trees], glabrous or hairy, hairs simple [stellate to dendroid].

internodes 2–4-lined.


blades narrowly elliptic or narrowly oblong to linear, 30–70 × 3–15 mm, base not articulated, narrowly cuneate to linear, margins plane to revolute, apex subacute to rounded, midrib with 0–4 pairs of branches.

opposite [alternate or whorled], simple, estipulate, sessile, subsessile, pseudopetiolate, or petiolate;

blade with pellucid glands and/or canals containing essential oils, margins entire [rarely gland-fringed], surfaces with black, reddish, or amber glands containing hypericin and pseudohypericin.


rounded-corymbiform, 7–70-flowered, narrowly branched, sometimes with dichasia or branches from to 8 proximal nodes.

terminal or axillary, cymose [thyrsoid] or solitary flowers.


10–15 mm diam.;

sepals persistent, not enclosing capsule, 5, broadly ovate to oblong-elliptic, ± unequal, 2.5–5 × 1.5–3 mm;

petals 5, bright yellow, oblanceolate-elliptic to elliptic, 5–9 mm;

stamens persistent, 45–85;

ovary 3-merous, placentation parietal.

homostylous [heterostylous];

sepals persistent or deciduous, (3–)4–5, glanduliferous like leaves;

petals persistent or deciduous, 3–5[–6], distinct, imbricate or contorted [decussate], orange, pink, or yellow, [white, red], sometimes green- or red-tinged, [sometimes with adaxial scale], glanduliferous;

stamens persistent or deciduous, in 2 whorls, sometimes in fascicles, sometimes reduced to staminodes;

filaments distinct or ± connate;

anthers 2-locular, dehiscing longitudinally;

ovary superior, 2–5-merous;

placentation axile to parietal;

ovules 1–2+ on each placenta, anatropous;

styles 2–5, distinct or basally [to completely] connate, elongate;

stigmas minute or ± expanded.


capsular [baccate], dehiscence septicidal from apex [loculicidal].


broadly ovoid to depressed-globose, 4.5–8 × 4–7 mm.


carinate, 2–2.7 mm;

testa coarsely reticulate.

sometimes carinate [winged or carunculate];

endosperm absent;

embryo straight [curved];

cotyledons 25–40% of total embryo length.

Hypericum sphaerocarpum


Phenology Flowering summer (Jun–Aug).
Habitat Rocky outcrops or embankments, prairies, stream banks, usually wet or moist, railroad embankments
Elevation 500–1000 m (1600–3300 ft)
from FNA
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
Nearly worldwide except very cold or very dry regions; almost confined to tropics except for Hypericum and Triadenum
[BONAP county map]

Hypericum sphaerocarpum differs from H. cistifolium and H. nudiflorum in its semiherbaceous habit and more northwestern distribution, as well as in its combination of relatively long, narrow leaves, persistent sepals, globose and apiculate to rounded capsules, and relatively large seeds. The narrow-leaved, bushy form from eastern parts of the range (var. turgidum) merges with the typical form.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Genera 9, species 700+ (2 genera, 58 species in the flora).

Hypericaceae flowers are always bisexual, the anther and all or part of the filament remain distinct, the cotyledons are distinct and usually 25–40% of the length of the embryo, and specialization has resulted in heterostyly. In the Calophyllaceae, the anthers and filament are distinct, the cotyledons usually form most of the embryo and may be completely connate, and specialization has resulted in dioecism. In the Clusiaceae, which are also largely dioecious, distinct anthers are often lacking, the stamens having become more or less connate in masses around the ovary, and the cotyledons are minute or absent.

The dark red compounds hypericin and pseudohypericin, naphtho-dianthrone derivatives that are widespread in the Hypericaceae, are contained within black or red gland-dots or -lines in various parts of the plant. These compounds are photosensitizing and lead to eruptions on muzzles of grazing animals. This phenomenon is especially troublesome in dry regions where

alternative fodder may be scarce, for example, California, Iraq, Australia, and South Africa. Hypericum perforatum, which is native in Iraq and introduced in the other three regions, is the main source of trouble. Reports from Ontario indicate that field workers have experienced severe reaction over prolonged exposure to H. perforatum. Hypericum perforatum is also used privately (but not prescribed) as source of an antidepressant; the relevant active ingredients for this treatment are unknown (S. L. Crockett 2003).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Herbs, subshrubs, or shrubs; petals yellow to orange, sometimes red-tinged; stamens (5–)10–300(–650), in continuous or interrupted ring or in (3–)4–5 fascicles; filaments distinct or basally connate, staminode fascicles 0.
1. Herbs; petals pink or flesh-colored, sometimes green-tinged; stamens 9, in 3 fascicles; filaments 1/5–1/2+ connate, staminode fascicles 3, alternating with stamen fascicles.
Source FNA vol. 6, p. 83. FNA vol. 6, p. 71. Author: Norman K. B. Robson.
Parent taxa Hypericaceae > Hypericum > sect. Myriandra
Sibling taxa
H. adpressum, H. anagalloides, H. apocynifolium, H. ascyron, H. boreale, H. brachyphyllum, H. buckleyi, H. canadense, H. canariense, H. chapmanii, H. cistifolium, H. concinnum, H. crux-andreae, H. cumulicola, H. densiflorum, H. denticulatum, H. dolabriforme, H. drummondii, H. edisonianum, H. ellipticum, H. erythreae, H. fasciculatum, H. frondosum, H. galioides, H. gentianoides, H. graveolens, H. gymnanthum, H. harperi, H. hypericoides, H. kalmianum, H. lissophloeus, H. lloydii, H. lobocarpum, H. maculatum, H. majus, H. microsepalum, H. mutilum, H. myrtifolium, H. nitidum, H. nudiflorum, H. paucifolium, H. perforatum, H. prolificum, H. pseudomaculatum, H. punctatum, H. radfordiorum, H. scouleri, H. setosum, H. suffruticosum, H. tenuifolium, H. tetrapetalum, H. virgatum, H. ×mitchellianum
Subordinate taxa
Hypericum, Triadenum
Synonyms Brathydium chamaenerium, B. sphaerocarpum, H. chamaenerium, H. sphaerocarpum var. turgidum, H. turgidum
Name authority Michaux: Fl. Bor.-Amer. 2: 78. (1803) Jussieu
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