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saw-tooth bristleweed, saw-tooth goldenbush

bristleweed, goldenbush, goldenweed

Habit Shrubs, 30–250 cm. Perennials, subshrubs, or shrubs, 20–250 cm (root crowns woody).

usually sparsely tomentose or pilose.

erect, usually much branched, glabrous or lanate-tomentose to scabrid or short-villous.



blades oblong or oblong-obovate to widely obovate, 13–35(–50) × 5–17(–24) mm, coriaceous, bases clasping to subclasping, margins spinulose-dentate (teeth in 3–13 pairs), adaxial faces glabrous to sparsely puberulent.

cauline (deciduous); alternate; subpetiolate, subsessile, or sessile;

blades 1-nerved, oblong, oblanceolate, elliptic, obovate-cuneate (often coriaceous, bases usually clasping or subclasping), margins entire or toothed, faces glabrous or densely tomentose, sometimes gland-dotted, resinous.


turbinate, 8–16 × 7–10 mm.

cylindric to turbinate or campanulate, (5–20 ×) 3–12 mm.


flat, shallowly pitted, epaleate.

Ray florets


0 or 3–25, pistillate, fertile or sterile;

corollas yellow or drying red-purple.

Disc florets


corollas 9–11 mm.

4–30, bisexual, fertile;

corollas yellow, sometimes becoming red-purple, gradually ampliate from middle, tubes longer than narrowly tubular throats, lobes 5, erect, spreading, triangular;

style-branch appendages usually triangular (linear in H. whitneyi).


apically spreading to reflexed, oblong, apices with green area 1–2 mm, faces prominently stipitate-glandular (at least apically).

20–60 in 5–9 series, recurved or erect, 1-nerved (keeled), oblong, linear-oblong, or linear-lanceolate, unequal, herbaceous distally, margins not scarious, faces stipitate-glandular (distally).


borne in racemo-spiciform or glomerate-spiciform arrays.

radiate, disciform, or discoid, in spiciform, racemiform, narrowly paniculiform, thyrsiform, or cymiform arrays, rarely borne singly (sessile or short-pedunculate).


5–8 mm, glabrous.

fusiform to deltoid, subterete to compressed, 4–5-nerved, faces glabrous, canescent, or densely silky;

pappi persistent, of 20–30 reddish brown, fine, smooth bristles in 1–2 series.


= 5 (4, 6).

Hazardia squarrosa


from FNA
CA; nw Mexico
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]
from USDA
w United States; Mexico
[BONAP county map]

Varieties 3 (3 in the flora).

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Species 13 (7 in the flora).

Hazardia is restricted to the Pacific coast area of North America from Oregon through California and southern Nevada to Baja California Sur. W. D. Clark (1979) recognized three sections comprising 13 species, six of which are endemic to Mexico. All species have a chromosome number of 2n = 10 except two: H. brickellioides (2n = 12) and H. whitneyi (2n = 8). Species of Hazardia are variable in vestiture, arrays, head shape, size, and biology (ray florets fertile or sterile).

W. D. Clark (1979) treated Hazardia as a segregate of Haplopappus de Candolle; he observed that South American species of Haplopappus probably are the closest relatives of Hazardia. Haplopappus in South America (x = 5; ca. 70 species in 4 sections) has a range of variation similar to that of Hazardia. Haplopappus sect. Haplopappus and sect. Gymnocoma Nuttall are closely related to each other, forming the core of the genus in its strict sense; sections Polyphylla H. M. Hall and Xylolepis H. M. Hall, however, may be congeneric with Hazardia, based on morphologic and chemical evidence (Clark; G. K. Brown and Clark 1981, 1982). R. C. Jackson (1979) and J. Grau (1976), more conservatively, have viewed Hazardia as congeneric with the South American Haplopappus. Jackson would further include the species of Hall’s Haplopappus sect. Blepharodon [= Xanthisma sect. Blepharodon (de Candolle) D. R. Morgan & R. L. Hartman (D. R. Morgan and R. L. Hartman 2003)] within this widely defined Haplopappus.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

1. Leaves sparsely puberulent, not resinous; involucres 8–12 mm; disc florets 9–16, corollas 9–10 mm
var. grindelioides
1. Leaves glabrous or sparsely puberulent, resinous; involucres 11–15 mm; disc florets 18–30, corollas 10–11 mm
→ 2
2. Stems glabrous or scabrous; phyllaries erect, ± obtuse-mucronate, glabrous, resinous
var. obtusa
2. Stems distally sparsely hairy or glabrescent; phyllaries recurved, obtuse to acute, glandular
var. squarrosa
1. Perennials or subshrubs
H. whitneyi
1. Shrubs
→ 2
2. Heads discoid
→ 3
2. Heads radiate or disciform
→ 4
3. Leaves 15–25 × 5–12 mm, faces glabrous; phyllaries stramineous, glabrous except minutely gland-dotted at tips; florets 4–8(–10)
H. stenolepis
3. Leaves 13–35(–50) × 5–17(–24) mm, faces adaxially glabrous or sparsely puberulent; phyllaries with prominent green apical area, prominently stipitate-glandular; florets 9–30
H. squarrosa
4. Leaves entire; ray corollas longer than involucres, conspicuous (heads radiate)
H. orcuttii
4. Leaves subentire to prominently toothed; ray corollas shorter than involucres, inconspicuous (heads disciform)
→ 5
5. Plants 20–80 cm; leaf faces pilose to scabrous
H. brickellioides
5. Plants 60–250 cm; leaf faces densely tomentose, at least abaxially
→ 6
6. Leaves thin, adaxial faces glabrate or glabrescent; phyllaries loosely woolly-tufted apically; disc corollas 5–8 mm
H. cana
6. Leaves subcoriaceous, adaxial faces densely short-tomentose; phyllaries densely woolly; disc corollas 8–10 mm
H. detonsa
Source FNA vol. 20, p. 448. FNA vol. 20, p. 445. Author: W. Dennis Clark.
Parent taxa Asteraceae > tribe Astereae > Hazardia Asteraceae > tribe Astereae
Sibling taxa
H. brickellioides, H. cana, H. detonsa, H. orcuttii, H. stenolepis, H. whitneyi
Subordinate taxa
H. squarrosa var. grindelioides, H. squarrosa var. obtusa, H. squarrosa var. squarrosa
H. brickellioides, H. cana, H. detonsa, H. orcuttii, H. squarrosa, H. stenolepis, H. whitneyi
Synonyms Haplopappus squarrosus Haplopappus section H.
Name authority (Hooker & Arnott) Greene: Erythea 2: 112. (1894) Greene: Pittonia 1: 28. (1887)
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