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grimmia dry rock moss, hair-point grimmia

Britton's dry rock moss

Habit Plants in dense to loose patches, yellowish green to dark green. Plants in extremely hoary, compact glaucous cushions, brown inside.

2–4 cm, central strand present.

2–3 cm, central strand absent.


clusters occasionally present in distal leaf axils.



loosely appressed, slightly twisted when dry, erecto-patent when moist, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, tapering to acute apex, 2–3.5 × 0.3–0.4 mm, usually sharply keeled, margins recurved on one or both sides, plane to erect distally, awns variable, short to long, smooth to denticulate, not conspicuously flattened at base, costa firm, projecting on abaxial side;

basal juxtacostal laminal cells long-rectangular (rarely short-rectangular), ± nodulose, thick-walled;

basal marginal laminal cells short- to long-rectangular, with thickened transverse walls;

medial laminal cells quadrate to short-rectangular, slightly sinuose, thick-walled;

distal laminal cells 1-stratose, occasionally with 2-stratose ridges.

loosely appressed to slightly contorted when dry, erectopatent when moist, lanceolate, 0.5–1 × 0.3–0.4 mm, keeled, margins narrowly recurved on both sides, awns 2–4 mm, smooth, flattened proximally, decurrent, costa weak, projecting on abaxial side;

basal juxacostal laminal cells rectangular, straight to slightly sinuose, thick-walled;

basal marginal laminal cells quadrate with thickened transverse walls;

medial laminal cells short-rectangular, slightly sinuose, thick-walled;

distal laminal cells 1-stratose, margins 1-stratose.


arcuate, 2–4 mm.

flexuose, 2 mm.

Sexual condition




occasionally present, exserted, oblong-ovoid, yellowish green to stramineous, striate when dry, exothecial cells thin-walled, annulus present, operculum rostrate, peristome teeth yellowish, papillose, deeply split and perforated.

occasionally present, exserted, brownish, ovoid, wide-mouthed, exothecial cells thin-walled, annulus present, operculum conical, peristome teeth yellow, split and perforated distally, slightly papillose.



Grimmia trichophylla

Grimmia brittoniae

Habitat Dry, acidic rock Vertical faces of shaded, calcareous cliffs
Elevation moderate to high elevations (200-2000 m) (moderate to high elevations (700-6600 ft)) moderate elevations (500-700 m) (moderate elevations (1600-2300 ft))
from FNA
AZ; CA; CO; ID; ME; MO; MT; NV; OK; OR; SD; UT; VT; WA; WY; HI; BC; Mexico; Eurasia; Australia
[WildflowerSearch map]
from FNA

In North America, Grimmia trichophylla is principally a lowland species, occurring in the mountains up to about 1000 m., rarely higher. In the Southern Hemisphere, it may be found up to 4000 m. In New Zealand, the species is common, and in contrast to G. trichophylla in North America, frequently bears capsules. The New Zealand plants are usually smaller than American specimens, and the leaves are frequently contorted. The nearly cosmopolitan G. trichophylla has many phenotypes, and numerous subspecies and varieties have been described. In damp and shaded habitats, the awns may be short, just as in dry unfavorable habitats at high altitudes, where stunted specimens may occur with small, short leaves and reduced awns, or even with muticous leaves. Grimmia trichophylla has frequently been confused with related species such as 36. G. muehlenbeckii and 34. G. lisae (see discussions thereunder for identification details). Robust forms of G. trichophylla have been mistaken for G. austrofunalis (H. C. Greven 1997, 2003), which does not occur in North America. Although some of those plants have leaves of equal length along the stem, characteristic of G. austrofunalis, they also have both leaf margins recurved, and the medial and outer basal laminal cells are longer and more robust than in that species.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Of conservation concern.

Grimmia brittoniae is an endemic of western Montana and northern Idaho. It was described by Williams based on a set of specimens that he collected near Columbia Falls. It grows in warm, dry but climatically moist valley-bottom or piedmont forests dominated by Douglas fir. It is distinctive and easily recognized in the field. The often extensive cushions found on rocky underhangs are a characteristic blue-green color when moist, cracking into polygonal patterns when dry. The extremely long awns at once separate it from all other species of the genus. Grimmia brittoniae can be confused only with small forms of G. funalis, which also may grow in compact hoary cushions that are glaucous green in the distal part and brown inside. J. Muñoz (2000) synonymized G. brittoniae with that species. H. C. Greven and T. Spribille (1999), however, had already demonstrated that in G. funalis the leaves are usually spirally curved, the distal areolation is 2-stratose, the proximal leaves are blackish with short awns, the margins are plane or recurved on one side, and the basal cells are linear, thick-walled, and sinuose. In addition, G. funalis is characterized by male plants growing in separate cushions, with muticous to very short-awned leaves. Male plants of G. brittoniae grow intermingled with female ones and can hardly be separated from them. Grimmia brittoniae is more closely related to G. orbicularis. The leaves of both species are similar. However, the awns of the latter are much shorter, it is autoicous, usually with capsules on arcuate setae, the peristome teeth are broad, cribrose, and irregularly cleft at the apex, and the operculum is mammillate. Although Williams originally described G. brittoniae as having concave leaves with plane, sometimes 2-stratose margins, the leaves are keeled distally, and the margins are narrowly recurved and only very rarely 2-stratose. The recurved margins, however, are only present in leaves still attached to the stems; once detached and pressed under a cover glass, the margins appear plane.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 27, p. 257. FNA vol. 27.
Parent taxa Grimmiaceae > subfam. Grimmioideae > Grimmia > subg. Rhabdogrimmia Grimmiaceae > subfam. Grimmioideae > Grimmia > subg. Rhabdogrimmia
Sibling taxa
G. alpestris, G. americana, G. anodon, G. anomala, G. arizonae, G. atrata, G. attenuata, G. brittoniae, G. caespiticia, G. crinitoleucophaea, G. donniana, G. elatior, G. elongata, G. funalis, G. hamulosa, G. hartmanii, G. incurva, G. laevigata, G. leibergii, G. lesherae, G. lisae, G. longirostris, G. mariniana, G. mollis, G. montana, G. moxleyi, G. muehlenbeckii, G. nevadensis, G. olneyi, G. orbicularis, G. ovalis, G. pilifera, G. plagiopodia, G. pulvinata, G. ramondii, G. reflexidens, G. serrana, G. sessitana, G. shastae, G. teretinervis, G. torquata, G. unicolor
G. alpestris, G. americana, G. anodon, G. anomala, G. arizonae, G. atrata, G. attenuata, G. caespiticia, G. crinitoleucophaea, G. donniana, G. elatior, G. elongata, G. funalis, G. hamulosa, G. hartmanii, G. incurva, G. laevigata, G. leibergii, G. lesherae, G. lisae, G. longirostris, G. mariniana, G. mollis, G. montana, G. moxleyi, G. muehlenbeckii, G. nevadensis, G. olneyi, G. orbicularis, G. ovalis, G. pilifera, G. plagiopodia, G. pulvinata, G. ramondii, G. reflexidens, G. serrana, G. sessitana, G. shastae, G. teretinervis, G. torquata, G. trichophylla, G. unicolor
Name authority Greville: Fl. Edin., 235. (1824) R. S. Williams: Bull. Torrey Bot. Club 27: 316, fig. 19. (1900)
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