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hyophila moss, rolled-leaf wet-ground moss

hyophila moss

Habit Plants in loose or dense, dark green to red-brown or blackish tufts, dull or occasionally with a metallic sheen. Plants turf-forming, sometimes loosely cespitose, dull, green distally, red to reddish brown or dark green proximally.

densely foliate, 5–10(–20) mm, central strand strong.

erect, rarely branched, to 1 cm, hyalodermis absent or weakly present and thin-walled, sclerodermis usually present, central cylinder of thick-walled cells, central strand usually strong;


axillary hairs 6–10 cells long, hyaline.


concave when moist, to 1.5–2(–2.5) mm, oblong-spatulate to obovate, occasionally with multicellular teeth in distal 1/4, rounded to rounded obtuse at the apex, sometimes apiculate;

costa stout, prominent abaxially, smooth on the abaxial surface to occasionally roughened at the apex, hydroids absent;

laminal cells near insertion short-rectangular, 2–4:1, firm-walled, pale and brownish or hyaline, cells 8–10(–12) µm wide, in longitudinal and oblique rows, thin to thick-walled, bulging-mammillose on the adaxial surface, plane on the abaxial.

tubulose-twisted, incurved, sometimes contorted when dry, spreading when moist, commonly spathulate or ligulate, ovate, oblong-elliptic, usually constricted at the base;

distal lamina broadly channeled, occasionally concave, shallowly grooved along the costa;

base not different in shape;

margins plane to broadly incurved, sometimes narrowly recurved in proximal 2/3, entire or denticulate to dentate in distal 1/4 or at the apex;

apex broadly acute to rounded, rarely cucullate or emarginate;

costa subpercurrent or percurrent, ending in an apiculus or mucro, adaxial surface cells quadrate to short-rectangular, adaxial and abaxial epidermis present, stereid bands 2, guide cells 4(–6) in one layer;

hydroid strand sometimes present;

basal cells differentiated across the leaf to only in the median basal region, usually only in a small area near the insertion;

distal cells rounded-quadrate to hexagonal, small, walls evenly thickened, bulging equally on both sides or bulging adaxially and plane abaxially, papillae absent or simple.


6–7 mm, reddish to yellow-brown with age.


Sexual condition


dioicous or monoicous;

perigonia terminal on perigoniate plants or as lateral buds on perichaetiate plants;

perichaetia terminal, perichaetial leaves similar to or smaller than cauline leaves.


erect, 1.5–3 mm, narrowly cylindric from an indistinct neck, annulus well differentiated, red-brown, of vesiculose cells, persistent or deciduous;

[operculum erect, conic-rostrate, 0.6–0.8 mm].

long-ovoid to cylindric, operculum conic to long-conic or rostrate, peristome teeth absent.




7–10 µm, papillose.


asexual reproduction by axillary gemmae, these clavate, stellate or dentate-elliptic in the leaf axils on densely-branched stalks.

Hyophila involuta


Habitat Loosely consolidated sedimentary rocks, soft limestone, rocky riverbanks, streamsides and bluffs in shaded woods
Elevation low to moderate elevations (0-1100 m) [low to moderate elevations (0-3600 ft)]
from FNA
AL; AR; AZ; CT; FL; GA; IN; KS; KY; MD; MI; MO; NC; NJ; NY; OH; OK; PA; TN; TX; VA; VT; WI; WV; ON; Mexico; Central America; South America; West Indies; Europe; s Asia; s Africa; Pacific Islands; Australia
[WildflowerSearch map]
from USDA
Worldwide in temperate and tropical areas

Cells covering the adaxial costal surface in the related genus Plaubelia are rounded and similar to the laminal cells, being small and generally isodiametric; those of Hyophila are rather different from the laminal cells, being somewhat larger and quadrate to short-rectangular. The adaxial costal cells of Plaubelia are more saliently mammillose than those of Hyophila, but this is not always easy to establish. In the flora the range of Plaubelia is restricted to Florida, whereas that of Hyophila involuta extends from Florida north to Ontario. For distinction of Hyophila from Dichodontium pellucidum, see discussion of the latter species. Hyophila involuta apparently rarely fruits in the flora area (one old sporophyte was seen from Ohio; one fruiting specimen from New Jersey was noted by A. J. Grout 1928–1940).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species 85 (1 in the flora).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 27, p. 585. FNA vol. 27, p. 584. Author: Patricia M. Eckel.
Parent taxa Pottiaceae > subfam. Barbuloideae > Hyophila Pottiaceae > subfam. Barbuloideae
Subordinate taxa
H. involuta
Synonyms Gymnostomum involutum, H. tortula Rottleria
Name authority (Hooker) A. Jaeger: Ber. Thätigk. St. Gallischen Naturwiss. Ges. 1871/1872: 354. (1873) Bridel: Bryol. Univ. 1: 760. (1827)
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