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giant rattlesnake-plantain, goodyérie à feuilles oblongues, green-leaf rattlesnake-plantain, large-leaf rattlesnake orchid, Menzies' giant rattlesnake-plantain, Menzies' rattlesnake plantain, rattlesnake-plantain, western rattlesnake-plantain


blade usually streaked with white only along midrib, sometimes with fine white lateral veins, especially near midrib, narrowly elliptic to ovate, 2.5–10.2 × 1.3–3.5 cm, apex acute.


densely to loosely spiraled or secund, 10–48-flowered;

peduncle 7–38 cm.


lateral sepals 5.7–7.8 mm;

petals connivent, hood 5–10 mm;

lip deeply concave, boat-shaped, 4.9–7.9 × 1.3–3.2 mm, margins upright or involute, apex spreading or slightly recurved, blunt, inner surface with 4 unequal rows of glandular papillae;

anther erect, base 1/3–1/2 immersed in cup-shaped clinandrium, apex acuminate;

pollinia acuminate;

rostellar beak 2-pronged, 2.3–3.6 mm, longer than body of stigma;

viscidium elongate.


= 30.

Goodyera oblongifolia

Orchidaceae tribe Cranichideae subtribe Goodyerinae

Phenology Flowering mid Jul–mid Sep.
Habitat Moist or dry coniferous or mixed woods, in East infrequent in cedar swamps, in s Rocky Mountains confined to high elevation spruce-fir forests
Elevation 0–3400 m (0–11200 ft)
from FNA
AK; AZ; CA; CO; ID; ME; MI; MT; NE; NM; OR; SD; UT; VT; WA; WI; WY; AB; BC; NB; NF; NS; ON; QC; SK; Mexico
[WildflowerSearch map]
[BONAP county map]

In eastern North America, Goodyera oblongifolia is restricted to formerly glaciated areas.

Plants with leaves white-reticulate on the lateral veins have been described as Goodyera oblongifolia var. reticulata. This segregate, essentially coastal in distribution, occurs from northern California to southeastern Alaska and is less frequent inland from British Columbia to New Mexico and in Michigan and Wisconsin. Because garden transplant experiments (J. A. Calder and R. L. Taylor 1968, vol. 1) have shown that both reticulate and non-reticulate leaves are found within the same clone, varieties are not recognized.

(Discussion copyrighted by Flora of North America; reprinted with permission.)

Source FNA vol. 26, p. 515. FNA vol. 26.
Parent taxa Orchidaceae > subfam. Orchidoideae > tribe Cranichideae > subtribe Goodyerinae > Goodyera Orchidaceae > subfam. Orchidoideae > tribe Cranichideae
Sibling taxa
G. pubescens, G. repens, G. tesselata
Subordinate taxa
Synonyms G. decipiens, G. oblongifolia var. reticulata, Peramium decipiens
Name authority Rafinesque: Herb. Raf., 76. (1833) Klotzsch: F. G. Hayne et al., Getreue Darstell. Gew. 14: plate 24. (1846)
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